Everything posted by ZmeFly
Head Bolt Hex Size
they did use the same size
Turbo vs Stroker? whats better?
id have to find his site but a freind of mine jeff priddy has a stroked turbo motor that was at last count before addition of new mods put 450 to the wheels. definetly an awesome motor. his compression is at 8.5:1
labeled the ultimate sleeper
very nice alfa i like it lots. one thing though you need to get some shots of that engine :classic:
labeled the ultimate sleeper
the Zedless one speaks out just kidding by the way Alfa do you have any pics of that car of yours?
labeled the ultimate sleeper
before but i just love the car over all. i think its a good article and the person that did this car did an excellent job with all that he did to modify the car.
i cry everytime i see your car dude. you KNOWWWWWWW you have to get another Z and switch over. you just have to
heh i was just going to say that. i dont like the truck style wheels on the Z. your Z though is looking great!
I need a fly wheel ( flex plate) Portland ORE
i couldnt find flywheels anymore only the ring gear itself. drums can be very expensive concidering you can still buy those at about 90 dollars a piece!!!
Turbo vs Stroker? whats better?
and im a little biased but i would have to say that you would need to go turbo for the hp that you want and there is nothing wrng with the P90a head. my 280ZXT has one with 177k on the clock running 15# of boost and is still going strong:) and on the 7th day god created booooost!
labeled the ultimate sleeper
i LOVE:love: :love: IT http://www.pasmag.com/news/get.asp?ID=586&tsectionkey=features#
Wanted Rear Sway Bar for 73'
pretty cheap too just make an off it has urethane mount bushings but no end links
its completly easy to see if they fit though. if they do be prepared to stop!!!!!
triple weber...but where the pcv??
glad to see it went well. hehe wait till you get her dialed in with those carbs tuned, she should run like a monster.
triple weber...but where the pcv??
one most of mine they didnt have it or use a catch can. what id usually do is put a filter on the crank case vent as well.
My First Flash Site.
where it says enter and email and i tried to enter and well i had gotten no further:stupid:
here is a list of things to check. suspension parts ie tie rod ends, ball joints, tc rod, bushings, wheel bearings check the tire for being out of round, wheel damage, balance, lost balance weights check your steering rack for play as well, and the associated bushings, and of course make sure your wheel is attached properly
Opinions on those Clear Headlight Covers... for an Z
and ive seen them and wanted them on a Z as well. me personally i think they look fantastic and give it that little extra. i love em
triple weber...but where the pcv??
most use a k and n filter in its place plus it cleans up the engine bay. if you think you might need that or are concerned you could always hook up a catch can for the breather and the block. good luck and get some pics so we can see your new tri carb set up. hehe how do you like the way they sound, nothing like a set of tripples revving up the engine is there:love:
Holley on a Z
your best bet on a stock or even more then stock motor would be the round top su's hands down. personally i wouldnt waste my time and or money doing that conversion. point being why would you want a down draft carb on a motor set up for side draft carburetors. if you do upgrade and go for more power ie boring and working the head and doing the cam, then go triples or beef up the su's stay away from the 4 barrel convert just my .02
valve adjustment wrench?
CRAFTSMAN!! i used to own a set of craftsman tools. they never seemed to fit right and i thought it was me. its not its the wrenches are made poorly. before kobalt changed theyre line i would have recomended them but now theyre new line looks just like craftsman. find a good set of wrenches.
valve-rocker gap adjust tips
thats how ive always done it
Brake Drama's
my money would be on the booster or the check valve. if you have a vacumn tester you can eliminate rather quickly
Precious comes out
yes i do catch a LOT of flack for the ZXT but hey i like it its fun fast and rides worse then a 240 on coil overs . love a car that rides the road like a tank and handles like its on rails now if i had a 240Z to put this engine in ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM:love:
Ever heard of this site???
i think this is one of the best air damns ive ever seen on a Z sweeet!! :love: http://www.fourways-engineering.co.uk/images/240z.jpg
valve adjustment wrench?
the lock nut is 14 mm and the nut you turn to adjust the valves is 17mm. its pretty straight forward from there. .08 intake .10 exhaust cold and .10 and .12 hot respectively