The car you describe, Zep, is what I call a "basket case" because all the parts come in a basket! I went out to find this example of what I have dealt with many times. When you look at a basket case, be aware that no matter how complete it all looks, parts will be missing. Many, many nuts and bolts will be missing. Without some sort of record of how the car came apart, you will never be sure how well it will go back together. The computer list you describe is nice, but don't kid yourself into thinking there won't be problems. Obviously, the car came apart for some significant reason and you can bet that the process of disassembling the car damaged some things. This is a restoration / reconstruction project - very long term and costly. So costly, that it is easily half as cheap to buy an assembled car in poor condition. Taking the car apart decreased it's value by 75% to the point that it is now far more valuable as parts - chassis included. Datsun Z's, on the grand scale of things, are pretty easy cars to work on and assemble. There is one hell of a lot of documentation available to help assemble a completely dismanteled car. And get it running. A Z would make a great candidate for a learning car. With the right frame of mind, one could find great rewards from such an immense project. I don't blame you for passing on this one. Just thought I would share some personal experiences.