Everything posted by 78 280zcar
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
I went ahead and sent the cold start valve in to get it checked with the injectors and they said it is still good. I will have to wait until I get them back on the car to see if it works out. I am really kinda concerned about the compression readings I got, thats pretty low readings arent they?
2300 mile road trip for $250.00 240 worth it?
RAZ1, please dont throw them away sell em on ebay, I am sure I could some of those parts and if not you would still make some money:)
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
No I sure dont have a noid light, is there another way to test besides the troublshooting in the FSM. I tested everything that they had in the FSM and found no problems with the voltage or anything on the wiring for the injectors.
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
any comments on my last post, anyone! My injectors came back clean and all good!
Passing smog with a header
Thanks for the info, I think I only have one more smog test before I dont have to do it anymore, but we will see with the laws changing and everything. But yeah, please let me know if you find any info on the headers. Thanks.
Passing smog with a header
I dont know if they have any of the carb exempt headers, but if anyone finds one let me know, would it pass the visual with the sticker?
Passing smog with a header
Has anyone in CA. passed smog with a header on and the smog fittings on it. I am thinking about putting a header on afetr I get the injectors back from testing and cleaning, but I wanted to know do they pass inspection.
6 wires
The greens are for the backup lamp switch on the tranny and the white ones you have to jump together for neutral switch. Thats what I had to do on my 5 speed swap. Hope this helps.
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
OK, I finally got to look at the fuel injectors. I built up pressure and it looks as though all the injectors are leaking. If I sent them into witchhunter.com, would the cleaning and such help the leaking or am I looking at new injectors? Any comments please let me know! Oh and I did a compression test, it was 130psi across the board. Tried putting oil in each cylinder and opened the throttle and tested them again all the same readings 130 across. I think I have a shitty compression tester, it looks 30 years old!
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
The only reason I was talking about the bearings is because fuel will ruin bearings wont it? When you sent the injectors to them how long did it take to get them back and were any of them bad when you got them?
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
So it would be alright to go ahead and change the oil and filter a couple of times, without changing bearings? :classic: I found this place on the internet which is kinda cheap, http://www.witchhunter.com/ I think I am going to go ahead and do that.
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
That leads me to another question, Can too much fuel pressure make it leak, like 43 psi
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
I will check that when I do the compression test. I live in apartments and they wont let me work on my car here:mad: . I hate that because its the only way to get away from the ball and chain so to say. So I have to get it towed to my mother in laws house to work on it. I cant even change plug wires over here without the manager yelling up the hole in my assLOL. Thanks for all the help and I will keep you posted, but it will take a while because I am waiting on my taxes to come back. At least the engine looks cool
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
Thanks for the comments, I dont think the block is cracked, I had it checked when I had it torn down along with the head which was cracked. It runs pretty rough at idle, I was thinking it was an injector too, that was the only thing I didnt change on the rebuild, except for one that had a cracked tip and I just changed that one with a pick and pull special. Since I have the JSK fuel rail on there I can just take the rail off with the injectors still on it and check it for leaks after I build up pressure, or is that a bad idea? I just hope that it is not one of the rings. About the gas being in the oil, I checked it again today, it doesnt smell like there is alot of gas in there. Do you guys think that I can drain the oil and put in new oil and filter run it for a few minutes and change the oil and filter again? Please tell me something good, I really dont want to have to change the bearings again!:disappoin I will do a leak down test and compression test of course before I touch anything.
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
I done it myself. well I know where my tax return is going:mad:
Fuel in oil on new engine rebuild
I checked the oil in my car the other day and found out that there is gas in the oil and the oil is very thin:mad: . I have a fuel injected Z and just rebuilt it 2000 miles ago. What would cause this and should I change the bearings again. I am leaning towards the injectors but need to know if I have to take the engine out again:paranoid: HELP
Need help finds fuel sending unit for my 280Z
I learn something new everyday. That is outrageous :sick:. When I rebuilt my engine and decided to put a new heater core in, I found out that the thermal control unit and the heater valve were not even in my Z, so I just have it all bypassed, is that a bad thing or no. Heater still works fine
Need help finds fuel sending unit for my 280Z
Sorry about that, but motorsport auto has the heater control valve for 91.00 that sounds a little better than 250.00.
Need help finds fuel sending unit for my 280Z
The heater valve at partsamerica has a choice of one with A/C and without A/C. As for the fuel sending unit I cant find one anywhere neither.
Need help finds fuel sending unit for my 280Z
partsamerica.com has heater control valve for 38.00, unless you are looking for the nissan part#.
Lash pads
I was just wondering what size lash pads are on a stock 280z, I need some new ones and dont know which ones to get. Thanks
Fuel pressure!
Got em, good looking out!
Fuel pressure!
Yeah they refund the 12.00 after you send them back the old injector. Awesome price yeah
Fuel pressure!
The adjustable regulator doesnt hold the pressure at all when you shut the car off it goes straight down to 0 psi. I am going to have to put that one back on until I get a new injector/s. Check out the price of these injectors, cheap http://store.yahoo.com/dpstore/322a2311.html
Fuel pressure!
Thanks for the reply. All the orings are new and all the fuel lines are new. I just did a 3000.00 rebuild on it, but I didnt change the injectors, except for one that had a crack on the tip of the injector(#5), so I got one from pick and pull. Since I have a JSK fuel rail, I am going to take it off with the injectors on it and build up the pressure and try to see which one leaks:paranoid: . I checked to see if there is gas in the oil just in case it was leaking passed the rings and it kinda smells like there is, but not bad, I hope that my bearings dont get screwed up. I am going to have to wait until after the holidays to work on it, too much money spent on presents and what not for christmas. And of course I am not going to drive it unless I put the aftermarket fuel pressure regulator back on, because that one doesnt hold pressure after the car is off and plus it ran a whole lot better with that one on. Thanks and merry christmas to ya all!