Hello from Windsor, Ontario Canada
I purchased a 1973 240z, pretty clean car in Monterey, Ca and need some work done before it can be transported home. The previous owner had the engine & tranny pulled to repair rust around the battery tray, then planned to paint the engine bay and car. I've owned a few Zs in the past and it's certainly to my advantage having someone who's very knowledgeable with these, not someone who cannot identify where some of the parts go. I'm looking for someone who has the ability and facilities to get the car operational, basic installation. In order for a transport company to ship it, it has to start, stop, and drive on & off a trailer.
Before spending money on installing, I'm looking for leakdown and compression test numbers. If they are good, air losses under 20%, I'll look at changing the tranny input and output shaft seals, along with the crank rear main seal, inspection of clutch and other recommendations are welcome. I do have a list of items I'd like changed or looked at.
Best way to contact me is cell message but is posting a cell number allowed?