Everything posted by 78 280zcar
Throttle body upgrade
Ok this is a picture of the throttle body that I just got and I dont see an idle speed screw. Help what should I do. Thanks
Throttle body upgrade
So just use the stock 280z one? What about the idle speed screw though. And the b.c.d.d. device. Thanks
Throttle body upgrade
I got another question. What about the idle screw how are you guys with this mod doing the idle adjustment
Throttle body upgrade
will this one work http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7980249724&category=33557&sspagename=WDVW#ebayphotohosting Also what about the B.C.D.D. device that is on the bottom of the stock throttle body, do I need it or can I get rid of it. Sorry about all the stupid questions but I've never really done anything like this so just bear with me. Thanks
Throttle body upgrade
Also what about the throttle position sensor, can I just use the stock one instead of getting one for a 240sx. The throttle body I got from ebay doesnt have one. Thanks in advance
Ignition coil Oil leakage
I had a accel super stock coil on it but it had been abused and worked when I put it on. But it was the coil and I replaced it with a crane fireball coil and NGK wires and plugs and runs like a champ. For 3 months I thought it was a blown head gasket and came to find out it was the coil leakage. Thanks for the help.
Ignition coil Oil leakage
My ignition coil is leaking fluid/oil out of the center of the ignition coil where the distributor cap hooks up to. Would this leakage cause the car to have a rough idle . Thanks I probably should have posted this in electrical, but I am a nerd .
Ignition coil wires
Nevermind about this post. I forgot I have a factory manual on CD-rom. :stupid: . I feel so dumb right now. And no there is no resistor because it has no points. Thanks for the help anywho.
Ignition coil wires
which brings me to another question. Is there a balast resister on this type of ignition. I know the 75-77 have them but it says that there is one on mine in the chilton manual wiring diagram but I cant find one anywhere in the engine bay . HELP. I just bought a Crane fireball ignition coil and it came with a balast resister and I dont know if I have to hook the resister up or not. Thanks in advance.
Ignition coil wires
So if the blue wire goes to the balast resister then that one goes to the + terminal, hopefully. I have a chilton manual that has a wiring diagram but it doesnt really show what terminals the wires go to.
Ignition coil wires
Mine has a black with white stripe wire and a blue wire. Thanks
Ignition coil wires
Which wire goes where :stupid: , I disconnected the old coil and forgot to label them it is a 1978 280z. Does the black white wire go to the + terminal or does it go to the - terminal. Thanks in advance
Throttle body upgrade
How much do you want for it. Thanks
Throttle body upgrade
Thanks for all the help guys, great info Larry about the AFM! Thanks
Throttle body upgrade
Like a K&N cold air system, also what about the AFM, can I just leave that or is there a way to adjust it. Keep in mind I have to pass smog over here
Throttle body upgrade
Thanks for the help. I was getting one off of ebay and was just checking to see that it will work. I will keep you guys up to date when I get it, I will probably need some help with it. Thanks alot
Throttle body upgrade
I was just wondering if a 1990 240SX KA24E Throttle Body will work on a 1978 280z and if it does what kinds of things will I have to do. I know I have to grind down the manifold and get a spacer but what other things will I have to do. Thanks
Testing an accel super stock coil
Does anyone have any ideas on how to do that and what the readings should be, any help would be great.
What is z difference between:
Right on, because I just bought one off of ebay, on mine the plastic part of the vacuum advance broke and it was not advancing, all of the balls that are mounted in the plastic were floating around inside of the distributor and I could'nt really afford 100.00 for a new distributor . But, thanks for the advice guys/gals
What is z difference between:
Do you think that I could just use the vacuum advance from my distributor and put it on the -02. Thanks for the info.
What is z difference between:
Hello ya all, I have a question about my car. I wanted to get a distributor for my car and I have the D6F4-03 distributor and was wondering if anyone knew if I could use the d6f5-02 instead. Thanks, any info would be great.
Fan clutch
Anywho thanks for the info I guess :stupid:
Fan clutch
Thats what I was thinking too. Shane
Fan clutch
Well I am actually in the process of rebuilding a chevy 250 v6 engine and was just wondering if a reverse fan clutch would work, I have already put 900.00 into the engine and dont have too much more money to play with, so I found a reverse rotating fan clutch on ebay for really cheap and was hoping it would work you know instead of paying 50.00 for the original. My zcar isnt running right now :disappoin , I have to get a new distributor for it and probably change the head gasket. I have to get the nova running for my family car. Shane
Fan clutch
Hello ya all, I just have a question about a fan clutch, would it make a difference if I put a reverse or standard rotating fan clutch on and what is the difference between the two. Thanks Shane