I did some exhaust work a few months ago, and when I went to put the carbs back on I accidentally attached the fuel lines to the vent on the float bowls. My dumbassery compounded when I thought it was a good idea to blow compressed air in there and clear out the extra fuel. Definitely blew the float valve. as it was basically stuck closed and would occasionally rattle open. I could start the car, but it took a while to crank over, the front bank ran lean, and I would lose power on accelerating.
Fast forward to the post rebuild, engine starts great again and the rear carb is still running bunsen blue on the colortune. I'm using this carb as the reference, and balancing the front one to match. I'm pretty new to the carb world, so I'm not sure what variables can contribute to lots of fuel at the jet. May be I assembled the mixture screw wrong? Are the two washers supposed to be closer to the bottom of the carb, or closer to the knob?