Cecil dropped by the Z Club coffee meet in south Austin and mentioned that he had some parts he wanted to get rid of. I didn't recognize him at first, but it turns out he helped a friend of mine build his ITS car in 1999-2000 and I took pictures of his car a few times at TWS. I thought some others in the club were going to chip in on the deal, but nobody did, so I ended up getting all the parts myself. I thought about investigating going into production on this, but I was unsure of demand and if it would be worth the time and up front investment for material. It was much easier for me to get aircraft aluminum, lexan, and other composite materials when I lived in Houston. I knew right where to go to get what I needed. With the large MRO and military presence in San Antonio, I should be able to find suitable material there. It seems a bit more difficult / expensive to get this kind of stuff in Austin. If one of the folks here really wants to go with this, the templates are available if they want them. Send me a PM or an email. I have plenty of other things to do, so if someone else wants to take a crack at it, it's fine by me. I don't want an arm and a leg, but I did pay for these. I would like to get something back out of them.