It does have the "S" type shifter handle.
Here are my thoughts on sorting things out:
Either I replace the transmission back to an A style OR I correct the interior.If I choose the latter, then how do make things somewhat correct?The previous owner bent up the front of the hole in the transmission cover. He only bent it about one half inch, so the S-Shift lever still hits the front of the hole. He also cut away a small portion of the center console where the boot comes through. He never added a rubber boot, and just left the leather boot dangling.If I cut about 3/4 from the front of the shifter hole, will the latter (B type) rubber boot fit the entire hole? If so, do I then incorporate the boot ring used with the later 240Zs? When done, does it look ok? Could I actually purchase and install the later center console (if I can find one)?If I replace the trans back to A Type, then all should be well. Are there significant differences between the A and B Type?Lastly,What would you do? I think this car has good bones and I’d like to make it a really nice driver, so my instinct is to put it back to original A-type.