Everything posted by Yarb
Z's on BAT and other places collection
The reason it says 240sx is because their automotive catalog doesn’t give an option for 240,60, or 80z. So people come up with the closest thing available.
Best Starter Motors replacement
I don’t believe it personally. Go with what you got. IMO I have a hitachi off a ZX and compared the two when I got the Chinese knock off. Just the wight difference alone is quite different
Best Starter Motors replacement
I’d do it for $150!
SU Piston Modification
@Captain Obvious One of those mysteries that we will never solve.
Gluing approach on 240z sign of glovebox
Sometimes you have to adapt and fabricate when necessary. I understand this is not the solution you are looking for. Figure out where it’s binding and make an adjustment as needed. Once you move away from factory specs customization always seems to create problems such as what you’re running into now.
Trans and diff gear oil
Red Line
Sudden Running Lean Issue
Is your temp sensor sub harness nice and clean. It’s the short sub harness going back to the ECU if you’re not familiar with it.
Original Distributer Cap Color
I personally have not seen a green cap. Interesting to know.
Sudden Running Lean Issue
That’s a good approach. One variable at a time.
[2024] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
They have a depot here in the states to keep the shipping cost down. Spoke to one of the partners a year ago before I bought mine and he explained the process. He said they wouldn’t sell many tanks if they shipped them directly from Europe.
headlight/parking light fuse heat relay upgrade
It’s listed with the led bulb conversion table
headlight/parking light fuse heat relay upgrade
@SteveJ recommended a couple of flashers required for the upgrade. Turn signal and emergency
Dave W 1971/240Z rebuild
I think you did a fantastic job friend!!
Restoration of BringaTrailer 240z - HLS30-35883
Hey It happened to me about 40 years ago and it raked across a brand new hood and paint job. Very sick feeling!☹️☹️
I thought I was done with Z cars
Awesomeness!! I live 30 minutes away!!
Sudden Running Lean Issue
The regulator is bypassing the fuel back to the tank. The motor doesn’t control the pressure so to speak. There’s multiple parameters regarding fuel pressure.
Sudden Running Lean Issue
These systems are very old and antiquated. IMO the pressure will regulate. As long as you are within the range I wouldn’t worry about it. Did you install the gauge permanently in the system where you can monitor at all stages and heat ranges?
Sudden Running Lean Issue
IMO Install a fuel pressure gauge between the filter and metal fuel line. You can monitor pressure at any given time to give you clues moving forward.
Dave W 1971/240Z rebuild
@grannyknot Just looked. Are they still available looks like you have stuff from ZCD as well.
280ZX parts in Lynnwood WA
Somebody grab that booster!! Very Rare bird.
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
My local dealer searches the USA and Canada. Shipping doesn’t cost me anything and they nock 20% off.
- L20b Cody's Goon
- L20b Cody's Goon
Hoping for some help on an old topic - Combo Switch
You are the guru my friend
Dave W 1971/240Z rebuild
Out of Curiosity what is the temperature in your part of the world?