Muzez started following Pass Side Wiring Harness Removal , original blue engine paint colorcode? , Replacement Windshield Options and 1 other
Replacement Windshield Options
Hi @Datsun rescue interested. I will PM you. Based in Chicago though so shipping might be a non-starter. @cgsheen1 got the same feedback on Pinkerton. Painter called about 5 local distis. Pinkerton stopped producing these windshields for COVID and either have not yet resumed because they are low production, or they fell off the roadmap due to the system issue you mentioned. Either way, no one could find in the Midwest has stock or has been able to get it since 2020. @Route66 will check this out @cgsheen1 @zKars& @grannyknot good recommendations in case I do this again one day. TY!
Replacement Windshield Options
Painter's feedback pre removal was that glass gets brittle over time and "We are going to try to remove it, but given the age and a small chip its likely it may break. I will not warranty the glass so its up to you if you want to do it yourself or have us do it." It came out smoothly but didn't go back in as well. He is going to comp the labor for removal and install, but I am covering the materials.
Replacement Windshield Options
Hi Guys, 1977 280z. Paint shop broke my windshield on the reinstall so I am searching for a replacement. Where do you guys normally get your replacement glass from? A saw that Zstore has one for ~$500 delivered, ZCar has a Polycarbonate option for a little more, and JDM does a local pick up option for around $400 but CA only. Is that normal? And are there other places to look? Painter mentioned that he had some local distributors he is going to get some quotes from, but that he was skeptical. https://www.thezstore.com/product/4901/oem-quality-tinted-windshield-70-78-240z-260z-280z-coupe https://www.ebay.com/itm/304775098526?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=304775098526&targetid=1645685073768&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9016897&poi=&campaignid=20133407470&mkgroupid=147476396765&rlsatarget=pla-1645685073768&abcId=9312979&merchantid=8504304&gclid=CjwKCAjw-7OlBhB8EiwAnoOEk2I8kCJA54WyqrCDgYvSIV9xPVDLgj9dsemgRM8NPNfh84dU-q6qnRoCYAcQAvD_BwE
1977 280z Light Restoration Project
Guy came back with a range of $3-5k so I am going to call a few machine shops over the next couple of weeks. May need to lean on you guys the next couple of months in diagnosing what I am seeing. Kinda excited to try this myself. But also immensely nervous haha. But first step in removing the EGR pipe. That's the project for this weekend. Got my map gas and a 24mm wrench so now its time for some heating and hollering. Does anyone know, can you get replacement pipes for the EGR system if I end up needing to cut it?
1977 280z Light Restoration Project
Thanks guys. That was my gut feel too. Will take a look first. May need your help deciphering what I am looking at first. Any tips on getting the EGR connector from exhaust to intake disconnected? Been dosing with CRC Freeze off and penetrating oil for a week. Tried heat but will try again. Is it possible to buy a new pipe if I need to cut it?
1977 280z Light Restoration Project
Quick update and a question Good News! Car has finally gone out for paint after 2 years of delays from the first shop I was trying to work with. Feels great to have some progress and to have the garage clear to work on the engine. While I have the engine out, I wanted to do a little clean up on it so I started disassembly this week. Need to fix a snapped exhaust stud (damn #6) and 2 other broken bolts. While I have it out, I was thinking about having the head gasket replaced because I have a little oil leakage from the front of the head. Compression is still good, but more of some preventative medicine. Advice question: I reached out to a local Z mechanic for machinist recommendations of a me. He mentioned that since the engine is out, it should get a rebuild or at least at minimum complete disassembly for inspection, proactive bearings replacement, a few other things. I was kind of surprised given the car ran well and has only ~40k miles. Does that make sense for you guys? I trust this guy, but I am new to all this and don't know what is considered normal maintenance on an almost 50 year old car. Hes prepping a quote but I am worried it is going to be big$ @Zed Head @siteunseen @EuroDat @wheee!
1971 HLS30-14938 "Lily" build
@Patcon when you are done and an expert, come up to Chicago! I got a z that could use some love and can arrange for unlimited beer of your preference. 🙂 Seriously, coming together nicely!
77 280z Restoration
The hypothesis we had when messing around with it was that it might be to keep dirt/grime out of the bushing/bushing holder that is behind it. Mine came with on on RHS too.
77 280z Restoration
You know me Zed, I love to know the "Why".
77 280z Restoration
Any idea the. Pros/cons of that option? I get a little clunking from my diff and would love to reduce it, though I would be a little worried about vibration coming into the chassis.
Pass Side Wiring Harness Removal
Thanks Steve! You are a hero. Had the the same idea with the snap ring pliers, just haven’t been able to find my set haha. Will give another look tomorrow morning and if I can’t find them, I will try the needle nose again.
Pass Side Wiring Harness Removal
Exactly, thanks Dan. I tried using the screwdriver but no luck. Do I need to do screw drivers on either side? Is there a tool I can buy that makes it easier?
Pass Side Wiring Harness Removal
Pass Side Wiring Harness Removal
Anyone have any advice on how to get this blue connector out from the passenger side wiring harness holder? I have been working on this for 20 minutes or so but I can’t get it out. I tried using a set of needle noise plyers to get play in the plastic, but it’s pretty rigid. Pretty sure I am going to destroy it getting it out. Any advice? Is there a tool for this?? -muze
1977 280z Light Restoration Project
Hey Guys, Got most of the wiring undone in the engine bay and am almost ready to send this thing off to paint. Two questions: 1. What is the best way to get this harness through the firewall? Or is it easier to pull the connectors in the cabin through the other way? Haven’t started trying to take the old rubber seals off yet because I am sure they are going to disintegrate the moment I do. Also, do they make replacements for these or is there a good substitute? 2. Any idea what this vacuum line goes to? And can I remove it and reinstall it from here? Or will it require removing the dash to reinstall?