Do you recomend these cams (Comp Cam)?
Sorry I wasn´t clear. Still have a lot to learn. Thank you
Do you recomend these cams (Comp Cam)?
@Zed Head well, as I said, I was just looking at options in case I realy need to do something about the car´s cam. I haven´t even disassembled the engine yet but have been buying parts here and there (new water, oil and fuel pumps, timing chain kit , gauge senders, etc as well as a rebuilt 280ZX distributor and a brand new Holley 390 4bbl carb and Arizona Z manifold) My aim is to build a reliable, responsive daily driver (even if it won´t be driven daily) rather than a high performance or racing car. And yes, I´m aware tha it´s not the only thing I´ll have to purchase and that´s also part of why I´m buying parts before taking the big steps.
julitoMX_1964 started following Hatch Emblems , Do you recomend these cams (Comp Cam)? , Question about 4 bbl carbs and 3 others
Do you recomend these cams (Comp Cam)?
Hello and Greetings from Mexico. The other day I came across this on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/COMP-Cams-84-123-6-Camshaft-260S/dp/B005H89VY6/ref=sr_1_27?keywords=Comp%2BCams&qid=1672171010&rnid=2941120011&s=automotive&sr=1-27&th=1 And was wondering if it´d be suitable for my project (´72 240Z, automatic and pretyy much stock in most ways), as you probably know here in Mexico brand new aftermarket or OEM cams are extremely hard to find so I´m curious to see if any of you have had experience with this brand/model, can you recommend them in terms of quality, , performance, etc Thanks in advance
Question about 4 bbl carbs
Hello, greetings, i hope everyone is doing fine. I have a question, well, actually a request and a question, first the request (to the administrators of the forums), since the 4 barrel, downdraft adaptations are not that rare among S-30 enthusiasts, wouldn´t it be nice if they could have a dedicated subforum just like the SU and Mikuni ones? and for my question, I have plans to install an Arizona Z car manifold and a Holley 390 in my ´72 240 (the rest of the engine will be left pretty much stock) Will the mechanical fuel pump provide enough fuel for the Holley? or should a switch to an electric one?(obviously with the correct specs) Thank you in advance
Mph convert to Km/t
Fiberglass glove box
That´s great! In the meanwhile, Seppi72 could you also provide me with the measurements? Thanks in advance.
Fiberglass glove box
Thanks! Iwas thinking PS because the machine I can make these tests with is not a fully professional or industrial grade one, it´s mainly for decorative crafts and stuff like that, but I can have access for free and can do some experiments. I´m not sure if it´ll be strong enough for ABS (if the sheet is thin enough, maybe, I don´t know)...and even if it wasn ´t or for some other reason I had to settle with PS, I was thinking about reinforcing the piece afterwards with fiberglass for example. Maybe the thermoformed piece can serve as a mold for actual fiberglass castings? Anyway this will be trial and error...and basically for the fun of it.
Fiberglass glove box
@Seppi72 I didn´t mean polistyrene (the white porous stuff that ´s used in packaging, etc..) but styrene plastic, the material most car and airplane models are made of. I think each material goes by diferent names according to each country. Anyway I´ll be very grateful if you can supply the measurements. I really don´t know if what I intend to do will be succesful so I can´t make any promises, , but I´m willing to try and report back here what the results are. Obviously if the benefit can be shared with others all the better.
Fiberglass glove box
@Seppi72 Hello, my 72 doesn ´t have the glove box insert and I was also looking at alternatives other than the aluminum or cardboard ones, but instead of fiberglass I was thinking that since I have access to consumer grade thermoforming equipment I could try it with styrene sheets or laminated PVC which I can easily find in local crafts stores, but I would need a (more or less) complete piece or object of simmilar size to use as a mold or pattern. Do you think you could take some mesaurements of your cardboard insert and post them here? It doesn ´t have to be super precise or of every shape and angle, just the most general outline measures so I can make a mock up and mold the piece (or pieces) from it.
Ignition coil specs for 240Z
Thank you! Great Info!
Ignition coil specs for 240Z
No. The distributor is still the old point and condenser one. I relly don´t know why they discarded the ballast resistor. I removed the coil and oddly there´s nothing written on it, no brand name, model number or any other indication (for instance, wheter or not it has an integrated resistance, etc) I just got a new one that seems to match the factory specs and a new ballast resistor. I ´ll connect everything as it should (by the way, does anybody have a simplified coil/resistor/distributor diagram? I have the FSM butsometimes it gets a little confusion for me) Interesting that you mention the ZX distributor swap, latter down the road I hope to switch to an electronic ignition system and it seems like a fool proof option (if I can find one in good shape), if I can´t do that, maybe the 123 Ignition one? The pertronix adaptation is out of the question since it doesn´t seem to work with automatic transmition cars like mine (Am I correct on this?)
Ignition coil specs for 240Z
Thanks! Indeed my plan is to use a Ballast resistor, now I´ll check if they just disconnected, bypassed or cut any wires when they put that old coil. I´ll let you know how it turns out!
Ignition coil specs for 240Z
Hello everyone, greetings from Mexico City. My 240Z has been stored for a number of years and I´m decided to finally start working on it (a number of personal issues had prevented it so far) I have another post with its presentation in this club and received great feedback and some nice tips regarding a first restart of the engine after years of inactivity. Among the things I´m planning to do is an engine tune up and connect everything as the factory indicated. The engine is pretty much stock but it seems a couple of things have been fiddled with (for example, there is no ballast resistor, it seems to have been removed, a couple of wires are disconnected, etc) At some later point I intend to switch to an electronic ignition but right now I just want it to start and run on factory specs in order to diagnose the engine´s condition as precisely as possible. I already have the usual parts; points, condensers (the car is automatic), distributor cap and rotor , new ballast resistor (rated at 1.5 Ohms I think) spark plugs, spark plug cables. I still haven´t bought the ignition coil tho, and here´s where I´d appreciate your advice. Of course there are a lot of places, stores, on line sellers, etc where one can purchase an ignition coil for this car...but it caught my attention that most vendors either don´t publish the coil´s technical specs (most times it just states wheter it will or won´t fit your car model) or when the specs are available, they are not what the FSM indicates. The FSM indicates a Primary Resistance of 1.5 to 1.7, a Secondary Resistance of 9.5 to 11.6 and a 1.6 Ohm external resistor. So my actual question is the following; I was browsing through some local sites that published their coils´specs and found a local brand with a model that has a Primary Resistance of 1.6, a Secondary Resistance of 9.5 and require an external resistor of 1.35 Ohms, the application list says it´s meant for older Ford and GMC V8 engines (the Datsun Z cars were never sold in Mexico at that time) My question is: Would this coil work for my 240Z? Also I found the specs for the Duralast C831 at the local Autozone site and are as follows: Primary Resistance of 1.1 to 1.9, Secondary Resistance of 7.5 to 13.0 and no mention of an external resistor, and its supposed to fit my car according to them. Would this be also a reasonable choice? I really don´t need right now the best brand or model, the highest performance or even durability, I just need the car to perform within "normal" conditions in order to decide what or how much work the rest of the engine needs. What do you think?
Hatch Emblems
Thank you!
Hatch Emblems
Hello everyone. I have almost the same problem with my ´72 240Z, but in my case it´s regarding the side fender DATSUN emblems. they filled the holes when they painted the car years ago and recently I bought a pair of new emblems. The paint itself is in good condition so I´d prefer not to have to sand the area to locate those little holes. I hope somebody can help me. Thank you in advance.