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Everything posted by bravemushi260z

  1. As far as I know, it hasn't been but I will be tying vacuuming the lines, blowing air though them, and the cable tomorrow. Hopefully I can figure it out and get this running!
  2. I don't know what he was doing either, the bolt there isn't even tied down its completely loose. I understand about the electric fuel pump, I'll direct my focus to it tomorrow morning when I get back out to the car. Im bringing my handheld vacuum pump and hooking it up to try and suck out anything that is stuck there. I will bring a funnel and prime that line to get the the fuel pump going, thank you so much. 1. Ive had the car about a month but finally got to it a few days ago 2. Haven't had her run yet, I've changed radiator hoses, belt, rebuilt the carbs, drained gas(came out clear) , oil change, changed coolant, new battery, new spark plugs and wires. Nothing with the fuel system. I also added seafoam to the gas I added just incase there was anything in the lines
  3. Hey Steve thanks for your response! So i already drained the tank before pulling off the carbs, and thankfully I didnt find any rust or debris in the tank. But it doesn't make sense that I didnt get gas coming out there when I pulled it off. Not sure where to go from here other than try and vacuum it out, my thoughts are there are air pockets that the mechanical pump cant get past, esepcially because i drained all of the gas out. That's good to know about the pump, I thought it ran on its own.
  4. Okay so after further inspection, Ive tried to vacuum (suck it out with my mouth) the fuel from the input side of the mechanical pump but no luck. I also realized that i dont have a fuel return line, and that it is capped off with a bolt (circled in blue below), will probably go buy a handheld vacuum pump tomorrow and try to see what i can do, but not sure where to go after that. carb side engine bay.jfif passenger sdie.jfif
  5. Hey guys I was so excited to get the 260z running today for the first time after rebuilding the carbs, changing all fluids, belts and radiator hoses. I tried getting it running and it was cranking but not starting. Sprayed some starter fluid into the carbs and started for a second then died. Took a look at the inside of the carb and realized it’s not getting any fuel. Pulled the line from the mechanical fuel pump to the fuel rail and no gas there either. Pulled out the mechanical fuel pump to make sure that the arm is in the right position, and it is. Tried to manually pump it and didn’t produce any gas. Chased back down to the plastic fuel filter and didn’t have any gas in it or gunk either. Went to the back to check the electric fuel pump, it’s definitely not working since I’m not hearing it turn on, but I was going to bypass it for now to see if I can get the car started. I was also wondering if the fuel filter in the electrical fuel pump was clogged. The weird thing is when I pulled off the electric fuel pump inlet from the gas tank, no gas came out? I have about 6 gallons of fresh gas in there, I can’t imagine it’s low on gas ? Not sure what’s causing this problem. By the way car runs good for a few seconds if I put gas straight into the carbs. Any help would be really appreciated! My last step will be checking the lines themselves, but after draining the gas tank I had no particles or any debris in there so they should be clean. Right now my problem is at the pumps, please let me know your thoughts !
  6. Thank you so much I really appreciate it!
  7. Yeah it has the main butterflies, would that be enough?
  8. Hey guys, hope you’re enjoying your Sunday, I’m spending it trying to rebuild the carbs on a 260z that’s been sitting for years. I’m almost done putting everything back together! New plugs, fluids, belt, hoses, my final step is rebuilding the carbs. I took them all apart last night and saw something very weird going on regarding the choke shaft and plates. On one of the carbs, there was no shaft or plates and the holes for the shaft were closed off. On the other one, there was a shaft and no plates. I’m new to carbs but I know this doesn’t make sense, how is the air ratio being controlled if there’s nothing stopping it from entering? I know someone had messed with these things before as well as the fuel lines based on the return lines being made by an 8 year old, but I’m trying to figure out how this car was running and driving like this and trying to find out what to do next. I appreciate all your help and responses!
  9. I would love to bring this car back to its former glory and stock configuration, but I plan on working on this car for a while and on a budget. So as much as I can save I would love to just keep things as they are. I am honestly really happy that the carbs have already been changed though because I kept reading about how much the flat tops were difficult and was feeling intimidated by them.
  10. Thanks so much for your knowledge Steve, I feel like I'm in over my head here but I'm planning on giving it my all. I am trying to read up about the Webers on the forum, I guess they are an upgrade from the flat tops at least. I did not even realize that about the fuel rails, that is definitely something I have to look into. Regarding the fuel rails would a stock one be compatible? Or do I have to rig something up? I know the dust on it is crazy, its been sitting outside no tarp 😞
  11. Hey guys I am so excited to be buying my first z, I've always loved these cars and wanted to start a project car. This a 74 260z that has been sitting for about 5 years, I read Carl Beck's guide on how to get this car running, and my plan is to check the tank, change all fuel lines, change all fluids, and replace any hoses and belts, and clean up the carbs. To be completely honest with you I have never worked on a car this old or on carbs before. I am trying to identify if it has the flat tops or the SUs from the earlier zs. I dont think it's stock but if you guys could help me out with what is changed I would really appreciate it. I can't find any photos of just a stock engine to compare. It looks like the air cleaner has been replaced with a different setup but I am not sure which one.

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