Everything posted by HKSZ
new arrival
That's my favourite factory 240z colour, and what I hope to return my 240 back to. I call it Lemon & Lime but does it have a Nissan name? a colour number would be nice too :classic:
WTD: Suspension Strut Protective Rubber Boots
No clips in the bags, you're right they expect you to retain the old ones. Fork gaters are the rubber dust boots that cover the front suspension forks on a dirt bike, its only a guess but the nissan boots look similar to the ones I fitted on my XR 600 a long time ago, maybe $40 a pair?
WTD: Suspension Strut Protective Rubber Boots
I've got a pair of genuine Nissan boots the PO gave me with the car. Sorry Gav I can't give you the boots but can give you the part # 54055-N3700 Wow $200 sounds pricey, particularly when it won't make you go any faster and you never see them. How bout trying aftermarket MX fork gaters? steve
77z flooding out on start up
I'd start by printing a copy of the EFI Bible http://www.atlanticz.ca/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=69
C210 steering box in C110?
P/S boxes have good ratios like 2.5 etc but you will have to fit the pump because you'd never turn the wheel! The 240C had P/S not sure if it fits, but you may need to also look at getting the steering arms as they're sometimes longer than std.
280z injection into 240 with L28
The best advice I can give is to get it running while still in the 280z, other wise you could be chasing your tail when fault finding it in the 240.
R200 LSD break away torque
45 is fine for street use and won't cause excessive understeer, Generally the max you can get out of a viscous is 45. A mate of mine has had his LSD shimmed to 100lb for competition but on the street it hops and squeals just like a welded diff.
R200 LSD break away torque
Are you running a viscous or clutch pack LSD?
A question about Thermatic fans
Reminds me of a DIY show on pay TV I saw last week. His tip to find exhaust leaks was to catch the running fan blades with his hand in a glove, this reduces air around the engine bay. Would be a real HANDY tip if someone watching the show doesn't know the diff btw fixed and thermo fan
Can you check your 280zx engine bay for me ?
An electronic dizzy doesn't have a ballast resister
240Z on ebay.au in Melbourne
I know this thread is going to end in tears
What I did on the weekend
Hey James, what diff did you end up getting for your zed Steve
VQ30 DET into 1974 260z
How different is a VQ30det from a VG30det? A mates got a vg30 turbo in a 260, the exhaust wraps around the back of the block etc, does the VQ have twin throttle bodies aswell.
240K auto to manual conversion
1600's, Zed cars, 240K's its all good :classic:
240K auto to manual conversion
Cuong your 4dr 240K auto shaft will fit behind the 5 speed box without modification ( I'm assuming you've got one to begin with!)
Gas Cap Help...im missing parts!
As Alpa said its a wedge shape like an old ink eraser. Your lever is on wrong, you need to flip it over then the wedge with a spring behind it glides around the lock barrel.
need info. installing fuel inj. in 240z
Here's a pic of my S1 280zx fi loom. A rough idea of wires from ECU plug single spade. -ve coil 3 spade. acc on ignition +ve fuel pump -ve fuel pump 2 spade. both +ve battery terminal brown relay came from compartment near battery LHS 2 connectors go to 2 silver packs which control first 3 injector and last 3 injectors flat black connector goes to airmeter This is all just an educated guess at the moment, I haven't fired mine up yet!
Abolishment of the 15 year rule
Sorry guys but thats the best news I've heard today :nervous: I already own a 90's 300tt and was expecting the arse to fall out of the market this year. Seriously though I think imports should meet our safety standards regards intrusion beams, seatbelts etc the bullshit part is the people that charge $1000 just for the compliance plate :bandit:
need info. installing fuel inj. in 240z
I'll check my loom tomorrow as I pulled it all without having to make too many cuts. On the injector loom I did find numbers when I pulled back the sheaths, But that said I've been told that it doesn't matter as they all fire at once. Did you get the L28 brain?
need info. installing fuel inj. in 240z
Unfortunatly the project hasn't progressed any since fitting the motor 4 months ago!!! Let us know how you go with the wiring, I've got all the bits from the donar car as well as having a second running 280zx so I should be able to sus it out without needing an auto elec
- How Old?
Has anyone pulled one apart or have a 240 service manual? I pulled the side retainer off to adjust the inner side shaft seal and bolted it back together with the 2 metal shim gaskets. But looking at my 510 manual the R160 has the 2 shims and a large o ring seal? I didn't see this o ring on the retainer, does the R180 have one?
Puzzling Oil Leak
If it still leaks try putting a self tapper screw in the small hole near the rear pivot. You 'd be amazed how much oil sprays out, particularly under race conditions when the oil breather is restricted or blocked.
Koni Questions
Mike $260 pr New adj Koni now only come in 'special' for zeds and its about $200 to revalve up to sport.
Koni Questions
Peddars recently quoted me $260 to revalve and service my koni's