I had posted long ago about a problem with my tach. It has power (lights), but doesn't budge when the motor runs. I finally had time today to address the issue. I busted out the ol' FSM today and went back to BE-33 to see what color wire to look for. According to this page, I should have a blue wire attached to the neg on the coil. What I found is a black w/white wire attached and the blue one was taped up (not connected) with a couple of other wires that come out of the connector just ahead of the coil. I've looked through the book, but my untrained eyes can't find that connector again. What do those wires go to? What do I have connected to my coil? Shouldn't I pull that wire off and connect the blue? BTW, one of the red wires you see goes to the dizzy and the other goes to the alternator, I think... Update: I pulled the black/white wire off and put the blue wire on. Got no spark after that. Hooked up both the wires, car fired right up, but still no tach. See the pic below for details... http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/8/web/488000-488999/488766_32_full.jpg