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  1. RAZ1 replied to Chris'sZ's post in a topic in Introductions
    Chris, there is a Z club in Albuquerque. Our monthly meeting for September will be on Thursday the 14th starting at 6:30 pm at the Country Kitchen on the corner of San Pedro and Menual (same lot as the Mall) PM me if you want to talk before that. Art
  2. RAZ1 replied to westpak's post in a topic in United States
    That would be in Orlando
  3. RAZ1 replied to naviathan's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm confused? This guy is tailgating a slow driver in the left lane and you pass both in the right. I see no fault here. Happens all the time in New Mexico. This guy then catches up with you and starts to tailgate you in the right lane? If so, that guy is a jerk. Tapping the brakes has always been my way of telling someone nicely to back off. I see no fault here. Slowing down to 35 and letting him pass you so you can catch back up to him is where you might now be taking it a little too far. All of this is of coarse, if you were in the right lane throughout this entire episode. If you were in the left lane then it is your fault. Beware though. I have a friend, he's about 6'2" - 260lbs and carries a gun (permit and all). One day a guy cuts him off and then this same guy gets pissed at my friend for no reason. This guy gets next to my firends truck at a light and starts telling him off. My friend (a very calm guy and someone you want to have on your side if you are ever in a bar fight) tells him to follow him (he was on the way to the toy store to get his kid a birthday gift). This guy follows him and my firend calmly pulls into a parking slot at the store and this guy drives up and blocks his truck, jumping out of his car yelling at my friend. My friend gets out of his truck looks at the guy, pulls his gun, points it at him and says "bang, your dead". At which point my friend lectured him about acting crazy in New Mexico and that at any given time you never know when someone will pull a gun on you. After my friend finished explaining the finer points of driving manors, he layed the gun down on the hood of his truck and asked the guy if he wanted to settle this the old fashioned way, and of coarse the guy got out of there real quick. I have a feeling that guy sh!t his pants.
  4. RAZ1 replied to RAZ1's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    The car was decent. Good glass and sheetmetal. Floorboards had some rust. The motor was complete with the flattop carbs. Interior was toast and it had four chrome rims to go with it. I just don't have the space to keep these kinds of Z's so I gave it to guy who was willing to tow it away after I had taken what I wanted.
  5. RAZ1 posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Someone called me the other day and asked if I wanted a 240Z parts car. All I had to do was go get it. It was about 7 miles from my house. I pulled the exhaust off it and found that it was a true dual exhaust. Does anyone here recognize this setup or is it a custom job. I plan on having it soda blasted and using it on the 240 down the road. The only thing I will change is the mufflers. Thanks in advance.
  6. I had first-hand knowledge of the "other" incident and I believe this has nothing to do with that kind of garbage. I didn't know Carl that well (never got on his bad side), but he emailed me often about the magazine and Z's. He was also the first to notice problems with the "other" incident that helped me to put the puzzle together. When you say he was a no bull kind of guy, you are correct, he could see the bull coming and wasn't afraid to point it out. I don't often post on this site, but I'm here everyday and I will surely miss his presence.
  7. Ron, we want to do a feature on your cars. I know you have the Z and the rodster. Do you also have a 510 as well? If so I think it would make a great cover shot using all three. I think we have a pro photographer in the SoCal area. I'm not sure what issue it would be in, but I will campaign for it to be in either the second or third issue. Get back to me on the third car. Art
  8. RAZ1 replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    rdefabri, We stopped processing orders a month ago and did not charge anyone for the Summer 2006 issue. We couldn't charge a cc for something that doesn't exist. You can order the Fall issue of Nissan Sport when it becomes a back issue. I can already tell you that the editor for vote yes and it doesn't matter to me if it runs. All it will take is one more vote of yes and it will be in. Mike, we are still running the "Best Pose" story in the Fall issue of Nissan Sport. Look at it as starting off with a bang. 1 Bravo 6, we are not in the newstands overseas but the largest number of overseas SZM subscribers come from Australia. Japan is second.
  9. RAZ1 replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    rdefabri, your wife and car will be in the Fall issue of Nissan Sport. But I did tell you that it might be hard for us to publish the picture that won.You told me that you would send some more pictures, but I never recieved any. You still have time. I will show the winning image to the rest of the team here and they can vote whether the image stays or goes. Because there is no Summer issue of SZM, all articles moved to the Fall. No matter what, the article on the contest will be in there even if it's not the exact image that won.
  10. RAZ1 replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hi Michael, yes we plan to cover the SX line, Sentras, Skylines, Roadsters and 510's. The funny thing is, when we first started SZM, I tried to get the roadster and 510 crowd into the magazine. I called writers, contacted websites asking people if they were interested in writing articles for these cars. And to my surprise they all said no thank you and good luck. My goal was always to bring in the older Datsun cars, but it was hard to do without the support of the community. We want to do it now because we think it's the right thing to do. if you think the Z community is small, the 510 and Roadster crowd is microscopic in comparison. But that's not a reason not to include them in the new magazine. Montezuma, that's the great thing about living in to good old US of A. You have the right to vote on it. If a club doesn't want to be a member that is ok with us. We never try to force any club to do something they don't want to. I will contact a club once or twice to see if they are intrested, after that they will never have to worry about me hounding them. if I were at your meetings I would have said don't join even if one person was against it. This program is a support issue. But there is one thing I don't like and that is a double standard. A club (and I belong to one) has no problem taking membership dues from a member they wouldn't know if they were standing in front of them every year when it comes time for renewal. Chances are a certain few have never been to an event or meeting but the club is willing to take their money and spend it anyway they see fit. So that to me is more about taking money from someone and offering nothing in return. I'm getting off subject. This is an issue that bothers me with or without a magazine.
  11. RAZ1 replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    TexasZ, you can still get SZM back issues. Just go to www.nissansportmag.com and go to the order page.
  12. RAZ1 replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    David, since you have a first class upgrade and now that we will be polybagging the new magazine, 1st class mailing will not be needed. To make up the difference we will be extending your subscription a few issues. The good thing for everyone now is that they all will receive the magazine in a protected plastic bag. It also means that we have a few issues to show you that we will still be commited to the Z. Art Singer Associate Publisher Nissan Sport
  13. RAZ1 replied to jmark's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    For the guys that know me, I'm not going away anytime soon. So if you thought this was the best chance to get rid of me, you are sadly mistaken. . On a serious note, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to PM or email me. Art Singer Associate Publisher Nissan Sport
  14. RAZ1 replied to OneWickedDatsun's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I happen to have an extra JTR manual. If you want it let me know. I think they sell for $40+ bucks. I'll sell it to you for $10.00 plus $2.00 shipping. Just PM me if you are interested.
  15. Sorry guys, if I hadn't mentioned the quoted debate/discussion in my post (Carl picked up on it quickly) this might have been just nice remarks about a very good looking setup. Steve mentioned the Mark thing so he is well aware of the debate. If I were Steve I would only have this one of a kind setup since it is so unique. Ron, when will all your cars be finished? You're still working on one right?

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