I looked through the Cornell site, Enrique. Thanks for that link. It listed DOD reports for several manufacurers of vinyl care products, like Meguiars, but nothing specific to vinyl or rubber care products, like your Armor-All example. The DOD documents available for Mequiars products, for example, were all exterior wax products. The question seems to have evolved to; "If not Armor-All, then what"? Some like the product while others object. The suggestion was made to find out what is in these products, whether they contain silicon or not, and what products are available. I live in "car detail and polish land" and am fully aware of the diversity in products and opinion. My understanding of the general consensus is that silicon emulsions are common, inexpensive compounds used as replacement fillers for the natual off-gassing of vinyl. Over time, the silicon will accelerate the off-gassing process by creating light reflection and differential heating of the material - hot spots. There are much better materials (although more expensive) to use than silicon for the same purpose - replacing the "evaporated" vinyl and preventing it from drying, shrinking, and becoming brittle. These materials will allow the vinyl to expand and contract through heat cycles much better than the common and inexpensive silicon material. So here are some products I would like to know about. What is in them? One Grand Do-It-All Protectant Meguiars #39 Vinyl Cleaner Meguiars #40 Vinyl and Rubber Conditioner Lexol Vinylex Protectant Zymol Vinyl Conditioner Harly Interior Magic Lets get out the search engines and check this out. Who knows what we will find, but I would sure like to know if some of these products I just listed contain silicon emulsion. I have used the One Grand products for a while and decided to try the Lexol. I like the Lexol a little better.