Everything posted by ZmeFly
'77 280 Z Staying Hot
that where the problem is more the obvious to be. first thing to check would be your radiator while the car is running to see if your water pump is working and your getting flow. then check the thermostat, make sure your fan is working, while your at it and it doesnt hurt do a flush and fill after you have verified all parts are good and in working order.
p90/A ?
it seems that a few of the p90a head were with mechanical lifters. while most were with the hydraulic lifters. the reason for this is unknown to me anyway
but they dont look like they would benefit you in racing especially with the uneven design length of the tubes. if your on a budjet then maybe but i would go with something else. personally i like these headers here http://zdatsun.com/racing_header.html
wheels and tires
now that is a terrible turn of events. at least everyone and everything is ok. well looks like we will have to see it a bit later. take care
galvanized metal
as 2 many said your going to ruin the structual integrity of the vehicle plus with rivets guess what you just created another spot for rust to form. i agree with 2 many 100% if your doing floor work frame work weld weld weld:cross-eye
Interesting engine at a price...
and if i remember correctly these engines were capable of producing neck bending power for there size and era
wheels and tires
fit just fine with no worries what-so-ever. and by the way, when are we going to see this little beauty of yours
Engine or Tranny Swap in 24 Hours in Dallas
you could do it yourself in about 10 hours or less depending on your skill level
Will this work?
why would you spend the time and waste the money to make a turbo engine out of a non turbo????? its is so much easier to just get the turbo motor and go from there. it is also more then just popping on a head and or changing this and that. to do so honestly would be a waste especially since the turbo motors are plentiful. just my .02:ermm:
Wanted 240Z - 70'-73'
there is a 73 there for sale and running for only 750
my 240z screen saver
i love it and its now on my computer as well:love:
awesome vid of a 240 taking out a porsche 996
if you go to www.Zcar.com and go to the autos for sale section you can email him the name your looking for is FlameZZZ
Tranny swap.
i wouldnt and didnt on my 71, what i did do was heat and bend the shifter to make it work and it came out in the stock 4 speed postion and worked lovely without cutting anything on what was my once beautiful Z
what sort of carby it is?
where is it i dont see it
At last, Nearly finished.
thats pics of that beauty well huh huh huh were all waiting to see her:cheeky:
awesome vid of a 240 taking out a porsche 996
hehe it is a V8 turbo charged Z but still its a sweeeeet kill bet the little boy in the porsche had his feelings hurt that night http://bsr.abcomet.com/special/wayne_porsche.wmv btw this car is for sale for 6k if anyone is interested
Guess the engine
because this is the yellow 75 i believe 280Z that was on ebay a little while back witht he 2JZ toyota supra turbo motor, custom stainless header, 6 speed, all made to fit the Z in outher words an almost untouchable Z that can be daily driven and kick most any other car on the streets arse:love:
Look what I found down the street!!
damn him hes the won that took it from me it really does look just like the one on ebay a few weeks ago though. i wasnt planning on saying but i see you noticed that too so im not going crazy am i
new to datsuns
and it is true, im by far not a purist in any means of the question, and being from both worlds ie having both types, i just like the six in the Z.
Look what I found down the street!!
when hes selling the other Z and for how much you just have to
Is bigger better?
what did it come off of a F350ROFL
new to datsuns
and they really arent all that. i had a 74 260V8 that would do 12.95 in the quarter, but it just wasnt a real Z. i dont know how to explain it but i have had more fun a a inlinerZ then i ever did in the V8 Z. actually you could go with a ZXT turbo motor and it would be easier, then with the V8 convert and have the same if not more power. not saying the V8 Z isnt a bad idea, just that its not all that and well, its just old technology. go with something more updated. my .02
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
just take a look at it. Z for the datsun Z car, me for me myself and i:p, and Fly for flying down the road. ie ZmeFly its what i do whenever im in my Z
I need a psychiatrist!!!!!!
its like this, if the car is for sale for 11 big ones, im expecting to see a perfect rust free car. for 11k it has to be perfect. good paint, good interior, no problems and not needing nothing. thats what i would expect from an 11k car. im sorry but if there is any sort of descrepencies, then oh well see ya. ill put it to you this way, the last car i bought was a 71 from los angeles. cost of the car was 2800 dollars. this is what i found wrong with the car. small amount of surface rust under the battery tray, under the passenger seat there was a bit of rust, and the springs and struts needed to be replaced. that was it. it did have some small dings in the car but i planned on repainting it anway. the undercarriage was so clean and so free of rust that taking out the 4 speed for the five speed was a dream, nothing stuck together or anything. nothing rusted. what a pleasure. what im saying is finding Z's for a lot less isnt that hard. i found a great Z that i let go and shouldnt have. basically what im saying is the cars that you are looking at are priced really high and the quality of the car should reflect the price. its just the way i look at it but if i have the money to afford an 11k Z it best be perfect. if you were willing to travel you could do much better on the west side then the east side and the money you save can go to upgrades, paint change or the like, making it what you want it to be. just my .02
Guess the engine
its a 93.5+ toyota supra turbo motor from the JZ series.