Looking at a 240... need advice
I'm kinda thinkin maybe I should wait... all I really want is something with a decent body, because I want to swap... Do these fiberglass kits replace the actual body panel? I'm a little confused on the whole unibody thing.
Looking at a 240... need advice
I'm in Springfield, MO by the way. Even if my plans were to replace parts with something like the Subtle Z kit, you still think it is not worth it? I don't know how to describe the rust, it didn't seem that bad to me. Then again this is the first car w/ rust I will have ever had. I mean the entire engine bay and interior was rust free (he had all the carpet out of the car). it was just spotty surface rust, and there was only one spot where it had actually eaten through the fender. Sorry, I'm bad at describing rust, not a lot of experience with it.
Looking at a 240... need advice
I am looking at a 240 here in town and it seems like a good deal to me, but I do not know a whole lot about the old Z cars. It is a 1973, original engine, has been rebuilt at least twice. It has the 280 head, aftermarket carbs. I'm not sure of everything it has. He also has lots of parts to throw in, one being an electric fuel pump from an RX-7. The body has some minor damage, the worst is the front right fender for which he has a replacement (more on that later). It has the typical rust. Some minor spots on every panel, worst is the rocker panels. The engine was just rebuilt, he's drove it up and down the street to see that it runs (has about 5 miles on it). The interior looked really good, not perfect, but pretty good for being over 25 years old. He has done a lot of work on it. It was originally orange, but a previous owner put a crappy coat of white on (it's peeling in places). Here is the other bonus. The selling price also includes a 1972 parts car. This car is in worse shape, mainly being that it has surface rust on most of the body. The aforementioned fender is comeing from this car however (it had been replaced at some point, in perfect condition, never painted). Has a complete engine and tranny, but he's never looked at it to see their condition. He did say that the Tranny and LSD looked good though. The interior is almost in slightly better shape than the 73 (the dash mainly... even oem radio!). Also has the old head from the 73 in it. He is selling all this for $1500/obo... This seems like a good deal to me, please let me know what you think. I am also wondering how tough it is to do all the "de-rusting" and are there any full body fiberglass kits? Thanks! Kyle
Noob FAQ?
Thanks very informative!
Noob FAQ?
Hey guys, I'm new here I'm looking at a 1973 240z that I saw in the paper (haven't even seen it yet). I don't know a lot about them, and I didn't see any FAQ's anywhere. Anyone know of a site telling general info about the old Z cars? I have many questions but I'm sure many of them have been answered already. the article says: DATSUN 1973 240Z rebuilt engine, brakes, electrical. New tires. $1500/obo. I'll probably take a look at it tomorrow. Thanks!!