Parts Wanted: Wanted: Slot Mag Center Cap for Early 240Z
View Advert Wanted: Slot Mag Center Cap for Early 240Z Hello, I lost a center cap the other day. It was pretty beat up by the time I found it. Please help me. The caps are 3 1/8" inches and have an "A" or an "A/P" emblem on them. The caps on my car are not perfect. I would like to find one that is comparable. Thank you, Bill Advertiser Pinbill Date 03/10/2023 Price Category Parts Wanted Year 1971 Model 240z
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Dash wiring questions
Right on, thank you. I am headed out to start buttoning things up. Things are pretty clean under the dash now. Heater box is rebuilt, heater core is flushed, new hoses, new coolant valve, upgraded relay harnesses, new Zclock, new dash. Here is a little car porn.
Dash wiring questions
I am ok with the combo and blinker switch and the wiring in the tunnel area is ok too. I started the car and tested everything. It all works. I had a little scare with some gauge light bulbs that had a weak ground. Everything works. This is the flasher relay I am talking about. I didn't see it when the dash came up. It unplugged itself and I lost the wiring orientation. Bill
Dash wiring questions
You nailed it, the white wire is covered with black sheathing. I feel comfortable with all the connections in the climate control area. I need to dig for the wires that connect the dome light to the door switch and figure out the flasher on the steering column. I am ready to start it up though and do some testing. If anyone knows about the orientation of the wires on the steering column flasher please let me know. I might just try it and see what happens. Thanks again for the help, Bill
Dash wiring questions
Thanks for getting back to me. I didn't see a black and white wire. I will dig around for it. The wiring in the car is very original except for a dealer installed AC unit. The white wire coming off the fuse box, what color wire does that usually connect to? Bill
Dash wiring questions
Fuse box wiring question. It seems like there is only one way for the fuse box wires to go. I just want to be safe before I connect the battery. My plan is to attach the blue/white wire to the b/w wire on the cigar lighter and the black male bullet connector on the left to the other cigar lighter connection. Then white male connection goes to the female black on the right. Does that sound right? Car is a 1971 240z with an 8/71 build date and a short wire fuse box. Thank you for the help, Bill
Dash wiring questions
Hey Everyone, I have my new dash in and its time to connect the wires. The wires to the relay on the steering column next to the buzzer came off with the dash. I wasn't able to mark the connections. Are they directional or can I put them either way? I need to say that connecting the door buzzer was pretty difficult. Thanks for the help, Bill
Dash Removal with glove box in.
Have the LEDs held up OK? The price is pretty cheap. I am nervous that a bulb will go out shortly after I install the dash LOL.
Dash Removal with glove box in.
My new dash is attached to a junk frame for long term storage. I can see where all the screws are so it seems like its pretty straight forward. How was your experience installing the vintage dash? Is there anything I should look out for when I do mine? I want to replace the dash bulbs while I am in there. MSA doesn't stock a quality replacement. I don't want to replace my bulbs with garbage ones. Did you replace the dash bulbs? If so, where did you source them? Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. Bill
Dash Removal with glove box in.
Yes, it is a 1971 240z with a 8/71 build date. Thanks for the replies. These cars are so easy to work on. I still can't believe it. Dash is out. The clock is headed out to Z clocks next week. I am hoping to keep the dash bulbs non LED but change them out. MSA doesn't stock dash bulbs. They said they can't find a bulb worth selling. I don't want to put crap bulbs all the way under the dash. Does anyone have lead on quality replacement dash bulbs for a 1971 240z. Thanks for your help, Bill
Dash Removal with glove box in.
Hey Everybody, The Vintage Dash is going in. I wanted to wait till this winter to do it, but I started having some electrical troubles. It seems better to do everything at once and be done with it. My right front blinker is out, so the switches on the stalk are getting rebuilt. My fuse box got hot on the parking circuit. I got an MSA fusebox and updated parking and headlight harnesses. I am going to clean and inspect all the wiring and clean the light connections. First I need to get the dash out. I am everything under the dash disconnected. It is ready to except..... the glove box liner. This is my first Z. I was surprised to see how cheap it was. The glove box liner is original and in good shape. I feel like I should keep it in good condition. I removed the glove box door and trim. Then I tried to get the liner out, but stopped before I damaged it. The Climate Control cables and the wiring on the far right side are disconnected. Can I get the dash out without pulling the liner from the glove box? Bill
Voltage/ Resistance for Coil and Ballast Resistor 1971 240z
Thanks man, my son and I went for a ride up to evergreen last night. The car rode so nice. I can't believe how good it sounds. It is like a sowing machine. It always had a pop on decel a clacking clackity from the top end. It is real smooth now and the exhaust is very strong and steady at idle. I am glad the distributor took a dump. It was worth it to have Jeff at Winter Racing/ Rallye Sport tune it. I want to give one more plug for the guy because he has helped me a bunch getting the car sorted. He is a very helpful, old school guy who has a small shop and is really good with Datsun motors. I hope to drive it without incident while stockpiling parts for a glass out repaint, dash swap, clock repair, and gauge refurb. So far I have a windshield, heater core, replacement temp/ oil gauge, and am on the list at vintage dashes. Thanks again for the help. I will be back in touch when I repaint and redo the dash. Bill
8/71 SU Carb Help, Float Bowl Adjustment
Got the car back from Jeff at Rallye Sport in Westminster. It was the wiring in the distributor. While it was there he adjusted the valves, timing, dwell, ect.. It is running much better that I could have adjusted it. It was the way to go bringing it to a guy who has the touch. He has been working on these motors for a 45 years and it is running super smooth. He is a very good guy. I am very happy. Thanks again for helping me with the information. Bill
Voltage/ Resistance for Coil and Ballast Resistor 1971 240z
Got the car back from Jeff at Rallye Sport in Westminster. It was the wiring in the distributor. While it was there he adjusted the valves, timing, dwell, ect.. It is running much better that I could have adjusted it. It was the way to go bringing it to a guy who has the touch. He has been working on these motors for a 45 years and it is running super smooth. He is a very good guy. I am very happy. Thanks again for helping me with the information. Bill
Voltage/ Resistance for Coil and Ballast Resistor 1971 240z
Wow. Thanks for the detailed schematic. It is a skill trying to communicate technical information typing through a forum. I really appreciate you taking the time to provide detailed information. I can't measure the coil with it running. My meter has an auto range for continuity. I ordered a new coil and ballast resistor today and threw in a coolant overflow bottle while I was at it. I don't mind replacing 50yr old parts even if the don't fix it. LOL. Bill