I thought this conversation could turn into a really nice gallery of photographs organized in a manner to help us all understand the different models and related cars we discuss. I will be happy to transfer pictures you want to include and build a photo album for all of us.
In MY gallery, the upper left heading shows a Album Gallery labeled "Early Datsun Sports Cars". These are pictures I have collected from other sites and they include some pre-war cars - roadsters. I just added some this morning.
If you like this idea, post pictures you would like to add and I will transfer them to the album. Please state a year - preferably the initial year - and full model title so that we can all have a common name to associate. If you have a better picture of a particular model, post it, and eventually we can edit the gallery for a completed album.
I propose these early cars as the "trunk" or "Stem" of the family tree. I included a Prince, Alan, as you requested, but it is a race car. We can build a sub album of race lineage, if you all like. And if you would like to create a sub album of engines, I submit this: