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Everything posted by Bcalvosa

  1. until

    Sunday, September 24th, 2017 (rain date October 1st)Hosted and Sponsored by Acme Nissan 2050 Route 130, Monmouth Junction, NJ Registration: 9:00AM - 11:00AM, Show ends ~ 2:30PM It's show time once again!Buff them up, and enjoy a day with fellow Z enthusiasts! Everyone is invited – you don't need to be a Member! Get there early, we expect a big turn out. First 75 Z cars will receive a free tee shirt, dash plaque, plus a goody bag with lots of car stuff. 1st & 2nd place Peoples' Choice trophies in each class, Best of Show and the Dealer's favorite Z car. Lots of great raffle items, and a 50/50! Food Truck for refreshments and food. A family friendly event: no alcohol, please be respectful & polite to our generous hosts.We look forward to Z'ing everyone at the show. Your participation is what makes this show so rewarding!
  2. We kick off our monthly meetings tomorrow: Sunday, April 9th, 2017 @ Noon Green Knoll Grill 645 Rte 202/206, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Meet in the lot, Talk Z's, Grab Lunch & Talk Events and Ideas.... We welcome Z's of all vintages -- come and check us out. You can also check http://www.NJZClub.com/images.html to see pictures of past events. Check www.NJZClub.com for a full calendar of events and upcoming meetings, or e-mail NJZClub@Yahoo.com to get updates.
  3. Z's are notorious for leaking exhaust gasses (or fumes) into the interior. This article details a procecss to find and eliminate the sources. To make the article easier to read, key photos are hot linked, while additional views just have a hyperlink you can click on. When driving with a window open, the air rushing around the windshield and drip moulding creates low pressure in the front half of the open window. This vacuum is what draws the air in the back half of the open window, and ultimately draws in exhaust fumes through any leak near the back of the car. If the windows and doors do not seal well, exhaust is drawn in (to a lesser effect), even with the windows closed. Granted when driving there is a low pressure area over the whole hatch and rear panel of the car, but not nearly as strong as the low pressure formed from an open window. This should also improve heater performance, since you can also find and eliminate high pressure air leaks. Equipment needed: To recreate the leaks in a garage, you need: A shop vacuum. Some cardboard. About 3 feet of 1/4" to 3/16" automotive vacuum hose (to act as a stethoscope). A roll of masking tape. Optionally you can also use a DJ smoke or fog machine (rented from an equipment/party rental facility). It makes finding leak areas easier. To seal the leaks you need: Seam sealer or caulk for tiny leaks (like GE Silicone II in clear and/or black available at home centers). Dum Dum (like 3M strip caulk #08578 available at NAPA) or duct seal (like Blackburn duct seal available at home centers) for small to medium leaks. Depending on where you have leaks, you may also need: Spray adhesive (like 3M general trim adhesive #08088) to attach interior vinyl. Replacement body plugs, grommets, gaskets and interior trim plastic rivets (from Nissan or aftermarket Z specialists). The test setup: If using a smoke machine, Set it on a piece of cardboard inside the hatch compartment (facing rearward) and send the power and remote cords out the passenger window. Close up of the Smoke Machine: Test firing the smoke machine... Open the passenger window about 3" and seal the shop vac floor nozzle to the upper rear corner of the window frame with tape. Cover the rest of the window opening with cardboard, and seal the opening inside and out with masking tape. Another view: Turn the dashboard vent control to "Off," and close both fresh air vents under the corners of the dash. The shop vac can now be used to pressurize (hook the hose up to "blowing" port) or depressurize (hook the hose up to the vacuum port) the interior. The depressurize test: Close the hatch and driver window, seal the round vents behind the quarter panel windows (if equipped) with tape, hook the shop vac hose to "vacuum," turn it on, get in the car and close the driver door. Feel for air coming in the dash vents and fresh air vents. Either repair the leaks now or temporarily seal them up with tape - these leaks hurt heater performance in the winter. With vacuum on, feel around the interior with the back of your hand for leaks. Below are some possible leak areas and fixes (fix each leak as you find it (either permanently or temporarily) and it will make it easier to find each successive leak): Hatch seal - check alignment of hatch (adjust hinges & striker), replace hatch seal and/or add additional "universal" weatherstrip to close gap as needed. Even with a new gasket and properly adjusted hatch, I needed to add a strip of "universal" foam to the upper edge of the hatch to get a seal. This image is with the hatch slightly open, showing how the gasket touches the hatch on either side of the hinge, but leaves a gap in the hinge centers. Hatch filler panel - remove and add thin universal weatherstrip around underside if leaking from edges, on Series I 240Z's (cars with 2 horizontal chrome vents on the outside of the hatch) if leaking from slots, remove panel and clean / repair vent flaps, on non-Series 1 cars, check the large rubber body plugs on the outside of the hatch about a foot from either side of the latch. Bottom of strut towers - under the diagonals for the strut towers (under the vinyl) there is a 1.5" diameter body hole with no grommet (this is over where the rear diff crossmember mounts to the frame rail). Where the diagonal mounts to the floor is also not fully sealed. All of these holes suck air through the frame rails. Nissan did not plug or seal these holes - the vinyl trim is supposed to seal off area. Either seal the vinyl to the floor, or peel back the vinyl and seal these areas (or do both). Tail lamp panel, dome lamp panel & speaker openings - the many possible sources will be checked with the pressurize test. If you remove the interior panels, the fuel tank vent hoses, antenna drain hose & grommet, tail light gaskets, unsealed sheet metal seams, and rust holes are common causes. Door or window seals - replace. Shifter - replace inner shift boot. The pressurize test: On Series 1 cars, seal up the body vents by taping up the slots on the inner hatch trim panel. From outside of the vehicle, close the doors, attach the vac hose to the "blowing" port, and if you have the smoke machine, plug it in and fill the interior with smoke. Filling up (the smoke does not stain)... All full... Turn on the vacuum and look for large leak areas (every Z has lots!). Feel with the back of your hand, confirming location with the "stethoscope" hose held up to your ear (note that you are doing this at your own risk - I accept no liability if you injure your ear drum, a bug crawls in your ear, of if you forgot the hose was full of some toxic substance). Starting from the rear of the vehicle (again, fix each leak as you find it -- it makes it easier to find remaining leaks): Tail lamp vents - (2 on bottom of each tail lamp). Remove felt "filters" if present and seal with clear caulk. The lamp sockets are not sealed, providing adequate ventilation without the outer vents. This should also stop the internal lens discoloration due to exhaust gasses flowing through the lamp. Under hatch - The hatch has a thick inner and a thin outer gasket. Any leak between the gaskets draws in exhaust. With the hatch open you can seal the opening with cardboard, taping it to the inner gasket and run a pressurize test or just open the hatch and seal the following: Round body plugs on either side of hatch rail. Pinch weld above hatch hinges (just below the outer seal along the roof edge) - caulk gaps. Hatch hinges to the body - Seal any gaps (exopsed adjustment or shim slots, seal the hinge gasket to the body, and if a pressure check confirms a leak from inside the hinge pocket, remove the hatch & hinges and seal any splits and cracks inside the rubber hinge pocket seals. This was a hard to find leak. In this photo, the hatch and hinges are removed. The hinges fit into a pocket along the roof edge. Behind the metal plate is a rubber boot that fits inside and seals the pocket. One of the pockets on this car had a crack deep inside the pocket and an area worn through from rubbing on the hinge. The part is no longer available from Nissan, so some glue and liquid rubber was used to seal it up. The gaskets also sealed poorly to the roof support (caulk sealed it up). There were also numerous leaks between the inner (thick) and outer (thin upper) gasket in the photo. Anywhere two pieces of sheet metal were spot welded together needed caulk. Continue the pressure test under the car: In the below photo, many leaks are sealed at this point, allowing the smoke coming from under the driver rear fender to be visible. Potential under the car leak sources: Evap emission hoses & grommets - just behind the rear valence panel - use the stethoscope to pinpoint. Seam welds around floor behind rear valence (you may need to remove the fuel tank, or use the stethescope hose to thoroughly check). Antenna drain hose and grommet - on driver's side behind wheel well. If lots of air comes out of the hose, it could be disconnected from the antenna or the antenna may need to be sealed. Remove the inner hatch trim panel to check. Pinch welds just forward of the antenna drain, and seam welds going back to rear valance panel. Evap hoses and grommets on passenger side, behind wheel well. Pinch welds just forward of evap hoses and seam welds going back to rear valence panel (removing the splash shield behind the passenger tire may ease access without needing to drop the tank. Wheel housing inner pinch weld in front of rear tire. Pinch weld under rocker panel (toward rear) Round holes under outside rocker panels (these can be plugged with the same rubber plugs used on either side of the hatch rails, and some sealant). Don't seal the oval drain ports in the inside of the frame rails. Body plugs in spare tire well and driver and passenger floors. Rest of car: Pinch welds on forward side of gas door opening (upper and lower corners). Hatch compartment floor rubber body plugs (remove carpet and check - these lead into the frame rails and can draw exhaust). Body plugs behind seats (remove carpet and check - for Series 1 these are in the storage bins). These lead into the frame rails. Grommets & throttle rod boot on firewall. Below are links to additional Exhaust Fume Articles: "Solving the Fume Problem in a 280Z" by Zhorse: "Exhaust Fumes in 1st Generation Z Cars" by rzola: Happy hunting... Here's to summer driving without burning eyes and a passed out passenger... Edit: 2020-06-01 by Mike: Updated all image links and cross posts.
  4. until

    Hosted by Acme Nissan! Location: Acme Nissan -- 2050 Route 130, Monmouth Junction, NJ http://www.AcmeNissan.com/ It's show time once again! Buff them up, and enjoy a day with fellow Z enthusiasts! Everyone is invited – you don't need to be a Member! Start time is 9AM so please try to get there early since we expect a big turn out (show ends ~2:30 PM (registration closes @ 11AM)). The first 75 Z cars will receive a free tee shirt and a dash plaque. Plus a goody bag with lots of car stuff. There will be 1st & 2nd place Peoples' Choice trophies in each class, Best of Show and the Dealer's favorite Z car. There are Lots of great raffle items like every year! There will be a 50/50 A food truck will be on site selling drinks and lunch. Reminder -- this is a family friendly event -- please no alcohol, and be respectful and polite to our generous hosts. We look forward to Z'ing everyone at the show. Your participation is is what makes this show so rewarding!
  5. Great weather this Sunday -- going to be a fantastic show (over 70 cars last year)... Hoping to Z you there...
  6. Everyone is invited – you don't need to be a Member! Children welcome – they will vote on and award a special “Kid's Choice” Trophy 9 AM – 2:30 PM (Registration closes @ 11 AM) People's Choice Trophies Raffles & 50/50 Drawing Registration includes Show Shirt plus goodies. Lots of FreindZ! Location: Autoeastern Meadowlands Nissan (new name, same Meadowlands Nissan Location) 45 Route 17 South Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Map Link: http://goo.gl/maps/rX70Z New Jersey Nissan Dealer, Serving Jersey City, Paramus, Newark, Paterson, Clifton, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ - Meadowlands Nissan
  7. NJ Z Car Club 15th Annual Car Show: SUNDAY, September 29th, 2013 NEW HOST & Show Location: Meadowlands Nissan 45 Route 17 South Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Map Link: http://goo.gl/maps/rX70Z New Jersey Nissan Dealer, Serving Jersey City, Paramus, Newark, Paterson, Clifton, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ - Meadowlands Nissan Time: 9 AM - 3:00 PM (registration closes at 11 AM). Everyone is invited -- members and non-members (and you need not hail from Jersey!) People's Choice Trophies Raffles & 50/50 Drawing Show Shirts & Give Aways Lots of FriendZ! 1st and 2nd Place Trophies for Stock and Street Modified 240Z, 260Z/280Z, 280ZX, 300ZX (Z31), 300ZX (Z32), 350Z and, 370Z, plus an Ultra Modified category. Registration: $15 (and includes a show shirt). Only $10 for members, so a great time to join, if not a member already!. You can fill out your registration in advance and bring it to the show: http://www.njzclub.com/show_form-2013.pdf Website: The New Jersey Z Car Club - Home Page Events calendar of NJ Z Car Club, local shows of interest and neighboring Z car club shows. Photos from past events. facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/njzclub/ Very active chat about advice, cars and parts for sale, and impromptu car meets.
  8. Due to the risk of rain, the date has CHANGED: NJ Z Car Club 15th Annual Car Show: SUNDAY, September 29th, 2013 NEW HOST & Show Location: Meadowlands Nissan 45 Route 17 South Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Map Link: http://goo.gl/maps/rX70Z New Jersey Nissan Dealer, Serving Jersey City, Paramus, Newark, Paterson, Clifton, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ - Meadowlands Nissan Time: 9 AM - 3:00 PM (registration closes at 11 AM). Everyone is invited -- members and non-members (and you need not hail from Jersey!) People's Choice Trophies Raffles & 50/50 Drawing Show Shirts & Give Aways Lots of FriendZ! 1st and 2nd Place Trophies for Stock and Street Modified 240Z, 260Z/280Z, 280ZX, 300ZX (Z31), 300ZX (Z32), 350Z and, 370Z, plus an Ultra Modified category. Registration: $15 (and includes a show shirt). Only $10 for members, so a great time to join, if not a member already!. You can fill out your registration in advance and bring it to the show: http://www.njzclub.com/show_form-2013.pdf Website: The New Jersey Z Car Club - Home Page Events calendar of NJ Z Car Club, local shows of interest and neighboring Z car club shows. Photos from past events. facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/njzclub/ Very active chat about advice, cars and parts for sale, and impromptu car meets.
  9. until

    NJ Z Car Club 15th Annual Car Show: SUNDAY, September 29th, 2013 NEW HOST & Show Location: Meadowlands Nissan 45 Route 17 South Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Map Link: http://goo.gl/maps/rX70Z http://www.MeadowlandsNissan.com/ Time: 9 AM - 3:00 PM (registration closes at 11 AM). Everyone is invited -- members and non-members (and you need not hail from Jersey!) People's Choice Trophies Raffles & 50/50 Drawing Show Shirts & Give Aways Lots of FriendZ! 1st and 2nd Place Trophies for Stock and Street Modified 240Z, 260Z/280Z, 280ZX, 300ZX (Z31), 300ZX (Z32), 350Z and, 370Z, plus an Ultra Modified category. Registration: $15 (and includes a show shirt). Only $10 for members, so a great time to join, if not a member already!. Website: http://www.njzclub.com/ Events calendar of NJ Z Car Club, local shows of interest and neighboring Z car club shows. Photos from past events. facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/njzclub/ Very active chat about advice, cars and parts for sale, and impromptu car meets.
  10. NJ Z Car Club 15th Annual Car Show: SUNDAY, September 22, 2013 (rain date Sunday, Sept 29th) NEW HOST & Show Location: Meadowlands Nissan 45 Route 17 South Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Map Link: http://goo.gl/maps/rX70Z New Jersey Nissan Dealer, Serving Jersey City, Paramus, Newark, Paterson, Clifton, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ - Meadowlands Nissan Time: 9 AM - 2:30 PM (registration closes at 11 AM). Everyone is invited -- members and non-members (and you need not hail from Jersey!) People's Choice Trophies Raffles & 50/50 Drawing Show Shirts & Give Aways Lots of FriendZ! 1st and 2nd Place Trophies for Stock and Street Modified 240Z, 260Z/280Z, 280ZX, 300ZX (Z31), 300ZX (Z32), 350Z and, 370Z, plus an Ultra Modified category. Registration: $15 (and includes a show shirt). Only $10 for members, so a great time to join, if not a member already!. Hope to Z you there! Website: The New Jersey Z Car Club - Home Page Events calendar of NJ Z Car Club, local shows of interest and neighboring Z car club shows. Photos from past events. facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/njzclub/ Very active chat about advice, cars and parts for sale, and impromptu car meets.
  11. NJ Z Car Club Somerville Cruise Night: Friday, June 21st ~4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Come out to play after work and have a blast! This is always a fun night, with many awesome cars in downtown Somerville on Main Street, great places to eat, music, etc. All Z enthusiasts invited! We will be the featured Car Club, with reserved parking right in front of the old court house (5 East Main Street, Somerville, NJ 08876).
  12. until

    The Second NJ Z Car Club meeting of 2013 will be April 7th, Noon @ The Green Knoll Grille, 645 Rt 202/206, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. Meet in the lot, talk cars, grab lunch, discuss upcoming events... All area enthusiasts are invited - great chance to see what we are all about!
  13. until

    The First NJ Z Car Club meeting of 2013 will be April 7th, Noon @ The Green Knoll Grille, 645 Rt 202/206, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. This will be a great kick off to the year, and a chance to reconnect after coming out of hibernation! Meet in the lot, talk cars, grab lunch, discuss upcoming events... All area enthusiasts are invited - great chance to see what we are all about!
  14. The First NJ Z Car Club meet of 2013 will be April 7th, Noon @ The Green Knoll Grille, 645 Rt 202/206, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. This will be a great kick off to the year, and a chance to reconnect after coming out of hibernation! Meet in the lot, talk cars, grab lunch, discuss upcoming events... All area enthusiasts are invited - great chance to see what we are all about!
  15. 2nd Meet of the Year. Sunday, May 5th -- Noon @ The Green Knoll Grille (645 U.S. 202, Bridgewater, NJ 08807). Meet in the lot, talk cars, grab lunch, talk upcoming events. All area enthusiasts are invited - great chance to see what we are all about!
  16. Bcalvosa replied to gnosez's post in a topic in United States
    One week left to reserve your room at discounted rates! Book by 3/31/2013...
  17. Bcalvosa replied to gnosez's post in a topic in United States
    Sounds liike a great convention: "Starting with our special quest, Bob Sharp, who will regale us with great tales from the days of Bob Sharp Racing, Paul Newman, Tom Cruise and Walter Payton at the opening reception, to the return of the Texas Chili and Margarita party, a car show held on the grounds of the Anheuser Busch Brewery, downtown dining in Nashua, a road rallye along the back roads of western New Hampshire, a full day at the 1.6 mile road course at the New Hampshire Motorsport Speedway, followed by a traditional New England clam bake and lobster dinner, a separate day of auto-crossing and a day into Boston with rides on the Ducks and a tour of historic Fenway Park before returning for the closing banquet and awards ceremony. We invite you to experience all of this and more!"
  18. East Coast Z Nationals: May 17–19, 2013 at the Carlisle Import & Kit Nationals (Show & Awards are Saturday). Carlisle Fairgrounds, 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle, PA 17013 The pre registration deadline for Carlisle is April 15, 2013. Register online at https://store.carlisleevents.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=23 Pre-registration allows for quick entry and and save 10%. If you'd prefer, registration is also available by calling their office at (717) 243-7855. Register using the East Coast Z Nationals for club affiliation (when you register online there is a drop down box after your car information). East Coast Z Nationals show on Saturday the 18th with trophies and prizes for an additional $10. Registration for the East Coast Z Nationals is at the show, and closes at 10AM. There will also be raffles, 50/50, and more. If staying over, Hotel Accommodations are reserved at The Hotel Carlisle (20 Rooms blocked under East Coast Z Nationals) – Carlisle Hotels - Hotel Carlisle in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Peter Brock is Coming to Carlisle Legendary Designer and Racer Onsite at Import & Kit Weekend Peter Brock is a highly regarded designer and author within the automotive hobby. After leaving Shelby American in 1965, Brock launched his own company, Brock Racing Enterprises (a.k.a. BRE). Prior to doing so, however; Brock had some pretty impressive successes in the automotive design field, most notably penning the classic forms that would eventually become the famed ’63 “split window” Corvette Stingray, a design celebrating 50 years in 2013. In addition, after a move to the west coast, Brock designed the body for the World Championship winning Cobra Daytona Coupe for Shelby American. On his own with BRE, he not only was designing cars for companies like Hino, Toyota and Triumph, he started his own race team and literally put the Japanese automotive industry into the history books with his famed team of BRE Datsuns, winning two C Production National Championships with the 240Z and two 2.5 Trans-Am Championships with driver John Morton and his beloved BRE Datsun 510s.
  19. Z Enthusiasts: NJ Z Car Club Meeting -- Sunday, October 21st, 2012 Let's squeeze in one more meet before the snow hits! Noon @ The Green Knoll Grille, 645 Rt 202/206, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. Agenda: Meet up in the parking lot. Talk some cars... Car of the month. Grab some lunch and share car show photos, stories, and suggestions for next year. Keep in touch, and interact with fellow enthusiasts: Facebook: We are the NJ Z Car Club on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_144836302250697&ap=1 Very active chat about advice, cars and parts for sale, and impromptu car meets. NJZClub.com The New Jersey Z Car Club - Home Page Events calendar (give us a couple days to update with the above info!) of NJ Z Car Club, local shows of interest and neighboring Z car club shows. Photos from past events. Links to our Facebook, Forums, Message Board, etc. Get the word out! Updated NJ Z Car Club tri-fold flyers are available for printing from the "Join Now" link on our website or at this link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxmOS5MaaNX_YjRlMjc3ZDQtYjg4ZS00YzNkLTg3ZGQtYjdjZjNkNGQ3ZjVk/edit?hl=en_US Keep a few in the glove box of each of your vehicles and slip under the wiper of Z's you see! We are looking forward to Z'ing you all!
  20. NJ Z Car Club Annual Car Show: Saturday, September 08, 2012 (rain date Saturday, September 15, 2012). THIS IS IT! Our big annual show -- Last year we all showcased a record number of our Z cars, and are looking forward to an even better show this year. New Location! Bridgewater Nissan, 1400 US Highway 22E, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 (just east of the Route 22 and Finderne Ave. intersection). Time: 9 AM - 2:30 PM (registration closes at 11 AM). Everyone is invited -- members and non-members! People's Choice Trophies Raffles & 50/50 Drawing Show Shirts & Give Aways Bridgewater Nissan will be hosting a barbeque for us as well! Lots of FriendZ! Judging Categories for Roadsters, 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX, 300ZX (Z31 & Z32), 350Z, 370Z & GT-R. Show Flyer: Help promote the show by putting these up in local parts stores, cruise locations, under your wiper arm while showing your car, etc. http://www.njzclub.com/show_flyer.pdf Registration: Download a registration form at http://www.njzclub.com/show_form-2012.pdf, fill it out, and bring it to the show with you (or you can register at the show). Registration is $15 ($10 for members, so a great time to join, if not a member already!). Hotel: If looking for a local hotel for the show, the Hilton Garden Inn Bridgewater is honoring a 10% discount for mentioning the NJ Z Car Club Show. Hotel Address: 500 Promenade Boulevard, Bridgewater, New Jersey, 08807 -- Telephone: 1-732-271-9030. Send us an e-mail if staying over at the hotel Friday night -- we will be setting up a dinner in Somerville for our guests... Directions from the hotel to the show (about 2-1/2 minute drive): Turn right onto Promenade Blvd. At end of road, turn right onto Route 533 / East Main St. Take first right onto Foothill Rd. Cross Route 28 / Union Ave. at light (road name changes to Chimney Rock Rd.) Take first left onto Foothill Rd. In 0.8 miles take first right onto Finderne Ave. At end, take ramp right to merge onto Route 22 East. Bridgewater Nissan is on the right. Link to map from the hotel to the show: https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=1400+US+Highway+22E,+Bridgewater,+NJ+08807%5C&hl=en&ll=40.568491,-74.561419&spn=0.016137,0.042272&sll=40.565582,-74.55635&sspn=0.002017,0.005284&geocode=FSb9agIdcF-O-w%3BFasgawIdhDGO-ymP1ARBlL_DiTHHuPEMKjSaxg&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=18&t=m&z=15 Other upcoming events: NJ Z Car Club Meeting: Sunday, September 23, 2012, @ 12:00 Noon Let's hook up at 12:00 Noon @ The Green Knoll Grille, 645 Rt 202/206, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. Agenda: Meet up in the parking lot. Talk some cars... Car of the month. Grab some lunch and share car show photos, stories, and suggestions for next year. Keep in touch, and interact with fellow enthusiasts: Facebook: We are the NJ Z Car Club on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_144836302250697&ap=1 Very active chat about advice, cars and parts for sale, and impromptu car meets. NJZClub.com http://www.njzclub.com/ Events calendar of NJ Z Car Club, local shows of interest and neighboring Z car club shows. Photos from past events. Links to our Facebook, Message Board, etc. Get the word out! Updated NJ Z Car Club tri-fold flyers are available for printing from the "Join Now" link on our website or at this link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxmOS5MaaNX_YjRlMjc3ZDQtYjg4ZS00YzNkLTg3ZGQtYjdjZjNkNGQ3ZjVk/edit?hl=en_US Keep a few in the glove box of each of your vehicles and slip under the wiper of Z's you see! We are looking forward to Z'ing you all!
  21. Z Enthusiasts: NJ Z Car Club Meeting -- Sunday, June 24th, 2012 Now that the weather has dried out a bit, let's hook up at Noon @ The Green Knoll Grille, 645 Rt 202/206, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. Note that ZANY's Northeast Z Adventure spans this weekend also. It is a great event, so if you were even thinking of going, please do! The Annual NJ Z Car Club Picnic is set for Saturday, July 7, 2012 (rain date Sunday, July 8th) Ralph & Liz Ciccone will be graciously hosting us again, and it will be a great chance to talk Z's among friends, cool off in the pool, and enjoy a barbeque! Time: 2 - 7PM Address: 771 Riverside Drive, Hillsborough, NJ PLEASE RSVP (send an e-mail) to Ralph at RC771@verizon.net with # of guests. PLEASE! It really helps hosting a picnic if you know how many people to grab grub for! Bring bathing suits and towels. We will supply burgers, dogs, beer, wine. If you want anything else, feel free to bring it. Please bring a dessert or side dish. There is plenty of space to park. Bring the cars! Mapping programs think that Ralph and Liz live in the river, so watch the house numbers on the mailboxes -- you might try loading the latitude and longitude into MapQuest, Google Maps, or your navigation system: 40.515200, -74.709963 MapQuest link: MapQuest Maps - Driving Directions - Map Reminder of upcoming events: Somerville Cruise Night: Friday, August 24, 2012 ~4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Come out to play after work and have a blast! This is always a fun night, with many awesome cars in downtown Somerville on Main Street, great places to eat, music, etc. We will be the featured Car Club, with reserved parking right in front of the old court house (5 East Main Street, Somerville, NJ 08876). NJ Z Car Club Annual Car Show: Saturday, September 08, 2012 (rain date Saturday, September 15, 2012). New Venue! Somerville Nissan, 1400 US Highway 22E Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Last year we all showcased a record number of our Z cars, and are looking forward to fantastic show again this year (complete with trophies, raffles, and lots of friendZ). Facebook: We are the NJ Z Car Club on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_144836302250697&ap=1 Very active chat about advice, cars and parts for sale, and impromptu car meets. NJZClub.com The New Jersey Z Car Club - Home Page Events calendar (give us a couple days to update with the above info!) of NJ Z Car Club, local shows of interest and neighboring Z car club shows. Photos from past events. Links to our Facebook, Forums, Message Board, etc. Get the word out! Updated NJ Z Car Club tri-fold flyers are available for printing from the "Join Now" link on our website or at this link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxmOS5MaaNX_YjRlMjc3ZDQtYjg4ZS00YzNkLTg3ZGQtYjdjZjNkNGQ3ZjVk/edit?hl=en_US Keep a few in the glove box of each of your vehicles and slip under the wiper of Z's you see! We are looking forward to Z'ing you all! Bob Calvosa, President Diego Perri, Vice President Tom Johnston, Treasurer Peter Riccardi, Events Director Jan Elliott, Web Master / Club Photographer Morris West, Track Director Paul Riccioli, President Emeritus
  22. until

    The Annual NJ Z Car Club Picnic is set for Saturday, July 7, 2012 (rain date Sunday, July 8th) Ralph & Liz Ciccone will be graciously hosting us again, and it will be a great chance to talk Z's among friends, cool off in the pool, and enjoy a barbeque! Time: 2 - 7PM Address: 771 Riverside Drive, Hillsborough, NJ PLEASE RSVP (send an e-mail) to Ralph at RC771@verizon.net with # of guests. PLEASE! It really helps hosting a picnic if you know how many people to grab grub for! Bring bathing suits and towels. We will supply burgers, dogs, beer, wine. If you want anything else, feel free to bring it. Please bring a dessert or side dish. There is plenty of space to park. Bring the cars! Mapping programs think that Ralph and Liz live in the river, so watch the house numbers on the mailboxes -- you might try loading the latitude and longitude into MapQuest, Google Maps, or your navigation system: 40.515200, -74.709963 MapQuest link: MapQuest Maps - Driving Directions - Map
  23. until

    Z Enthusiasts: NJ Z Car Club Meeting -- Sunday, June 24th, 2012 Now that the weather has dried out a bit, let's hook up at Noon @ The Green Knoll Grille, 645 Rt 202/206, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. Note that ZANY's Northeast Z Adventure spans this weekend also. It is a great event, so if you were even thinking of going, please do!
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    NJ Z Car Club Annual Car Show: Saturday, September 08, 2012 (rain date Saturday, September 15, 2012). Location: New Venue! Somerville Nissan, 1400 US Highway 22E, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 Time: 9AM - 2:30PM (Judging closes at 12:30PM) Register: At the show -- $15 car entrance fee ($10 for members, so a great time to join, if not already a member). Save some time, fill out your registration form in advance, and bring it to the show -- see www.NJZClub.com. In addition to fantastic cars, the show will have: Trophies Raffles T-shirts Give aways 50/50 Dash plaques and lots of friendZ! Everyone is invited -- All Area Z Entusiasts - Members and non-members! Roadsters, 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 300ZX, 350Z, 370Z & GT-R's all welcome! Last year we all showcased a record number of our Z cars, and are looking forward to fantastic show again this year!
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    Somerville Cruise Night: Friday, August 24, 2012 ~4:00 PM - 9:00 PM. Come out to play after work and have a blast! This is always a fun night, with many awesome cars in downtown Somerville on Main Street, great places to eat, music, etc. The NJ Z Car Club will be the featured Car Club, with reserved parking right in front of the old court house (5 East Main Street, Somerville, NJ 08876). All area Z enthusiasts are invited to join us -- Members and non-members alike... For updated info, check www.NJZClub.com

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