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  1. i just thought about that, and i can get a uhaul trailor thing and use my van to bring it back... hmmm This is going to be my daily driver... anything you know is wrong with it that you didnt mention? for aroun $1000 cant really go wrong cause i'll have the cash to rebuilt the engine pretty much =) do you have aim? make this much easier =). if so i'm ISTARTFIRE
  2. i am very interested... would it make it on a drive back from there? Like if you could torque the head down and run the "junk" out of it :classic: and let me know how it runs, that'd be cool. thanks... i'm looking for something that i can pick up in like the next couple weeks =)
  3. i'm interested... i'm located near albany NY. Hows it run? How bad do ya think the rust is... reparable? etc. thanks (whats the reserve price?)

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