78 Z - Water Temperature Switch - Blue Wire - Help!
Ahh yes, the potentiometer. I saw that in a few threads while I was searching for a solution. Currently, I get proper psi for fuel as I installed a gauge between the furl rail and filter. I also installed an additional filter between the tank and fuel pump to catch any of the remaining rust particles from the tank. I will definitely get a potentiometer though as multple posts say that actually alleviates the issue Im having by increasing the resistance. So it will help but I'm unsure if it is a trusted long term solution. If it is then that will save me a fraction of the headache.[emoji1] Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
78 Z - Water Temperature Switch - Blue Wire - Help!
Nice! Thanks for the info! It just sucks chasing this gremlin. The car runs like a champ when cold but the moment it reaches operating temp, thats when the loss of power and hiccups begin. Im starting to question the heat affecting fuel lines but I will definitrly take a closer look [emoji1360][emoji1360]
78 Z - Water Temperature Switch - Blue Wire - Help!
2 wires [emoji1360] Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
78 Z - Water Temperature Switch - Blue Wire - Help!
Well, all that I know about the history is that the car was garaged for a bit by the first owner, the second owner (the one I purchased it from) let the car sit in a ditch in his back yard for a little over ten years after his daughter left for college. He eventually took it to a shop in Reno where he supposedly paid $8,000 to have the engine rebuilt (so he says [emoji849]). I eventually saud whatever as I was more concerned about the rust at the time which was surprisingly minimal. So, after the "rebuild", he gave it to his wife who never drive it, so again it ended up sitting for another 5 years until I purchased it for $500. I bring it back to CA to find a couple of things that were tampered with and wires that were cut. It was a but hard to see at first with everything covered in sand/dust. I eventually ask him about it and he said that his kids were out there tampering with the car as it sat. I found things like missing valve cover bolts, mismatched injector screws, missing wires, A/C removed with hanging/cut wires left over etc... Overall, the car was in decent condition but as I restore this car, I find it hard to believe that $8,000 was thrown into this. I also believe the owner and his wife were simply victims of a shady mechanic. So, sourcing parts from a junk yard and throwing it on this car while charging 8k to an unknowing older couple.....isn't too far fetched. That is about all I know regarding the vehicles history. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
78 Z - Water Temperature Switch - Blue Wire - Help!
Sure. See attached pics. I also took a picture of the main harness for injectors and other temp switches as well as the area where the other wires were cut. I guess piecing these cars together isnt too far fetched these days but thank you for confirming that this year doesnt need one. I saw that it was plugged in the FSM but I was naturally second guessing. Id like to rule out the other three wires as the harness runs to the opposite side near the battery. So I am doubting these were for the temp switch and more for the deleted A/C compressor. But ultimately, if I dont need the switch then thats great! Thanks for the help! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
cherb32 started following Electrical
cherb32 started following 78 Z - Water Temperature Switch - Blue Wire - Help!
78 Z - Water Temperature Switch - Blue Wire - Help!
Hello, I am currently restoring a 78 Z and have run into a wall with the previous owner's hack job. Can anyone help me with a picture or wiring diagram for the Water Temperature Switch (not the temp sensor) on a 78 Z? The sensor has two wires, one blue (with male bullet connector) and one black for ground. I know that the blue wire connectes to the red one, but I have spent hours searching online trying to find out where that red wire comes from and the FSM isnt really helping much. I am missing this wire completely and I believe its making the Z run rough onelce its warm (runs great when cold). Does this red wire turn into any other color further back towards the washer bottle or does it cone from somewhere else? I did notice that I do have a small harness that has been cut by the previous owner. The harness runs towards the brake master cylinder reservoir and thats where it is chopped. The harness has one blue, one green/yellow wire and one black wire. All have female bullets. Is this harness related to the temp switch or is it for the A/C in whoch was also removed by the previous owner. Sent from my Samsung using Tapatalk