Everything posted by red67
KONI Sports for Classic Z's
Did you do any bushings??
KONI Sports for Classic Z's
So @advin, did you have any issues with fronts? Which gland nut did you use?
KONI Sports for Classic Z's
Did you do that with a grinder, or belt sander? Whatever, nice job!
KONI Sports for Classic Z's
Joseph, thank you for the explanation. Since I have an 8/71 car(Madkaw 9/71), I think I’ll wait to hear Lee’s remedies, before pulling the trigger, that is unless there is a “Black Friday” sale planned!
KONI Sports for Classic Z's
So @madkaw did you get your gland nut issue solved? What springs are you running?
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Awesome! I have downloaded the manuals, and will put it in the slot! Thank you!
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Thank you everyone, job done! Pinion seal and O-ring are in. Everything cleaned up hopefully as you said it was the pinion shaft seal that was leaking. One question the metal tab with M6 bolt, looks like it should go in the slot on the top of the adapter. Mine was all the way in, and that’s the way I replaced it. But should the tab be in the slot? Follow? The other areas discussed look more like sweating, than a leak so I cleaned it up and let it go for now. Thank you again!!!
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Ah, thank you! See from my pic, it seems to be leaking from above this point too. Like around the shifter area. What could be leaking there? One thing leads to another. Thanks again!
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
How do you remove the adapter from the transmission? Do you just put a channel lock on it and twist? Should it Just pull out? Could be leaking where the cable screws onto the adapter? Thank you!
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
No worries, thanks @EuroDat
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Back to my leaky speedo, can I change the seals under the car, or does the cable have to come out? Thank you!
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Got it! Thank You!!! When I remove the cable, will trans fluid come out?
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
OMG, Thank you! What a great place! @Zed Head yes, PO told me, the owner of the shop that worked on his Z, called him one day, and said I just acquired a rebuilt 5speed that would be perfect for your car. Do you want it, and he said, hell yes! I have the original 4speed trans too. @siteunseen Thank you, That's one of them, but didn't @EuroDat post call for two washers?
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Blown away! Thank you, thank you! I think fluid was a bit low from speedo leak, and was quite nasty. After leak fix, it’s on to Diff. Fluid change, what juice do you recommend ? Thank you, again!
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Changed trans lube today! What a difference! Used 2qts AC Delco 10-4014. No problem downshifting now. Thank you! What I did discover, was the speedo cable connection appears to be leaking. How do I correct that issue? Or should I start a new thread?
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
@cgsheen1, consider it done! Thank you! Will report back with results. picking up fluid(AC) tonight. Hopefully change tomorrow!
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Will do, thanks guys!
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
So today, with engine off went thru gears, with no problem. Weather would not permit a drive, so I didn’t start it. Thanks all for the help. How many quarts do I need. I know...search.
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Thank you, I'll give that a try, and report back.
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Does not seem to be a sloppy shifter, but when I get home I'll Try.
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Goes into reverse easily! First is only issue. No grinding, just won't go in.
Trouble Downshifting to First Gear?
Newbie here. I recently purchased a 1971 240Z with a later model 5-speed trans.. Shifting into first is somewhat of a crapshoot, sometimes no problem, and more often it just does not want to go in, period. I've had to take off in 2nd, if I'm at a light, which I do not like to do! I've done some searches, and come up with bleeding slave units and such. Just thought I would bounce it off you guys, before I started. Thank You!
Does anyone have these for sale, or know where to find ?
The reason for the original question. This is what I bolted to those three captured nuts. Probably should’ve started a new thread, but since it started here, I’ll let you guys see it first. Not a fan of any of the currently available front spoilers. IMHO, they ruin the Ferrari-type look. Wanted something subtle but functional, so I had this made up. Gauging interest?
Does anyone have these for sale, or know where to find ?
The three captured nuts, on the bottom of the lower radiator support, that the splash shield would attach to. Got ‘em M5-.08
Does anyone have these for sale, or know where to find ?
The three captured nuts, on the bottom of the lower radiator support, that the splash shield would attach to.