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Everything posted by 26th-Z

  1. I've never heard of that, Jerry. The round quarter vents to my knowledge were always an open vent to the inside of the car as opposed to the hatch vents which had a backdraft flap. I might guess that with a pressurized air-conditioned interior, the vent should be closed. Perhaps that's why the dum-dum?
  2. This is what the inside of your fender should look like. A 'v' shaped cup over the round hole. There is no top on the cup and it points up so that water doesn't get into the car. Yes, the badge is directional from side to side and visible from the outside if you know what to look for. I can't remember and I can't find a picture easily, but don't the cars with quarter vents have punched vents in the interior panels? They look just like the speaker vents but they are up at the vent hole? I thought my interior panels without any vent holes were unique to the hatch vent arrangement. BTW the flow through ventilation designed for the Z is positive pressure from the cowl and the quarter holes are the exhaust vents.
  3. And to ad that Mark Lambert was the guy responsible for inviting Dennis and coordinating the filming. I saw the trailer and it looks like the show was edited well. Should be a fun re-run of a fantastic day. Thanks again to everyone who came to the car show.
  4. Boy, has this topic been thrashed over the years. An archive search is suggested from Her Majesty. In the mean time the attached pictures should help. 'D' hubcaps, or wheel covers, came in two styles. The early style had fewer spring clips to mount the wheel than the later style. The location of the air valve hole is different between the two styles. You are reading correct information here. They were chromed with the grey (anthricite), metallic, matchstick finish that matches the grill and the tail light valance. I know we have argued about this but I'm in the matching color camp. The actual center caps with the 'D' are chromed plastic with a black matt finish paint. There are other center cap designs like the chorme hexagonal center nut you see on early domestic market cars. Enjoy the pictures.
  5. Yes, I know what you mean. Serious Series One parts are seriously difficult to find from my own Series One point of view. The series description we (knowledgable American enthusiasts) refer to is quite convenient, actually. But do keep in mind that it is a description peculiar to what was imported into America and is not consistant with domestic market models and models exported to other parts of the world. I recall talking to Pierre about the Vintage Z program when he commented that if Nissan wanted to do 200 cars that he would need 200 sets of tail light lenses, an impossibility at the time. Part differences are also characteristic of the Vintage Z "restorations". In fact several cars were not restored with their original engines. Most of the restoration candidate cars were purchased in the So Cal - Arizona area and were in pretty good shape. I have heard stories of people offering their cars to the program. I think in all cases, the body shells were sandblasted. There has been some criticism about the quality of bodywork for the Vintage Zs. What few people realize is that during the period of time that the cars were being built (May 1997 - October 1998) So Cal experienced abnormally high rainfall. Most of the body shops filled up with collision work and the focus was shifted away from the Vintage Zs. Dozens of body shops were involved in the program.
  6. Nissan did use a "consistent" model. All Vintage Zs produced were HLS30s. There is no such thing as "series 1", "series 2", etc. from Nissan's point of view. That is a terminology peculiar to the American user market. Similar to the terminology "factory restoration" which is why I did all the research back in 2004 - 2005. In 1997 there was no shortage of acceptable restoration examples. In fact there were body shells left over when the program ended. I know people who bought them. Marc Jones - Datsun Alley was one of the restoration shops Nissan USA used. Coincidently, the April issue of Old Timer magazine has an article on HLS30-13018; a Vintage Z / Z Store car in Japan.
  7. Yes, eight-year-old thread. And this isn't one of the complete threads on this topic. We have been down the road, per say, on the Vintage Z subject over the last few years! A search function will bring up all sorts of threads. But, for the hell of it, I'll clip in the summary of the research paper I did in 2005. This was right before Pete Evanow published his book; "35 Years of Nissan's Sports Car". Pete was involved in the Vintage Z program although I take issue with several of his points. I think at this point in time (2011) we are agreeing on 39 cars. I currently have accounts for 30 of them. The Vintage Z portion of the Z-Store promotion conducted by Nissan Motor Corporation U.S.A. (Nissan U.S.A.) officially spanned between May, 1997 and October, 1998. During those seventeen months, approximately thirty-seven to forty restored early model Datsun 240Zs (1970-1972) were delivered to Z-Store dealers and offered for sale. Initially, the cars were priced at $25,000. They were completely refurbished previously owned vehicles warranted by Nissan for 12 months / 12,000 miles and represented as new. Nissan U.S.A. contracted directly with a private automotive repair, race preparation, and restoration business close to corporate headquarters in Southern California for the restoration work that was to be accomplished. By the end of the program, three other restoration shops in the area became involved along with a multitude of supporting businesses and services. The cars were sold through a ten dealer country-wide network of Z-Stores. The ten dealers were chosen based on past performance of Z car sales and service and the locations were predominantly metropolitan areas in the Southern United States. The Vintage Z program was a portion of the Z-Store program; a marketing campaign designed to fill a market niche, demonstrate a commitment to consumer orientation, and promote brand identity. It could be suggested that the Vintage Z program filled the hole left by the discontinuation of the Z car until a new model could be introduced, however evidence suggests that this would be a coincidence; a result of events. The Z-Store program traces its roots to the unprecedented advertising and market positioning campaign known as the “Dream Garage” or “Life is a Journey” campaign. Initiated during the closing ceremonies of the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, the unprecedented two minute Dream Garage commercial kicked off Nissan’s intentions to increase brand identification and loyalty, respond to consumer demands, and obtain import leadership in the United States. During a period of slumped sales and fiscal losses, the $200 million campaign intended to reverse trend. Immediately prior to the Dream Garage campaign, unprecedented events took place which defied the interpretation of current market sales and offered possibilities for a promising future. After twenty years of retirement in Japan, the former president of Nissan Motor Corporation, U.S.A. was invited to come celebrate the 25th anniversary of the record selling car he brought to America. The Z car fans treated him as a national hero and made apparent to Nissan that a substantial consumer base existed for the model it was about to discontinue. The “Dream Garage” featured the spirit of Yutaka Katayama and his personal philosophy as the foundation of the Nissan brand, employing the company heritage and commitment to truth and honesty in support. From the extensions of that ad campaign came the concept to restore and sell the car which had brought Nissan fame. Reaction from the automotive press was excitingly favorable. Test drives reported high praise and a nostalgic smile from the author. The car was received very well. As might be expected from Nissan’s publicity efforts, media coverage was extensive. It was (is) no simple task to completely disassemble, repair, and refurbish 40 cars in a period of seventeen months. The lofty goal was to refurbish 200 cars in 20 months. Demand for the Vintage Zs quickly outpaced supply and efforts to resolve the issue did not help. Replacement part availability became an immediate issue. Although the program used up a significant amount of stock, a considerable number of parts were either remanufactured or replicated. Combined, the time constraint and part availability issues resulted in a controversial restoration. The quality and workmanship was good but the accuracy of unique model part features was not. In addition, certain liberties were taken with the inclusion of aftermarket products and customer requested modifications. Typically, many aspects of the vehicle restoration included upgraded specifications for performance and durability reasons. Market demand waned as the waiting time increased for a Vintage Z and the proposed price increased. Dealers simply could not promote a car they could not get. Dark clouds were looming for Nissan’s financial health and with corporate restructuring attempts on the horizon, funding was discontinued and the Z-Store was closed. Forty cars were produced and sold to customers throughout the United States. Three are reported to be in Japan. One car is in the U.K., Guam, and the United Arab Emirates each. An example was sold at the Monterey Sports and Classic Car Auction in 1997 for $33,920 with the proceeds donated to charity. Currently, examples are trading between $22,000 and $31,000. A register of Vintage Zs has been established, complete with VIN records and a photograph, on the Internet Z Car Club – www.zhome.com. Approximately two thirds of the cars are currently cataloged.
  8. I did pretty much the same thing when I rebuilt the engine for 26th. With the emissions fully removed, I used a new single spline front damper / pulley and had the whole crankshaft assembley (flywheel, clutch) balanced. I also had the pistons and rods "balanced", meaning they were all equal in weight. I think balancing was the major issue with the early L24 engines (L24 2338). Other than that, there was no reason to not put it back together stock with just new rings, bearings, and seals. I bought a Schneider cam and all new valve train with an adjustable timing gear. New head studs. The E31 head got new seats guides and valves. Instead of headers, I chose a non-emmission exhaust manifold. I don't think the exhaust pressures from the stock manifold are very different from a typical header set-up, and I already had the non-emmission manifold, so I didn't go the headers option. It looks more "orginal" that way. For carburetors I chose to retain the original Hitachi SU because they are unique early types - particular to the car - I can make a pair of SUs work just fine even though I would love a set of Mikunis. I'll be using the non-emmission balance tube also. SOunds like you are having fun and I'll bet you will be happy with the results.
  9. I have used Barr's Stop Leak in a number of cars with great success.
  10. I would also caution the novice about using claybars. The reality of it is that you are removing paint when you clay. I have always liked this site for information about car care. http://store.carcareonline.com/oversprayclays.aspx
  11. Click on the downloads tab at the top tool bar and in the file "Z documents" you'll find a wiring diagram for your car. Sould be some help chasing down your electrical / lighting issues. Yes, at least take the fuses out and clean the contacts. For that matter, clean the wiring connectors in the circuits you're having problems with. THe squealing could be that the rotor is not true and smooth. They may need to be turned, but try some anti-squeal ointment from your local auto store. Gas leak should be chased down and repaired immediately. After a rain with high humidity in the air, the car's electronics could easily be affected. Especially if the car sat out in the rain. Make sure all your electrical connections and contacts are clean and in good repair. How old are the spark plug wires? I seriously doubt that water gets in the gas during a rainstorm unless you left the gas cap open!
  12. That would be a far more accurate description, Dave. The Nissan Motor Company, Ltd parts catalog for the Datsun Sports 240Z (S30), USA and Canada lists HLS30-00013 as the first or lowest VIN for which the catalog references applicable parts. First publication was November 1969. Earlier in this thread, Carl mentions purchasing HLS30-01777 in March of 1970 which, in my mind, would cast serious doubt that HLS30-00013 was "first car sold" as well as demonstrate that the 240Zs were not distributed or sold in any sort of sequential order. And I like the North American general public description. We know that there are lower VIN HLS30s out there however we also know that they were not sold to the general public.
  13. Very nice but the "factory" is in Japan, not Ft. Lauderdale. Unless you are talking about the Griffith factory, it would be inappropriate to imply that Nissan Motor Corporation had anything to do with the conversions.
  14. Oh, you guys... that car needs thousands for all sorts of other things. It's a "barn find"! I just don't see the rust as a deal-breaker for a restoration.
  15. I don't know what the red thing rocker switch is in the console. No big deal. Nor do I think the rust pictures are a big deal. The floor picture looks pretty bad, but I have seen much, much worse. Hell. I OWN much, much worse. This whole rust thing is overrated to me. Just fix it.
  16. Thanks for the pictures, Kats! Very interesting - different material and construction technique. I would have guessed the black one is a reproduction type.
  17. Hey Carl - thanks for the references! I didn't realize how much is on-line, but :stupid: What a wonderful romp through the archive on Datsun Lane. I guess you can buy the articles individually, but I'm having a moment with it, evidently. I saw several articles I would like to have about Datsun history. And tell me more about the "First 240Z" picture! I had not seen this one before. Or am I having another moment?
  18. Thanks for all the info, guys.
  19. I believe the key to this conversation rests with the study of the North American Testing Program conducted between October and December 1969. Kats has compiled a ton of information and videos about this event and a search through the archives will confirm what I am about to say. Yes, it is very peculiar that so little information exists about the New York "International Preview". What has been very well documented is that by mid-October 1969, two HLS30 test cars had been delivered for testing purposes, the cars were silver, and the Japanese testing team was lead by Eiji Osawa and Hitoshi Uemura. It is possible that one of those cars may have been flown to New York but there is no evidence of it. What evidence does exist is that the cars were shown in a Los Angeles show early November. Attached is an article from AutoWeek / Competition Press dated mid-November. Take a close look at the pictures. That car is one of the test cars. I have heard all sorts of "information" about the preview in New York without any evidence or description about the event. And it has been incorrectly described as the New York Auto Show for way too long. We have all sorts of information about the test program, conducted at the same time, but no publicity documentation. Am I wrong, or is this "international preview in New York" just a bunch of gab and gossip? Carl, you have an original invitation, don't you?
  20. Yes, I was surprised to read that HLS30-01777 was sold in March. Does March 14th mean you ordered it Carl? Or did you take delivery? Where did you buy it from?
  21. I was just going to say but Carl stated it correctly; the New York Auto Show is in the spring, April. The October 1969 thing was not the New York Auto Show. Cool pictures from Chicago!
  22. Dear Chris: We thank you for your expression of inquiry for the Big Shake and Tsumami We are well accustomed tremour but this time was extra!!! We were really shaken, surprizingly not only well shaken but with disastrous Tsunami almost all around the shore of Japanese Islands!! It is the first time experience in my 100 years of life!!! However we were lucky enough only shaken a little bit more than usual tremour!!! And no harm only book shelf was collapsed and spred allround and the clock on the wall distorted, no harm on any body among our family of 46 memers luckyly. Even Tokyo transportation was in heavy turmoil but solved in the midnight. The real big damage were in the northern part of the main island by the Tsunami,big tidal wave!! We will know how big and how long would it take to recover!! I was quit fatal and will cause big lossof the country. We will try to help them. I thank you for your kind thought. Your friend, Y.K. From: Yutaka Katayama Please tell friends we were all safe and no injury from the shake and Tsunami in Tokyo. Thank you.
  23. Start with this web page http://zhome.com/History/ZColorGallary/index.html I'll bet you get several more pictures. Chris
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