Everything posted by Yarb
Fuel rail upgrade?
IMO, the fuel gauge is a real time reference point on how the fuel system is operating.
Guidance: installing A/C into 280Z
Not sure how you would incorporate fresh air into a Vintage system. I assume you could contact them and go from there. From what I’ve read here most folks were asking how to cap it off the intake door after the install.
New/refurb Body Emblems
To add to that I was there yesterday as well and I agree they are quality replacements that come with the clips. He also has all of the braided hoses for the 240z as well. Unfortunately nothing for the 280 series yet.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Maybe it’s my eyes but is that a antenna above the gas lid?
By the way when you install it, Please leave it in there. It’s the heart of the system. Marshall on Amazon sells a nice gauge.
Please take a hard look at what @SteveJ recommends. You have a lot of trouble shooting ahead of you. As he recommended first it all starts with the fuel pressure . My recommendation is to install a fuel pressure gauge between the filter and fuel rail where you can monitor it while running. This will give you a great head start.
If you don’t want to spend that amount of money you are better off digging into your factory system and make it run as designed. It’s an archaic system that will run but needs a lot of attention and detail. Please give us more details on what’s happening and the history of your car. That will help us a lot. can you clarify what you mean by adjusting the AFM?
If you don’t want to spend that amount of money you are better off digging into your factory system and make it run as designed. It’s an archaic system that will run but needs a lot of attention and detail. Please give us more details on what’s happening and the history of your car. That will help us a lot.
Sky blue 78 280z (name TBD)
Take it to a radiator shop and have them flow test it for you. If it’s an old school shop they might be able to re-core it or rod it out. Problem might be elsewhere.
ZCON 2024
I think that’s the gentleman that lives in Ocala Fl.
75 280Z winder mechanism & release mechanism
Did the best you could with what you had to work with!! Kudos my friend
Clutch fork throw
Careful before you head down that rabbit hole. Looking at the bearing there really is just one way that guy gets pressed on. IMHO
ZCON 2024
Yea you will!!
Stuck transmission shifter
That’s good news
Dave W 1971/240Z rebuild
Holy Shiznits… My goodness that’s a batch!!
Resurrected Classics Hub Caps
I talked to Max at Resurected Classics and suggested he post these. There are two separate models available. Probably a lot of folks have been looking for a set to freshen up their cars.
Stuck transmission shifter
Did you ever drain the gear box?
Castro GTX offering a High Zinc oil
5 Gallons 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️Obviously I meant 5 Qt jug!!
Castro GTX offering a High Zinc oil
5 gallon is available on Amazon.
5 speed manual transmission identification
LSD R 200 units are extremely rare. If you can find one grab it. Not sure where you are located. Tried to look at your profile and it errored out. I have a R200 3:90 available but not interested to ship it. Just too costly.
1977 280z EFI baseline settings
Par for the course. Very common problem
Windshield washer not spraying due to electrical problem
@Dave WM
5 speed manual transmission identification
3:73 or 3:90 ratio. Not sure what the ratio availability is for the r180.
1977 280z EFI baseline settings
[2023] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
See two pics. Probably have to go to YouTube