saw this on my local craigslist: early 240Z vented hatch with vertical defogger.
Incase anyone needs one. Sorry if this is the wrong section. Not mine, just saw it while browsing. datsun 240z 260z 280z rear vented hatch posted 5 days ago.
Just ordered my Rebello 3.0, now what
I had the "full on" 3.0L with the head work and big cam. I think I used the 225. Pedal feel was stiff, but not like your on a leg press machine haha. I used a braided clutch line and daily drove it from time to time.
Dreco in Grassroots Motorsports
hoping to get back in the magazine soon.. Car is reborn and should be on the road next week.
Just ordered my Rebello 3.0, now what
thanks! I was running a lightweight flywheel with centerforce2 clutch at the time. The carbs were bored su's with shaved needles (Rebello rebuilt them).
Just ordered my Rebello 3.0, now what
Here is what my old 3.0 Rebello stroker motor sounded like with Header and 3 inch exhaust
Dallas on Business- April 9
I'm not as far as them. I'm in Frisco, which is about 20-30 min from downtown traffic permitting of course (i'm off the Dallas tollway). I used to live downtown, but moved closer to work (Classic BMW in Plano).
1972 240z Temperature rising on idle while traffic and stop lights
a fan shroud will help the fan pull air through the radiator when sitting. Does it run cooler after you start going (does the gauge move back down)? without a thermostat, your car will (should) take too long to get to operating temp. I live in the texas heat and ran a 160 degree thermostat with a 4 row radiator and fan shroud.. never had a problem..
Dallas on Business- April 9
I'd be game. I live in North Dallas.
1972 240z Temperature rising on idle while traffic and stop lights
you should use a thermostat to restrict the flow. Do you have a fan shroud?
From the dust and cobwebs, it's almost complete....again.
Thanks! Yes the Camaro is faster... at least in the straights . I'm hoping I can keep up in the turns. It's actually my wife's car. here's an older pic after engine install. and here are some more pics. Hopefully be track ready this summer.
From the dust and cobwebs, it's almost complete....again.
- Le Mans Classic 2012
That looks like one of the old Greenwood Corvettes from the IMSA series.- funny story i thought i'd share.
This was awhile ago when I had my old 3.0L stroker motor. I needed to adjust the valves. Well, I used to boast how fast I could do the job and decided to show a friend. Part of how fast I could do the job was how I would use a bump starter to turn the cam over as i checked measurement, then adjusted. I had all the needed tools out on my fender (using fender cover of course), cam exposed ready set go!! I FORGOT TO TAKE THE CAR OUT OF GEAR! the starter engaged, and it scared the crap out of me. I dropped my bump steer and damn if it didnt wedge itself so that the starter didnt stop. My Z was driving up into my garage on starter power. Not the hybrid i had in mind. I did what any panicing Z owner would do.. I grabbed the car as if I could stop itLOL. Luckily i found this futile real quick (as boxes of stuff in front of the car are being pushed to the back wall) and I reached in the car and slapped the shifter into neutral.- Classic Car Financing
definately start with a credit union. Just make sure of the limitations. Some won't finance a vehicle thats over a certain year or mileage.- Has anyone got the Petronix Ignitor and Flame Thrower 3ohm coil to work correctlyHELP
Bambikiller had a good write up on this with pictures. I'll see if I saved it somewhere. I did an engine swap, so i'm doing this from memory. - Le Mans Classic 2012
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