Everything posted by icice9
RB26DETT in a 280ZX
i was the one who took those pics.. ive got more on my website.. they had 3 280ZXs with RBs in them... 2 with RB25s and 1 with a rb26.. thier rear suspension was a work of art.
Carpet Kits... MSA or Vic Brit?
also check out JC whitney... im sure that MSA and Victoria British get thier molded carpet kits from the same place.. i bought the one from MSA and i wasnt too happy with it after a year or so.. the rear carpet kit fadded and what was once black turned into a dark purple..
Multiple TB's
RB26DETT in a 280ZX
okay so ive been doing some searching and all ive been able to find are post about RB26DETTs in 240,260 and 280Zs.. but i cant seem to find anyone whos transplanted one in a 280ZX.. reason being is im looking to do this swap sometime in the near future.. and i just need some info on this subject. one of my friends will be getting his hands on a RB26DETT and a 5 speed RWD tranny from a RB25DET already attached to it.. so if anyone out there has already done this swap or know someone who has and has pictures or any helpful info on this id really apreciate it......
How Much are you guys Paying for Head Work?
my cousin paid around $850 for his head that was worked on at Rebello's.. he had the head ported and polished as well
Light on Dark Vinyl Dye
i did it.. i went to auto paint store and bought interior vinyel paint to paint my dash and other interior parts.. my dash use to be blue and i went with a light gray. before i sprayed my parts i primered it.. and went with 2 to 3 coats of the vinyel paint.. and it came out great.
Vibration under acceleration and speed
is it just vibration or is there any clunking noise to it too.. if your hearing a clunking noise id suspect the u joints on the drive shaft.. but if its kist a vibration.. check your suspension.. your wheels if all the lug nuts are on tight.. jack it up and see if your wheel bearings are still good.. or bring it to a alignment shop to see if its your wheels...
Nothing...Click Click Clickity Click :(
if your radio works without the key then the radio is wired direct to the bat.. if our power windows or any other electricl unit wotn work when the car is on the "on" posistion then i would suspect the ignition switch.. most of the electrical units run off the ignition switch.. but like everyone says.. check your bat if you have enough amps to turn the car or alos check your fuseable links too.. it might just be a simple fix... good luck man
thats a cowel he got from jc whitney i belive... it was for an american car and he just grafted it onto his hood....
A few stupid questions
yes the square head bolt is the oil filler for the t5 tranny and the clutch uses dot3 break fluid and you use gear oil for your rear diff...
Who's going to the Z's by the Bay show?
ill be there... and im bringing friends.. theres prolly going to be around 4 -6 z and ZXs that will be heading down there with me... Ice.
shop needed in San Fran Bay area South bay
strictly Z is about half an hour from SF... but since your going to be here till AUG... the bay area is having a Z show here in fremont.. called Zs by the bay.. if ou wanna check out some o the bay areas Zs your should come by nd check it out..its going to be held in fremont which is alsohalf an hour away from SF... come by and check it out
shop needed in San Fran Bay area South bay
since were on the subject dealing with the bay area.... whos going to Zs by he bay in fremont????
shop needed in San Fran Bay area South bay
call StrictlyZ. 1601 Almaden Rd. Unit A San Jose, Ca 95125 (408)286-4685 they have a shop that specilizes on Zs and its close to where you live too...
Opinions on those Clear Headlight Covers... for an Z
thanks Gav240z, ive had that car for over 13 years now and ive never stoped loving it.. but i dodnt really start fixing her up till about 3 years ago.. my Z is a n/a but thats changing by next year.. ill be swapping to a l28et hopefully by this time next year... wish i were as lucky as you guys in AUS... its a lot easier for you guys to get hold of a RB26DETT and a lot cheaper too...
Opinions on those Clear Headlight Covers... for an Z
i take them off at night... or put my tinted ones on....
Opinions on those Clear Headlight Covers... for an Z
they look good painted too
280Z 7
thats a ZXT engine!!!! looks like you got a great project car to start with... all it needs now is a new paint job and maybe adding an intercooler and a turbo upgrade for your engine..!!!!
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