hey gang, recently re-aquired my first car (78 z 2+2 manual). it ran a little choppy until I replace the air flow meter and ran great for a week, then choppy again. Since the AFM was from a junkyard in AZ, i again assumed that was the issue.
...Log story short - I decided to purchase the FAST EZ EFI system from z-car depot, also replace the exhaust manifold (rusted and cracked), powercoated the valve cover and intake manifold, deleted and plugged the egr...blah blah blah.
Now, with everything installed and new ecu wiring harness and sensors, it idles great, all readings look fine <attached pic is warming up>
Once it warms, if I touch the throttle, it wants to stall and I hear a small hiss. IF i hold throttle far enough to not stall, say 1400 rpm's, the Air Fuel ratio drops way too much.rather than increasing as it should i.e. 8 or less.
fuel pump and pressure regulator are not that old. fuel clog?