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Everything posted by Daluvian

  1. Curious if the above post fire combo will work any thoughts Jeff
  2. Mine look similar did the heat method work? Mine look great besides the warped flanges. Anyone else have any suggestions. I was thinking remove the lens and I have access to a laser I could cut a jig out of 1/4 steel and gently try and clamp it slowly while it heats up? What you guys think
  3. Ya I have a shop available on weekends only so I don’t want to pull the pan and find out it won’t work and do double the work 😞
  4. I picked up this oil pan not sure of the brand I see several that look very similar the one on Motorsport uses a different pickup the one on airzonazcar mentions nothing about pickup anyone know if a stock pickup will work with this pan?
  5. No luck with the smoke machine I’m gonna try and change all the gaskets see what happens if anyone has any other ideas
  6. Ya I did it had a small leak I tightened down more checked with brake cleaner and confirmed that it was sealed. Same issue still. Maybe the Manifold is leaking somewhere I can’t get a good spray on?
  7. Ya same Manifold different balance tube
  8. I got a l28 that had dual Webber’s on it I fully rebuilt the Webber’s and got a colortune. I was having issues with the front 3 cylinders running lean no matter were the mixture screw was did compression test all within 2 psi at 150 I swapped in a rebuilt pair of su with good throttle shafts with no leaks new floats and set at .55 balanced carbs with flow meter. I had n54 needles in it I could get the back 3 cylinders to go rich at idle with the mixture screw the front still no luck. I readjusted the front carb float level higher to try and get it richer with same results. Then swapped in sm needles and I’m still can’t get the colortune to show yellow. I checked for vacuum leaks everything looks good any ideas? Last time I checked timing was around 8. New full pump filter and rubber hoses. Could it be timing or the valves?. The engine does run pretty good besides the fact I just can’t get it the cylinders to run rich so I can adjust it to lean.
  9. I used these work perfect with the stock ball ends. I did use new linkage bar uxcell CS8 Rod End Ball Bearing with Stud, Right-Hand Female Thread M5x0.8, Right-Hand Male Thread M5x0.8, Self-lubricating Carbon Steel Ball Socket Endfitting 4pcs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0742976BG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_QSRTTCXTPPTED0K5S0MB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
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