Everything posted by ZmeFly
Precious comes out
inside and out except for two things one LEARN how to USE YOUR SCANNER!! :stupid: second and i really hate to say it because its such a beautiful car, but its just that its, well, automatic in any event its a great looking Z drive on:D
This is an experiment gone TERRIBLY wrong...
ive seen that done to a 260Z :sick: :sick: now to a 280ZX, this is what you get when someone with to much time on there hands get to cutting and hacking. you might be a redneck if?????
carbs and intake?
just the best all around carb you can have for your Z
What does Z weigh?
that i weighed that is, 71 240Z, weighed in with completly stock set up including spare tire and tool bag at 2280 with a half a tank of gas my 72 240Z, with spare, fiberglass aero kit, ZX wheels weighed in at 2350 with a full tank of gas
FINALLY, Precious is unveiled
from what i can see it is nice:love:
Stalls at Idle
threw the carbs means that they are running lean and threw the exhaust is runing rich what i would do since the carbs are very simple and easy to work on is take the domes off and clean the carbs out well. make sure your pistons arent sticking, put the lot back together. make sure that your floats are set properly, then start to tune in your carbs. also one other thing to do is check your timing and make sure that it is also correct
fireing order
it is counter clockwise and its 1 5 3 6 2 4 its easily remember by to young to old just right:D
Decisions, Decisions
and like 2many said have a stock cam, stay with the su's. hehe but you know your just dieing to hear those 6 throats open up and give you that grin:cheeky: that only a set of triples can give you. stick with the su's for now. later down the road when you upgrade put those mikunis on
Identify the diff...
and the mustache bar i would be prone to believe its an R180, they were stock on the 260Z us model but i dont know if that was different for the au model
What Carbs...
but thats me, and i have yet to see any car making real power use the 4 barrel conversion, i would either go with round top su's or if you have the engine, and the cams and set up for it go with the triples. you will never get the power you can out of efi but thats another subject. heres another thought, norm from north carolina, built and runs daily a 71 240Z with su's on his and i mean this very literally junkyard stroker motor and his best time at the track is 12.8 or 12.9 im not sure which but that is on ALL MOTOR and SU's. so take it from there. me personally i like the very simple and effective su's
I am an Idiot.
they are what they call lifetime joint replacement parts. they dont last a lifetime though. with your ball joints and tierod ends that you purchased that have the grease fittings they do come with a little lube inside them already. with the limited mileage you have driven i wouldnt think that you did any real damage. grease them up well and check to see if you have any play in the joints you installed. you should be alright
su carb oil
ive always used marvel mystery oil and never had any problems with my carbs at all, if anything they helped the car run better
The Fast and The Furious
and whoever they had gotten to help them along with whats real and not must have been living on fantasy island with Tatoo i wonder do they still show FWD cars doing burnouts from the rear. does a car with a blown motor and fried pistons still start right up and run from the cops? do the floors fall out from to much NAWWWSSS! is there anything that is faster then the hondas and mitsu's in the movie?? the first one was an insult to any gear heads mind, if the second is anything like it ill wait to see it on tv:sick:
Restoration in NJ
renting a trailer wouldnt cost you much at all and most everything you need to do you would be able to yourself with basic tools. concidering the car was sitting so long most of the hoses and seals are going to probably be shot, if not they wont be healthy. then there is the block itself, is it rotating freely or not. one thing you can do right now is remove the spark plugs and shoot some oil down into the pistons and let them soak, remove the valve cover and do the same with the cam and timing gear. you would also want to bleed and check all brake lines and there respective calipers and wheel cylinders, clutch master and slave if you have a 4 speed. next if the tank has fuel in it still remove the nut at the bottom of the tank and drain it. disconnect the lines from the carbs send forced air threw them making sure they are clean. pull the domes off of the carbs clean them out make sure all parts are working properly. if you took this car to a shop you would get raped!! just put it on a trailer and take it home yourself good luck
Three wheels
but they are some nice looking wheels:love:
another victum of a Zed Murder
especially now seeing that i am partially blind from looking at a truely disgusting version of the camel gt kit:sick: :sick: :sick:
OT: What car next??
the 200ZR if you need a sporty car to drive around in now i would say take the 200ZR if you can wait, id wait for either the MA70 supra, they do handle well, or most definetly the R32:love:
Crap, I only get 17MPG.... :( ... what i can do...
17 in the city isnt bad at all. if it hasnt been done though a full tune up will help you out. if your not sure or do not know if its been done then go threw the car with new plugs wires cap rotor fuel filter air filter, adjust the vavles, service your tranny and your rear, just to make sure that the car is up to maintenance standards. i have a 83 ZXT and around town i get about 18 mpg, hehe on the highway, as long as im being good though i get up to 28-30 mpg. one thing that will help a bit is switching to a 5 speed, then again it might not because youw ill be driving it harder:devious:
Removing Door Panels
use the panel puller it is much better, and though you may have luck with a screwdriver and or a putty knife when you dont and you destroy that 32 year old card board behind that vynil well i think i said enough. if your panels are nice clean and straight then i wouldnt use anything else
Can you "Identify the Accordian?"
it doesnt matter what the car was, but damn that had to hurt \ OUUUUUCCCCH
A Pleasant Suprise, and Confirmation of What Previous Owner Stands for
at least to much. and that sa great find you got there.
Fuel Pump Upgrade?
go to summitracing.com and check out the msd pump that they have there. seems to be a decent pump for the price. they also have others that are there as well. if you plan on putting power to the car i would suggest you go to www.Zcar.com and do a search for author jeffp once you find one of his posts, get his email and talk to him he currently has a stroked L28ET putting over 450 to the ground, im sure he could help you out with fuel needs.
86 300zx t-top
Forbes speaks on the 240Z the peoples sports car
http://www.forbes.com/home/2003/05/13/cx_mf_0513vow.html check it out:bunny:
looking at the pics of the car with the outer panel rust, and concidering the location, it looks to have battery tray rust, fire wall rust and more the likely frame rail rust and floor pan rust. umm what does he think he has, a mint condition 280Z. in my eyes this car is worth about 500 usd if it runs