Everything posted by LanceM
No bumpers?
Interesting Carl, didn't know about the 240 being used as an example, too bad it had to be used as a bad example!!
No bumpers?
Wingnut, You will have to use 240 brackets to mount them up, they don't bolt directly to the body. sonofzzzap, I agree that shaved it looks like it is suppose to be that way, so many of the new cars have bumpers that hardly look like bumpers at all. My own experiance is that with the 240 rear bumper, there seems to be more damage because the bumper was there if you get hit in the rear, in my opinion it was mearly decoration and there is little lost in its absence. You have a point about the insurance adjuster, but that is something I'm willing to risk.
No bumpers?
I have mine shaved in the rear and only 1/4 bumpers in the front that are fiberglass. Never been a problem in the past but then I never give anyone a reason to stop me and "visit" along the roadside.
seat belts
My 73 also had the non retracting seperate shoulder belt, definitly not an option piece on this particular car.
v8 confusion
Welcome, Personally if money is an issue making HP out of a Z engine cost $. If you can do the work yourself a V8 is the way to go, if you have to pay someone then you need to find another car to modify... www.hybridz.org is a great place to learn about V8 swaps into Z cars, there you will be better able to find out cost and what is best.
How Old?
I'm sure that this is been asked before, and since there is new blood here I don't see why we can't see what the current spread is..... Just had my birthday this month, and hitting the 50+ button you can see why I call myself the old Z guy
Wo, >The palpable dived in the US. I know when I'm beat. This is beyond me, I'm out of this thread! KMack, nice truck looks just like mine except mine is a 1500, wish it was a 4 door though, hate walking around to get something out of the backseat!
Carl, Not that I disagree with you but I think that we all need to get used to the changing world. We (the US) are quickly becoming something besides the worlds manufacture, with countrys like Korea (world leader in mfg of electronic items) and soon China having their industrial revolutions, we must find another "product" to sell in the world economy. As far as dependance on foriegn oil, we can and need to develop our own, or let the price of gas get to a point that a good alternatve is developed. Until the American people complain loud enough no manufacture is going to spend the money to develop something that works well and gets us where we want to go in the style that we are acustomed to at a price that the "common" man can afford, not that I see that they are manufacturing any cars that "common" people can afford anymore, at least by my standards.
believe it or not
Carl, There are no shocks or compressors, the front has heavy steel brackets that mount to the frame rails and they have a piece of pipe welded on the end that fills the bumper at the mounting point. The rear is decoration just like on earlier models and I think no different.
believe it or not
My 73 (mfg 11/72) has bumpers that look like a 70-72 but the front mounting brackets are different.
I'm with you KMack Give me an H1 anyday! I get a kick out of those that "hate SUV's" for any reason. What business is it of their's what someone else drives? Next it will be "too big of house", or some other crap, these people need to get a life! But here I can see that it is all of you left coast people that hate Hummers, of course there is little need for a Hummer on the left coast, probably can't drive on the beach anymore, might crush some little left wing blue spotted soft shelled something Now if you lived somewhere where you could really use one you might find it a little harder to dislike them. But then that is just an opinion from a midwest, red state, redneck, but no matter what I sure wouldn't want to give up my 3 4X4's just to make some treehugger happy, and BTW if you happen to see me on the road and decide to flip me off, well do yourself a favor and do it from behind me Here's a pic of my "hummer" 91 Jimmy, 355 SBC one fine machine, on road, off road, sun rain or snow. Without it I probably wouldn't be able to get to work because of the snow we are suppose to get tonight-tomorrow, 6-10"... Oh BTW, the wife says she couldn't take any more if I.... well you know what I mean.... Ok flame suit on
Part # for 240Z windshield??
Sure am glad that I asked this question, as it is starting to look like there is more here that just picking up a part where you can find one.
Help on a parts car!!
I got an 81 ZX for $200 last year, drove it for a month and decided that I didn't want to plate it and stripped it, kept the engine and the tranny, sold the rest of the parts on ebay and made over $700, go figure
believe it or not
Hey it's only an hour drive for Tomohawk, maybe you could get him to check it out! It's almost 5 hours one way for me otherwise I'd head out for a look myself!
Steel Headlight Covers
Those are the originals, BSR was the only ones that I know of that made them back in the 70's
Steel Headlight Covers
Hi Brett, I was hoping to sell a couple sets to help recoup my cost for making the molds, I haddn't gotten far enought to think about a price but I will and I'll PM you about it. I moved the stock lites into the grill but have never been happy with the arrangement, and I'm planning to go to the pick and pull once the weather gets better and look at something from like a Camaro that will be mounted tighter to the bottom of the hood behind the grill. Once I get that figured out I'll put some pics in my gallery showing how it works.
High comp motor requires higher head bolt torque?
Before you go tearing it all apart, rings wouldn't allow antifreeze into the cylinders even if they were bad. I would clean things up, change the oil and crank it to make sure everything goes round and there are no cracks in the block that you can see in 1 or 2 cylinders. Then I would check that the head is still flat, if it is I would put it back together and run a compression check on it. If that's good then you probably just had a bad or blew a head gasket. I would say that since it just stopped and you have that much fluid in the cylinders it was a pretty catastrophic failure, not something leaking a little bit...
Part # for 240Z windshield??
Ah you guys are killing me! Thanks for the # I'll stop by and try anyway, like you said you just never know. The worst part is mine is gone, busted, hauled away so taking it somewhere is sort of out of the question and I live like 35 miles from anywhere that does things like that so cost could be a killer for install.... Might have to give the insurance man a "rock hit it" call )
Part # for 240Z windshield??
I'm hoping that someone can look up a good part # for me for a 73 240Z windshield. Considering the fun (NOT) that I had with my aftermarket fender I would like to drop by the dealer and give him a number and see if it's available, and since this is a Nissan dealer it would sure help to have the # in hand. Also I heard somewhere that some of the aftermarket windshields didn't fit right and I don't want to go through that nightmare with a windshield!!!
Steel Headlight Covers
In most cases I don't believe it is legal to have lights that you have to get out of the car to operate, so removing painted plastic ones when you need light in most states is probably not an option. Here are a couple of pics of mine, the freshly blended one is mine, the other one (passengers side) is an original Bob Sharp racing item from the 70's.
High comp motor requires higher head bolt torque?
Just to answer your question, head bolt torque stays the same no matter the compression. The torque amount is more a factor of the bolt than the head/block assembly.
B&M wants to borrow your car!
Ha Ha perfect reply
Steel Headlight Covers
I have made molds to produce fiberglass covers that are blended in and painted. Headlights have to be moved to the grill area. I'll take a pic of mine tonight if you want to see it.
B&M wants to borrow your car!
>>>I saw a $120,000 Mustang GT500 on the Barrett-Jackson (Arizona) auction recently, even though it's a re-run from last year( just musclecar auctions). It had an automatic transmission. MANY of the Shelby Mustangs had them. Hardly the "most popular American sports car", perhaps one of the most wanted, but nobody could afford them then or now. >>>The idea isn't to improve the shifter, but to get the 4-speed pattern that most people associate with older-, or sporty- cars. ???? Sounds rice to me, don't make it better just make it cool!!! better yet how about a sticker, "I could have been a 4 speed"!!! Sorry but sometimes I wonder where you come up with this stuff, Gameboy broke??
What does the original battery look like?
The original battery was in my Z when I got it, needless to say it's not there anymore, but I seem to remember that the Yuasa and the caps were yellow or green, green seems to stand out to me, clashed with the orange engine bay.... but that was 20+ years ago...