That would be # 903 blue My take on why the original engine was replaced so quickly in a six year old car has to do with the lower numbered L24 engines. Mine are L24-2162 and L24-2338. 2796 seems high for VIN 110, doesn't it? Technical Bulliten TS70-15, dated 4.3.70, calls for a change in bolt length for the cylinder head begining with L24-4257. Then, TS70-28, dated 8.21.70, calls for a replacement crankshaft with eight counter weights instead of six begining with L24-3607. My engines have the reinforced oil pan which was a result of the crankshaft vibration issue and the three different sizes of head bolts. It may very well be that L24-2796 succumbed to the difficiencies, ie. crank or rob bearing - blown head gasket / warped head.