Everything posted by vercingetorix
Front Calipers
I'm looking for new calipers for my '71 and came across some at Rock Auto for $39.99 loaded. They are re-manufactured by A-1 Cardone. Anyone ever heard of them? They also list some Beck Arnleys for a bit more. Any insight appreciated. Thanks, HH
What performance do you get after upgrades?
I agree, this was the mod that yielded me the best,instantlly noticable results, from easier starting to a massivley better accelleration curve. M2Cs
(12/70) 1971 240Z electric antenna
Dave, Whats your price on one with a black mast? Best, H Houghton
(12/70) 1971 240Z electric antenna
Which antenna part number, the first or last one mentioned? Best, H Houghton
Early Shift Boots
Bryan, Just recieved my shift boot,e-brake cover and wiring cover and all look wonderful. FINEST KIND! My only question is, does anyone have a picture of the wiring cover installed? My car has not had one since I have owned it and I have never seen one in another car. Does it just wrap around where the harnesses join under the right dash? Anybody? Best, H Houghton
Front ball joints on 11/71/ 240Z
Did the whole front end of my 9/70 in the driveway last summer no problem. While I was in there I discovered that the swing arm bushings were almost non-existant which caused my right tension rod to break twice bfore I figured it out and making it a real squirrel in the turns ,so you might want to check that while your in there. Best, H Houghton
Headlights, no brights
Dave, PM'd you. Best, H Houghton
Headlights, no brights
Dave, Is that $35 for both sides or for just the dimmer turn signal side? I probably ought to just do both as they must be equally tired. Best, H Houghton
Headlights, no brights
Dave, I was driving the other night without fear thanks to your harness's. But when I hit the brights everything went black. I had to pull over because they wouldnt switch back to low. Then for no reason they came back on but on low beam. Any ideas? Stock dimmer relay maybe? Because your harness's work so well I drive at night all the time, but this kinda wierded me out. Best, H Houghton
just wanted to see how old everyone is here?
Just celebrated my 30th 28th birthday in January, Now I'm going to start back the other way. Probably die at 28.
'71 in Albuquerque
Steve, Just in looking at the pics I took and the thumbnail in your original post, they are the same car. Yet another E-Bay blooper. Best, H Houghton
'71 in Albuquerque
Steve, I didn't make it down to Abq. until today(Monday) and was told that the shell of the '71 had been crushed There is a '73 w/a sun roof that is not too horrible so I took a couple of pics, if you are interested let me know. Best, H Houghton
'71 in Albuquerque
Steve, I just dug out my camera and I will see if I can make this dog hunt. Best, H Houghton
'71 in Albuquerque
Thanks Art, I know where junk yard row is, Ill try to get down there tomorrow or Saturady. Thanks Again, Best, H Houghton
'71 in Albuquerque
Red-Eye, Do you have any idea where this '71 is located? Im in Santa Fe and always looking for parts for my '71. Best, H Houghton
spare parts disease
There is no such disease. If you think you need to be cured just send me your parts, Im sure I still have some room under the house somewhere.
Read by wait to post...What original part of the S30 has the poorest design?
Who thought routing all the current through the headlight switch was a good idea? And melting fuse boxes?
Heater Control Panel
Does anyone know where I can get a set of new stickers for mine? The unit is great but the stickers below the sliders are faded. Best, H Houghton
240z carpet
MSA sells a 240Z carpet kit that covers all the diamond vinyl areas, Transmission tunnel, luggage riser, wheel wells, shock towers and scuff areas under sill plate. The later model carpets wont fit as the consoles were longer than the 71 and leaves about a 4 inch bare spot, I am aware of this only because I was shipped a 73 transmission tunnel carpet by mistake. As for underlayment I used three layers of butyl sound dampner and then a layer of "Luxury Liner" from Second Skin Audio the sound difference is amazing. Now all I need is cash for a killer stereo to take advantage of my new found quiet. Best, H Houghton
Steering Rack Differences; 240-Z vs. 260-Z (280-Z)
You might try here http://www.buy-steering.com/ the guy on the phone said it was no problem to get early racks. Best, H Houghton
Electronic Distributor Upgreade
I had an xr3000 with stock distirbutor, getting the eye setup correctly with the rotor was a bit of a pain but it ran O.K.. Later I switched to a 280zx distributor with its built on electronic ignition and it is massively better!! Better power curve, better ignition ,easier starting and the bigger distributor cap prevents high power arcing inside the cap. I think I would spare the expense of the xr3000 and cut to the chase. If you are dead set on the xr3000 I think I still have my complete set up including the distributor somewhere PM me if you're interested. Best, H Houghton
Door welt
Thanks, I spoke to Sal at MSA right after I posted this and he 'Splained it to me. This piece has not been on my car since I've owned it, now to purchase a couple.. Best, H Houghton
Door welt
I just purchased door welt from MSA as my car has never had any since Ive owned it. I got the kits and there is not enough to do the entire door opening, about 18 to 20 inches short. The kit came in two pieces one long one short. I called MSA and was told that there is no welt on the bottom of the door and that the door sill plate is supposed to anchor it across the bottom. I can see no possible way for that to work!! The sill plate would have to cover the seal from the outside with metal. Im lost here. Having never seen an original install I am w/o a clue. I think the newer seals with the built in welt go all the way around the door. Any help appreciated. Best, H Houghton
Any interest? Matched set steel wheels, 4/71 date?
I had totally ignored the rim on my spare until Arne posted posted the pics of the date stamp. So I got curious and pulled mine out to have a look only to find that what I thought was a Z rim probably is not. It is a 13 inch rim with similar slots and no date stamp that I can discern. The bolt pattern seems a little small as well, though I only rough measured it and didnt try to put it on the car. Did these cars ever come with 13 inch rims? This also explains why my hold down wont sit below the deck height. Anyone know where I can find a decent rim for a spare? The junk yards here are pathetic. Best, H Houghton
Parting '73, what do you guys need?
Hello, I'm trying to find the small universal joint that is located next to the steering rack. Not the large one with the urathane bushing but the steel one further down. Please let me know. Best, H Houghton