Everything posted by 78 280zcar
Fuel pressure!
I dont mean to be a dumb a--. But how do I do that pressure leakdown thing?
Fuel pressure!
It still is not holding the pressure, I am now leaning towards a leaking injector or cold start valve, yeah:sick:
Fuel pressure!
Well I tried both of them and the same reading on the pressure. I will see if it holds pressure here in a few.
Fuel pressure!
I just went to pick and pull (in the rain, FUN), But I grabbed up two fpr's just in case one doesnt work. One of them looks brand new and the other has jecs on it. They were free
Fuel pressure!
When the car is idling and I give it gas the pressure goes down instead of up.
Fuel pressure!
Thanks for the help. I dont really have the money for one right now, unless someone is nice enough to give me one and I pay for shipping through paypal. :nervous:
Fuel pressure!
It seems that it doesnt hold pressure a leaking injector or cold start valve, it takes a long time for it to go down, (about a half an hour). Is there a way to check which injector is leaking with the injectors still in the car:rolleyes: .
Fuel pressure!
I changed the fuel pressure regulator back to the stock one, now it holds pressure when the car is off, but when the car is running it only reads 30 psi. What would cause this. If I unhook the vacuum line going to it it will read 38 psi, could it be a vacuum leak maybe in the intake manifold. Thanks
Fuel pump interchange
Awesome, thanks sblake. I will see if I can find one at the local pick and pull. But first I am going to try and change the regulator back to the stock one and see if that fixes it. Also I found this link yesterday so I tried it and the pressure goes down slowly not fast, hopefully it isnt an injector. http://autorepair.about.com/library/faqs/bl773.htm
Fuel pump interchange
Does anyone know what years and makes use the bosch fuel pumps that are in the 78 280z's. I found out that I need a new pump and dont want to get the newer master type again. Thanks
New Z diagnosis...
I didnt notice that date until you said something. I pretty sure he already did make his decision. Woooh and I thought that was posted yesterday.
New Z diagnosis...
I have a 78 and its a great car just a few things I need to work out after the rebuild, I paid 350.00 for mine and all it needed was a distributor cap slapped one on and drove away, I think the guy was pretty pissed off after that too. . Oohh and about the filters for carbby do GET SOME. You dont want to get dirt in the engine that is bad thing.
Fuel pressure!
I just got done doing a rebuild on the engine, the fuel delivery was pretty much the same before the rebuild, It could be the fuel pump but I havent the money for a stock bosch fuel pump at 195.00. The regulator is adjustable, I just figured that 40 psi was easier to set it at.
Fuel pressure!
Here is the one that they sell in its place, http://www.partsamerica.com/ProductDetail.aspx?mfrcode=MST&mfrpartnumber=E8312&parttype=52&ptset=A
Fuel pressure!
Fuel pressure!
I have the new aftermarket fuel pump the one they sell you now instead of the stock one that comes with the car. How do I look at the check valve on these type. Thanks for the help
Fuel pressure!
Even after the car is off! I have an aftermarket fuel regulator I was thinking about changing it back to the stock regulator because of that, but wasnt sure. Before when I would get gas alot of air would come out when I took the gas cap off, but now it doesnt even do that. Thanks
Fuel pressure!
Hello ya all, long time. I have a question about fuel pressure. When the car is idle it has 40 psi, is it suppose to sustain this level when the car is off or is it suppose to go back down to 0 psi. Thanks
Air regulator valve
The five speed is from a 1979 280zx. Will the automatic cog work or will I be looking for another one form the junk yard?
Air regulator valve
I used the cog that was already in the 5 speed, when I got it from pick and pull I just left the cog in there. It seems to run at a normal speed range when I am driving around in the city. It is just when I am on the freeway that it revs or is at a different speed. I will check the cog that I have in there tomorrow and find out what is going on. Thanks datsunzsrule. Its pretty funny though I thought I was going to fast because of the rebuilt engine I was trying to break in and I was actually going slower. I Just found out that the engine has a hard time starting at first after it is already hot. :paranoid: . Shane
Air regulator valve
Someone told me I might have a 4:11 rear end, but other than that I dont really know. Arent the cogs all color coded like green, white etc.
Air regulator valve
I have an R-180 diffy. That is what I meant was the cog that hooks up inside the tranny from the cable. I didnt explain it good enough, my bad.
Air regulator valve
The connection is not loose at all. There is voltage going to it. I think it is stuck closed. I took it off and tried it plugged in while it was cold but it would stay closed. Is'nt it suppose to be open while the car is cold? Also, I drove it home teday and the speedometer said I was going 70 but my mother in law told me I was only going 60. I just did a auto to 5 speed swap do I have the wrong speedo gear and what color gear do I need for the five speed? Thanks, Shane
Air regulator valve
Yeah, I found it it is on EF-32 in the FSM .
Air regulator valve
Whare did you get that test from it looks good by the way? I have a 78 280z FSM but it doesnt have that test!