"BEFORE" Restoration
Inferior Restoration
Hey all, dash Question
:classic: Check out www.dashboardrestorations.com.au
Dashboard Restorations
Thank you for repeating what I had already been told earlier. I meant well in that I was trying to make sure nobody missed the opportunity as I have receved a number of direct contacts from folk who had not even seen the original post asking about this shipment. I regret this has caused you to find it necessary to point out the error of my way and as a new member I will observe the protocol now that Iam aware of it and understand how the forum system works.
Dashboard Restorations
:classic: Thanks Michael, As a new member I wasn't aware! Just trying to make sure nobody missed the opportunity. Jim
Dashboard Restorations
Dashboard Restorations Member EricB has a multi-unit shipment of 240Z and 280Z dashboard Pads leaving for restoration by airfreight in just a few days. Any other members interested need to contact him right quick to take advantage of the big freight savings he has negotiated. Anyone needing a reference as to the quality of the restoration work just contact member Alan Pugh or see his comments on the forum. You will need to hurry though. :classic:
Dashboard Restorations
Dashboard Restorations Member EricB has a multi-unit shipment of 240Z and 280Z dashboard Pads leaving for restoration by airfreight in just a few days. Any other members interested need to contact him right quick to take advantage of the big freight savings he has negotiated. Anyone needing a reference as to the quality of the restoration work just contact member Alan Pugh or see his comments on the forum. You will need to hurry though. :classic:
Dashboard Restorations
Dashboard Restorations Member EricB has a multi-unit shipment of 240Z and 280Z dashboard Pads leaving for restoration by airfreight in just a few days. Any other members interested need to contact him right quick to take advantage of the big freight savings he has negotiated. Anyone needing a reference as to the quality of the restoration work just contact member Alan Pugh or see his comments on the forum. You will need to hurry though. :classic:
Dashboard Restorations
Member EricB has a multi-unit shipment of 240Z and 280Z dashboard Pads leaving for restoration by airfreight in just a few days. Any other members interested need to contact him right quick to take advantage of the big freight savings he has negotiated. Anyone needing a reference as to the quality of the restoration work just contact member Alan Pugh or see his comments on the forum. You will need to hurry though.:classic:
A typical "inferior" restoration called "Crack-Fill and Cover". Process involves cutting out old crack's then filling with auto putty prior to re-skinning. This dash has lasted about 3 months in the sun before becoming brittle and split EXACTLY where the original crack's were. That's why they are cheap!! We do not "repair" we "totally restore" in an absolutely professional manner - and we are proud of our work.
Hi Guy's, Check our "Process" page on our web-site www.dashboardrestorations.com.au for a pictorial overview of the restoration process. Price wise we charge club members AUD$394 (approx USD$262), for a total restoration. Member EricB is currently organising a shipment of dashes to Oz for restoration if you are interested. Regards, Jim
Dashboard Restorations
:classic: Check out "My Gallery" for BEFORE and AFTER photographs of a Z Series dash restoration (should be approved for posting today). EricB is organising a shipment to the factory right now for other interested members.