Everything posted by 78 280zcar
Bubbles in oil
OHH BOY!!! I just got done changing the head gasket on my chevy luv also, (come to find out that that wasnt even the problem). I did check the oil right after I had ran it and it was kinda overheating. How should I check it should I check it cold to see if there is coolant in there or should I check it hot. Is it pretty hard to change a head gasket on one of these cars? Thanks, Shane
Bubbles in oil
I hope it isnt a blown head gasket :stupid: so you think that could be why it is overheating, whats the best way to check to see if it is blown, do a compression test or is there another way. Thanks for the help.
Bubbles in oil
What does it mean when there is tiny little bubbles in the oil or on the dipstick when I pull it out. Also would anybody know about the lock up on an automatic tranny, a mechanic I took it to told me about it but didnt explain it very well, and my car has been overheating still and I was thinking it could be the lock up on the tranny. Thanks
L28 and L28e
Well mine is an L28 and it is fuel injected it doesnt have the E on it, so if I was to buy parts for the L28E would it still fit my car. Thanks
L28 and L28e
What is the difference between these two motors or is there even a difference:stupid: Thanks
Well I have a warranty on the starter and solenoid so I'll just take it in and get a new one. Thanks for the help
I am having a problem with my starter it wont disengage after it starts is this the starter itself or the starter solenoid. Thanks
Thanks Man, I was'nt sure so I thought I would ask
Hello, is any body out there or is this a very stupid question.
Drain plug and thermotime switch
I disconnected my cold start valve and it didnt do anything at all it ran the same, does this mean that my cold start valve is out. Thanks
What is the proper procedure for doing the timing on a 1978 280z, in the book it just tells you what the timing is, it does'nt tell you if you have to plug the vaccum advance or anything like that. So could somebody help me, Thanks
Drain plug and thermotime switch
Thanks for the info guys, Ive been really sick and havent had a chance to reply or do anything to my car. But thanks Guys. And also should I disconnect the cold start valve when the car is cold or before starting it to see if it starts. Thanks
Drain plug and thermotime switch
What is it suppose to do when I unplug the connectors. Thanks
Drain plug and thermotime switch
Thanks you guys, should I unplug it and then try to start the engine, also when I changed the fuel pump and fuel filter it says to take out the cold start valve and turn the engine over to let out the fuel from the system and it did not let any fuel out of it that I could see, is there suppose to be alot of fuel come out or just alittle. Merry Christmas. Thanks
Drain plug and thermotime switch
would that cause my car to run rich after letting it sit. Heres what is wrong with my car, after driving it on the freeway and park it, after about five minutes I try to start it and it starts but sputters like it has too much gas in the intakeor running to rich like it is shooting gas from the cold start valve even when it is at normal temp. would this be the thermotime switch because it is hooked up to the cold start valve. Thanks
Drain plug and thermotime switch
Does anybody know exactly where this drain plug is on the block I cant find it , in the book it says its on the left side but thats all it says, and also what would happen if the thermotime switch were to go out in a fuel injected Z. Thanks
Still overheating
Thanks for the info guys. My car, I just figured out, does'nt do this unless I take it on the highway, if I'm driving in the city, after I let it sit it will start right back up, its only when I take it on the highway:ermm:. Stephen I have a motorsport book for Z's should I just get the water temperature sensor out of there. Thanks.
Still overheating
I think I'm going to change the water temp. sensor and see what happens, I found one for 20.00 at autozone. Thanks for the help guys. I'll post again to let you guys know whats going on and Merry Christmas.
Still overheating
Its not overheating I just thought it was because of how it was starting. Ok, there is two sensors right next to the sending unit, one is a thermotime sensor and the other is the water temp. sensor, would you happen to know which is which. Thanks
Still overheating
well I did the test on the water temp. sensor and according to the book it is faulty. If that sensor is out would that be whats causing my car to idle like that. Any help, thanks
Still overheating
I have a haynes automotive repair manual! In my manuel it says water temperature thermal transmitter, would that be the same thing as a water temperature sensor. Well if it is it says to disconnect the lead from it and ground it to a good earth, switch on the ignition and observe the needle, if it goes to hot then it is faulty. I found out that the air temperature sensor is on the map sensor or air flow sensor.
Still overheating
It does it for a little while about a minute to be exact and then it idles fine. 2manyzs, is there anyway to test those two things the water temp. sensor and the air temp. sensor without having to just replace them and where is the air temp. sensor located at. Thanks
Still overheating
Well I went and got a new fan clutch and It runs good, no overheating while sitting at a stop light but after I shut it off and let it sit for about five minutes and try to start it it starts but sounds like it just wants to die and it kinda sputters and idles really low does anybody know what this could be. Thanks
Zcar overheating help
Thanks zmefly that helped me out alot I'm going to change my vacuum valve and my fan clutch and see what happens but as it is almost christmas I have no money left so I guess I will have to drive the nova for a little while. Thanks Guys and merry Christmas
Zcar overheating help
Yes I have seen those new threads on the fan clutch that is what I went by, but I used the motor oil and laquer thinner instead of the toyota silicone, but it did'nt matter anyways it all leaked out of the center of the fan clutch because the seal was shot. And yes billcap it does run cool or the gauge stays in the middle until I come to a stop. I found a new fan clutch for $42.99 at autozone so I am going to go with that. On the issue with my car running rough after turning it off do you guys think that I might have screwed something up in the engine, it doesnt have any coolant in the oil. There is a few little bubbles in the oil though is that anything bad or should I not worry about that