Pick up a copy of Hemmings Motor News and see if you can find an appraisor in your area. They will advertsize their credentials, but it really boils down to a matter of what you believe and trust. There are several threads currently looking for a car like yours, and evidently, willing to pay the values 2Many discussed. I personally think Ebay is a lousy place to sell a good car. You get great exposure, but I don't think the value is there. I just see too many nice cars go for cheap on Ebay. A couple of them are on now for around $5500 and have not met their reserves. Bob Zola could not sell his car and has chosen to part it. The factory restoration program was a thorough reconstruction and many pieces were replaced in the process. The Quality Control Checklist includes items like the proper tape to wrap the wiring harnesses. Those restorations should be considered by us as a standard, and when you think about it, $26,000 is not a bad price for a new sports car these days. I have only seen one of those cars and it is brand spanking new. I think they were actually more than $26,000. Finally, salt air is not the worst. My car lived all it's life in salt air. Now I won't argue that I have some serious damage to attend to, but the poor thing is 34 years old! A well garaged car will do just fine in a nasty atmosphere. Keep it waxed and clean. There are several low VIN cars living down here in Florida and they are doing just fine.