Larry, I can't find the particular site I wanted to recommend as a starter, but just do a "rust removal" search and start reading about the electrolytic rust removal process. You will find that most restorers of investment grade automobiles will prefer this method. It is comprehensive and the only way to completely remove rust from a body shell such as ours. Sand blasting will pit the metal and won't get inside the chassis. Acids are difficult to remove and stabilize. There are all kinds of encapsulators, including the POR so popularly discussed on this site, but they only encapsulate rust. They do not remove it. I was a big believer in OSPHO, but have changed my tune. The cost of my dip will be $1200 for the chassis only. Doors, deck lid and fenders are extra. The company I have been dealing with is Poineer Restorations in Wauchula, Florida and their dipping facility is Revivations. Look for a big story and write-up from me in the next few months. This is what I am currently doing to my shell.