Everything posted by ZmeFly
My Z
i like it especially the price
It's Official, I'm a 240Z Owner!!!!
where in the hell are the pics man pics damnit pics!!!!!
you really never do know..until its to late
carl and tanny both said some really good things. tanny its true, i have been dwelling on what if and where as's and the like. whats really bad is that no one because i know my mom was in no condition to try and contact me when he died. she was the one that found my dad slumped over the bed, lips blue and barely warm. it is a pain that will without doubt take a long long time to lose in my heart, i still tear up everytime i think of my dad. as you stated though tanny lately thats what ive been thinking about. his little ways, his laughing and joking, and mostly the way that all who he knew loved him. he touched a lot of lives, mine mostly because to this day i only wish and hope that i could be half the man my father was. he wasnt rich, powerful or great, he was my dad. all who knew him loved him, all who knew him respected him, and all who knew him would do anything for my dad. why you ask? because that was the kind of person he was. just a kind gentle man that was loved by all he touched. if i can only be as half as rich as he was, with friends and family then ill be a better man myself. i cant imagine with you tanny what your children are going threw, knowing the inevitible and how you must feel by the same token knowing your leaving your family. it must be devastating. i totally agree with what you said, life is to be lived to its fullest and to be shared with family and friends. as most have said already, tell the ones you care for and love that you do love them, let them know theyre in yoru hearts and never forget life really is to short. tanny i hope the best for you and you get to see all that you wish for your kids. if not well im sure that they will know that you will be watching over from above. take care all and thanks once again.
Battery hold down
but here in the states you can go to your local parts store and get yourself one that is basically a universal hold down kit for 5 dollars usd. if you are looking for an original hmm i wouldnt know where to look for one
2.25" or 2.5"?
for the Z have at least a 2.5 inch collector. if your engine and the like are mostly stock then i wouldnt go above 2.25, if you have a little more then stock or are planning to go further then by all means get the 2.5 i ran my wrecked 72 just off of headers alone and i dont know what hes talking about losing low end torque. i could rip and run that car all day long:devious:
What kind of rims are these??
they are more then likely BBS or ARE, i dont think enkie made a style with the raised mesh like that but i could be mistaken.
you really never do know..until its to late
hey guys i felt i would share this with you as most of us here are like family and freinds. well this weekend i had some fun planned, i was going to baltimore to visit the parents and go to the track and see what my car can do. well unfortunately that was all cut short as i arrived at my parents house. it had been a good while well a long while since i had seen them and since they had there number changed i really hadnt any way to get in contact with them. that coupled with some money probs kept me at home for a good little while about 8 months. well anyway this weekend i found out in a really bad way i would think at least it was for me that my father had passed away. i dont know how close or not most of you are to your parents but i was pretty close. i really cant put into words what i felt when i was told by my mother what had happened. i guess the easiest was to say that someone had driven a stake threw my heart. i was sick, hurt, finding it hard to breathe, and the whole while i couldnt figure out why he was taken away. he was still a young man at only 56 years of age. my mother told me though that the day before he was as happy as could be and he didnt really suffer threw death. it was found that he had a massive heart attack and that was what had taken his life. one of the things i thought of was that in all this time i didnt see him. no one was for some reason able to contact me, and i didnt even get to reallyl say goodbye. his passing occured on April 5, 2003. so i was thinking as i know i never thought at all that one day i would go to visit my parents and find one of them gone from my life. so to all that havent talked to your parents in a while or havent seen them, give them a call, see how they are doing and tell them just so they know that you love them. its someting i didnt get a chance to do. i really mis my father, the pain is just unreal as to what it is you really feel when they are gone. i dont even know what made me write this. i guess i just needed to share. all of you take care and god bless.
my 240 is very very sick......:(
or thought you said was you had backfiring out of yoru carb, which would mean it is running lean. make sure to check all your adjustments before going on and running the car again. i would gap the plugs at at least .40, set your timing properly if you have a timing gun, get your carbs set properly or at least at a good base line.(you do have round top carbs im hoping) also make sure that your ignition system is up and running properly. are you points gappd properly?, new cap, rotor button? new wires? coil in good condition? on the tranny make sure that it is full of fluid and that its not dirty or brown looking or smells burnt. if your not sure of the last time it was serviced this may be in order. new filter and fluid. one other thing i can think of is your fuel system, did you replace all filters and inspect the carbs as well for any signs of rust getting into anything. good luck and i hope you get her running better
best set up
a complete sst set up with tokico struts on my 72, and it was the best handling car i have ever owned. sst sways front and rear 1 inch and 7/8's accordingly. sst springs, with tokico blues. it rode well but stiff, and handled like nothing i have ever owned before. i did have a front strut bar and i like it, it does help eliminate front structural flex. thats what i enjoyed even more then my coil over set up but then again that was something totally different. good luck with whatever you decide on
My baby was stolen!!!
i think that they should have there hand cut off!
Not bad, but........
one the under car pics how much oil its leaking!! my god
Aussie Mechanic
Black... or gold?
go with the gunmetal wat's they look fantastic:love:
Cool Air Intake... I know... I know...
only dont use a flexible pipe that will eventually leak and look bad as well. you can go to www.jcwhitney.com, there you will find a section where they sell mandrel bent piping. you can either get aluminum or stainless. the stainless will not rust and doesnt cost that much. i think the price is like 18 dollars for 3 inch 90 degree bend. the k&n cone filter shouldnt run more the 39.99 so for about 65-70 dollars with shipping from jc, you have the same thing msa sells for almost half. good luck with whatever you decide.
Good NGKs Cheap?
3-4 dollars a plug. you better find somewhere else to shop for your ngk's if your paying that much. way way expensive!!!
but from what everyone says they are the shyte, top of the line, cant get any better. they are also very helpful, very customer oriented, and want to please you. so yes i would say if your thinking about buying there product whatever it is i would do so
if ya care to look
but it looked kind of cool so i saved that pic to:classic:
if ya care to look
i posted some pretty nice pics in the galleries look under "japanese classics"
part of the prob with eBay
it was about a nice little brass key chain, really nice and shiny. never seen one like it but, the shipping was 5.95!!!!! for a key chain. ummmmm ok, i dont think so. then it was well we dont ship it in a bubble wrap envelope. well guess what, thats how it came with a postage of .95 i suppose the 5 bucks was for handling that was from TIR!!
I'm new.
hope you enjoy your stay here and learn a lot.
Running Rich/Spark Plug Gap
i ran my gap in all my na cars at .44 .30 for the 240Z stock settings was to small to begin with as well concidering that the stock gap i believe (correct me if im wrong) was .35.
Muffler survey
seems like you have a stroked 2.4 do yourself a favor and stay away from the flomasters. they hardly FLO that well at all. and would be a restriction in the exhaust. like the ones i mentioned would be good for your application. you may want to go down in size on your exhaust though liek leeroy mentioned and use qa 2.5 inch exhaust. 3 inch is just a little to much for this motor. good luck with whatever you decide.
Should I go EFI on my 240z?
carbs are nice, stock, easy to tune, and run nicely. injection in a 240 isnt what it came with, is much easier on the pocket, better mileage, starting, realiability, more power. what would i do. mikunis, 3000+ for a new set!!! you could get a stand alone fuel management system and a turbo motor for that price easily. event at used prices of what 500+, it just doesnt seem worth it for the minimal gains that you would get in comparison to FI. well there is always this to remeber also, you WILL NEVER get as much power out of a carbed system as you would an FI system. plain and simple
Muffler survey
dynomax and magnaflo mufflers. i have one on my ZXT, dynomax that is sounds great. both have a sight with sounds of there muffs.
Every one talks about thier dream Z.....
i take offense to that ZyouCruise statement:finger: my ZX doesnt cruise:devious: