well i guess i might as well join in. My name is shane Marzullo i am 34 years old man, married with two daughters. i own a 1973 240z datsun. i was given this car by father when he died in 1985. he was the original owner and bought it in calf. when he moved to ohio the rust got to it so he restored it. it only took him 7 years but he did it. after he died my mom just left it in storage not telling me that it was mine(she thought i was to young to have it). by the way my mom idea of storage was outside in the weather for 3 or 4 years(great for the paint job and rust). she deside to tell me it was my car when i was 20 years old. when i picked the car up out of storage ( yes a real storage place this time. i think she had a clue about the weather) it was in fair condition. there was some cracks from the bondo and paint. so driving it for a while i saw that it need some work. so i put it up for storage. this year i have started to restore it. the best help i have had is this web site (THANK ALL OF YOU) from the mazda miata seats to the body panels and color. once i am done i will up load my photos for all to see.