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Everything posted by cbuczesk

  1. I think I have 4 damaged/broken ones at home. They must wear very quickly. Keep in mind that mine were used on a race car. They were used hard but not often. I really think that something like that should last a long time. I'll try to post some pictures tonight. I'm not sure that I'd want them on my street car. About the bump steer spacers... I just put them on my race car. It's lowered to about 5.25" from the ground to the bottom of the rocker not to the pinch weld. The other guys racing Zs use them. I'm racing this weekend and will let you know if they made a difference. Chuck
  2. Keep an eye on the plastic part. It seems to break easily. :-( Chuck
  3. My brother worked for a high-end custom shop called Lang's Custom Auto in the early 1990s just before they started making Avantis. Here's a little more info and history. http://auto.howstuffworks.com/avanti-cars3.htm Chuck
  4. I'll third that! Ar eyou removing the ball/socket TC kit? If so, I'd be interested buying it. I have that setup on my race car and wouldn't mind having a better set. Chuck
  5. Summit Point Motorsports Park isn't too far from McClean. A bunch of us race 240Zs, 280Zs and 300ZXs is ITS. We'll be there this coming weekend and again Sept 1-3 for a double race weekend. If you make it up to Pennsylvania sometime you can stop in and check out my car collection. http://www.wdcr-scca.org/ClubRacing/MARRS/2012EventSchedule/tabid/505/Default.aspx Chuck
  6. Yeah, I used to do that. But the cost of buying a new refrigerator every month made it kind of expensive. Chuck
  7. I have some front covers. I might be able to ship one out tomorrow. Send me an email if you're interested. I'm not sure what they're worth but I'll be fair. Chuck cbuczesk@comcast.net
  8. I still think it's the moving parts of a locking gas cap. Google some pictures of locking gas caps and you'll see what I mean. Chuck
  9. I cleaned up some of the wiring on my race car and then cleaned the garage. While I had 3 of the Zs outside I thought I'd take some pictures. Yellow - 1975 280Z ITS race car Silver - 1972 240Z turbo Blue - 1974 260Z turbo Chuck
  10. Here are some before and after pics of my 1972 240Z turbo. Chuck
  11. It's boxed up and on the front porch ready for USPS Priority Mail delivery. Chuck
  12. I grabbed a TC rod for Zedyone and it is straight. I have the LCA too. I'll get 'em boxed up. Chuck
  13. I got your payment and will pack things up tonight. Chuck
  14. Passenger pigeon it is! Maybe PayPal is more reliable? I should be able to box it up tonight and ship it tomorrow. Sound good? Chuck PayPal: cbuczesk@comcast.net
  15. I should have a spare LCA and TC rod. How's $50 shipped for the set? Chuck
  16. Where are your jack stands??? Chuck
  17. I did the door panels and everything else with red SEM vinyl dye 3 years ago and it's holding up very well. I didn't do the seats or headliner. My plan is to get my other Miata seats reupholstered in black with red inserts. Chuck
  18. I re-dyed the interior panels. They had almost faded to white! I don't think I want to dye the seats. I think that would wear off and probably stain my clothes. Here's a before pic. It didn't look that red in person. Chuck
  19. I found some interior shots of my blue 260Z turbo. The car currently has Miata seats that are black with blue leather inserts. Chuck
  20. Yep. Wish my seats were the correct shade of red. Chuck
  21. Thanks! I wish I had some interior and engine shots handy. Maybe I'll post some tonight. BTW, the red Z in the background is a '74 Fairlady Z. I wish I still had it. A guy flew up from Texas and drove it home. Chuck
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