Everything posted by Yarb
Conflicting info on Voltage Regulator delete wiring
Not sure you should have cut the original harness without having a back up plan to go back original. Understand it’s a little too late at this point. IMHO
- 240Z SU Throttle Cable Kit
Which Oil Pan Will Fit?
Used to have one of the vintage Ansa muffler’s on one of my 240’s back in the day. Way back!!
Advice on selling Mikunis
@duffymahoney What would you say on average the cost to refurbish.
75 280Z - 5 speed swap from 81 280ZX - any catches I should be aware of?
At one time IIRC there was a chart here that showed trans/gear ratio to the color of the wheel itself. Getting old but I do remember something to that effect.
Which Oil Pan Will Fit?
I ordered the twin pipe
Which Oil Pan Will Fit?
When I spoke with Sean it had to do with the horsepower you are producing. He sent me the full race series. I had the header and collector coated.
- 240ZBUILTBYME 1971 240z HS-001063 Project Georgia
Which Oil Pan Will Fit?
Did Sean send your set directly to jet hot coatings. I found out after my set were shipped Sean mentioned them. Was able to have DHL devert the headers straight to them. Mine came out beautiful.
anti backfire valve
From what @SteveJ is describing it’s not an electric solenoid. It’s a vacuum actuated diaphragm .
Parts Wanted: Hitachi TM-1081ZB - AM Radio
Probably need to send him a pm. Or type @GoldAir. He will get a notification
anti backfire valve
Check the FSM. I’m sure it’s just jumping power to it and see if the solenoid engages.
What kind of horsepower does an RB produce?
anti backfire valve
Again there are a lot of options here beginning with checking the timing and go from there.
anti backfire valve
There could be a multitude of various issues going on. What’s your diagnosis of it being a defective valve. Need some more in depth details.
75 280Z - 5 speed swap from 81 280ZX - any catches I should be aware of?
Are you checking with the local Nissan parts guy so he can check the US & Canada?
Noise From Brake Drum
Best bet is to remove the other drum and compare left to right. If you have to remove the shoes for any reason you have something to compare to. Back in the day they used to say on drum brakes “Do one side at a time”.
Does this fit the raised deck models for the 78?
Harbor Freight Low Lift Transmission Jack
Great on lowering the gas tank, rear diff as well. Third hand as we lay on the ground!!
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Now I am wondering if there is a template out there. I just want to ghost darker stripes below the clear coat.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Hey Rob, We’re those stripes just on the left hand side?
Which Oil Pan Will Fit?
Good choice going with Jet Hot Coatings. The reviews and feed back are amazing.
Which Oil Pan Will Fit?
Or a smaller version would be a dremel with the cut off wheel and pliers!
Harbor Freight Low Lift Transmission Jack
https://go.harborfreight.com/email/2024/05/e182731-61232/ Just an FYI these jacks went on sale for the holiday. Fantastic tool to have in your garage!