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Everything posted by Zpenman

  1. Thanks for the info on the Z432's, guys. Was pretty much unaware of these, good to learn something new.
  2. The high bid was really $250,000? This wasn't a typo?
  3. My '72 (07/71) is a real bear to start with the chokes disconnected. I also live in So. Cal. Not worth the trouble to remove them, imho.
  4. Great, thanks. I've wondered about that for a long time now.
  5. Are the padded covers that covered the center consoles considered stock equipment on the earlier cars? The ones that were hinged on the back. It seems that I see a lot of restored cars with an open console and no cover. Forgive me if this is the wrong message topic. Thanks!
  6. To avoid all of the drama, just leave off the model year in your advertisement when selling and include the mfg date (i.e., 7/71) as shown on the data plate.
  7. My Series 2 (07/71) car has the middle chain, although it's quite oxidized compared to yours.
  8. I know I'm late on this topic, just wanted to reaffirm the need to prime the new fuel pump before installation. Had quite a mess in the garage chasing phantom hose connection leaks and the possibility that the new pump being installed was faulty. Removed the pump, manually primed it with a water bottle filled with gas, and voila, works like a charm. Should have remembered this 40-year-old lesson from my Dad, but hey, getting a little older.
  9. I agree. The original paint should have been single-stage, which can be buffed out to provide its original luster. The sheen provided by the single-stage paint, however, can't match that of modern paints with a clear coat. I prefer the original sheen but these days the preference seems to be the shinier the better!
  10. Dang, that is one clean body!
  11. Enjoy your new project! I bought my '71 Z from an in-law a few years ago. The price was and still is between me and her. Not anyone else's business, unless you want to make it so.
  12. What is that container just forward of the radiator? Overflow tank?
  13. A new paint job and some TLC and the blue one's a keeper.
  14. You have to wonder how many of these sorry looking cars are Katrina cars. Victims from one of the past hurricanes that may have sat for days or weeks in water before being salvaged.
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