In the process of installing my Pertronix Ignitor II electronic points, I decided to take a look inside. I have some pics attached and have a few questions:
The plate below has thee black tabs on the top. I read somewhere that there should be ball bearings inside each tab. I cleaned it a bit before reinstalling but didn't see any bearings inside (they may be there but didn't see them). If they are there, should I clean under the tabs better and put some grease in there? If they're missing, what should I do?
What does the screw on the top of the plate do? It seems to pivot on a cam? As I turn it, it doesn't come out, but seems to pivot in a circle.
What is the stuff inside the spring of the vacuum advance? Also, It's very hard to push in and that normal? Also, if the diaphragm is bad, is there a way to repair or replace it?