Everything posted by Yarb
Weird hanging RPM issue
Yes Sir. I notified ZCD with the diagram and notes to pass along/add to the sales post when purchasing the plate to help others. Guess it didn’t make the press!
Parts Wanted: Tokico 15/16 Master Cylinder
Just Another Damned Z Car Project Thread
Good deal!
Weird hanging RPM issue
Here is a post that Captain Obvious contributed that fixed my same issue. I plugged both holes although only one is necessary with tapered rubber plugs from Ace hardware. Covered each with high temp silicone. These can be removed if necessary if needed. Here’s the diagram. Thanks CO!!
1975 280z 2+2 will not start
Does it have the OE pump installed?
Just Another Damned Z Car Project Thread
Have you thought about using the 15/16 Mc off the 79zx? I upgraded to the 79 booster and master cylinder on my 78. Bolted right in with clearance. The booster is the same depth but larger in diameter. Haven’t had the car on the road yet but what I’ve read it performs well.
Just Another Damned Z Car Project Thread
I used these folks. They were easy to work with. You can send them your unit to rebuild or buy theirs and send in a your core. They will also powder coat the booster if you like. Mine came back with a nice primer coat ready for paint. Very reasonable. Little over $100 a few months ago. North Power Brake Exchange, Inc. - San Jose, Ca. Phone: (408) 292-1305 Fax: (408) 294-6817 South Power Brake Exchange, Inc. - Bell Gardens, Ca. Phone: (562) 806-6661 Fax: (562) 806-3570
FS5W71B transmission identification (close-ratio vs. wide ratio) - with pictures
Nice work!
Small bolt extraction advice
I’ve used that 13/64 bit quite a few times with good results. As you mentioned centering the bit is key.
Small bolt extraction advice
CO, Is the tap size Ilisted correct?
Small bolt extraction advice
Did you give the Kroil oil a shot? If that didn’t work for me I ended up drilling it out and re- tapping the hole. Irwin 6mm - 1.00 plug tap 5mm bit Could not locate a 5mm so I used a 13/64 5,2mm
Weird hanging RPM issue
Here’s a diagram CO provided when I had a problem after blocking off the bcdd. Plugged the orifice and solved the high idle problem.
Interior 73 240Z
CO, those look like the electric mirrors off of a ZX and the joy stick controls.
Starter Motor went south! Recommended choice for 1972 240z manual tranny
Bought the AcDelco from RA. Absolute garbage. The one in the picture looks much better than what I received.
New project
I had one years ago. Put a kirker header on it re-jetted the carbs. Z1 Rocket
New weather seals question
Mark, are you talking about the 8001 sealant? We used to call that “Yellow death” in the machine shop. It’s nasty.....
Small bolt extraction advice
Pick up some Kroil penetrating oil from Amazon. I’ve tried many different products and have had the best luck with this product. https://smile.amazon.com/Kano-Kroil-Penetrating-liquid-KROIL/dp/B000F09CF4
Parlor Tricks
Mr. envy’s, when you say early 77 model do you have a ballast resistor in your ignition circuit?
KYB Strut and Gland Nut Install
Same here
SS Bumpers from Vietnam
Did you have a chance to get your bumpers mounted?
1977 280z no power on fuel pump
There are three areas you can check. The FSM has the diagnostic checks for the fuel pump circuit. Involves the afm, oil pressure switch and alternator. Chances are when the engine bay was refurbished there is an open circuit at one of those areas. The FSM will lead you through the diagnostics.
Perplexing "FUEL" light malfunction
Might be jumping in late. My new ZCD ohms out at 1.8k. The original, I have no idea if it worked when removed measures open so that’s not a lot of help in comparison other than comparing it to Dr. Dave’s ZCD replacement.
Perplexing "FUEL" light malfunction
I’ll measure it tomorrow when I get back to the shop. I’ll measure my replacement from ZCD as well.
Perplexing "FUEL" light malfunction
Ok, hope this helps. I have both the original and a new ZCD unit on my bench. Removed the original and had the tank cleaned. original unit has 4 holes on the side. Two right below the clamp and two more near the bottom both on opposite sides. The one from ZCD only has three holes on the bottom and a narrow slot on the top for the wiring. Here’s a video of my original 78 unit. Excuse the shaky hand. 208E908D-5F22-4E3F-A2E6-2CF4BDF29EAD.MOV
manual trans to auto trans swap
Hey Zed, Ken’s transmission conversion came from my 78 280. I am doing the manual conversion on mine. I provided everything for his conversion directly off of my car. The trans package was a complete set.