Everything posted by LanceM
Fuel Pump Question!
No, it is an in tank pump, no way to install it in a Z, at least not in a 240.
Choke location lever location
The choke lever should be sticking out of the slot in the console in front of the ash tray. The lever attached to the bottom of the console and being plastic they break, yours must have broken some time in the past and was removed. There are various methods of attaching them to the transmission hump so if you can find a replacement it can be fitted even if the mounts on the console are broken. Nice shag, just had to say that
What color is this?
In 67 Ford had a color that was very simular...
Value of low mileage halfshafts
They have value, don't just junk them.
What are your favorite Quotes?
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so". - (Act II, Scene II). Hamlet
Equilizing front braking
My best guess is that sometime in the past the RF caliper went bad and ruined the rotor, and both were replaced on that side only (not a good thing IMO, do to both sides what you are going to do to one). I would think of replacing the caliper and maybe rotor if it too thin to turn on the LF and your balance should be back. Thickness of the rotor should have no effect on the "balance" of the braking.
opinion please
They have the typical rot, you won't know for certain until they are off the car how bad they really are but I would vote for fixing before replacing
Anyone running a P90A head? Need Help!
If that was true then it wouldn't have worked with the big cam either, or so you would think...
The best replacements are available at your Datsun dealer, they are still available. Get the ones from a dealer as all of the aftermarket ones are pretty bad fit wise. Do a search, this has come up before and I remember someone posting the dealer part #s.
Acetone in your gas!!!
Looks like more of an ad for scangauge to me, I agree with jmortesen, BS... Along with finding this further along in their site: RESPONSE: That is not what is being claimed here. The opening paragraph of this page states that improvements in mileage by the addition of acetone have been modest, in the range of 2 - 10%, and that some of that is likely to be due to cleaning of the engine Ah, cleaning of the engine....
Auto to five speed questions
Yes Don't know about the cap you speak of but the end of the crank should be exposed so that the input shaft of the tranny can enter into the pilot bearing. I would say no spacer behind flywheel.
Anyone running a P90A head? Need Help!
That would be easy to check, pop one out and measure it!
Anyone running a P90A head? Need Help!
I'm beginning to think you belong on the moon or are already there.... Thanks for the sideshow, Bob...
Anyone running a P90A head? Need Help!
ZSaint, Never saw a P90A, do they use a roller type lifter??? If so is it possible that they are inserted 180 degrees from where they should be. Since rollers don't rotate perhaps one oil hole is higher than the other, in your case perhaps the discharge hole is never getting uncovered durning the lift cycle causing the lifter to pump up?
door removal
One more question guys, the door hinge mounting points on the door appear welded in place, so all adjustment happens at the body mounting point??
Anyone running a P90A head? Need Help!
No big deal, life is a learning process, learning usually ends at death... except for those that already know it all, their death came sooner just they haven't stopped breathing yet...
Anyone running a P90A head? Need Help!
They require heavier springs to prevent valve float at high rpm, they have nothing to do with draining the lifter, that happens when the oil hole in the lifter drops below the lifter hole in the block and opens itself to the return oil galley in a SBC. An to your other post, a P90/P90A head uses an internally oiled cam, so the cam lift is the only real modification to the head in this case.
door removal
Thanks guys, I'm in process and am doing what you recommended, glad I did, found you know what under the lower door hinge... Rust!!! will it never end!!! Boy am I glad this was a Calif car
What color primer 70 Z car?
Just pulled a door off my 11/72 build date 240, some gray primer under one hinge bare rusty steel under the other.....?? on mine it is easy to see the brush marks in all of the black paint, especally under/behind the quarter windows.
Anyone running a P90A head? Need Help!
It is my thinking that bleed down would cause excessive clearance, by being bled down the lifter would not be lifting to all the way, lack of bleed down would cause the lifter clearance to go to zero and cause excessive lift/minumum clearance. All of my experiance is with SBC, but in any case a hydralic lifter works the same, zero lash. I agree with one of the earlier posts that you must have some type of return blockage, where the lifters pump up and the oil can't escape, pumping them up to the top with enough pressure to overcome the closed spring pressure holding the valves open. I don't know squat about Datsun lifters so they may be a whole nother ball of wax but I would think that in theory they would all work the same... In any case I've never seen a lifter fail because it pumped up and wouldn't release, they always fail because they won't pump up, wether it's because of a collapsed spring inside or excessive clearances in the lifter itself (worn out)... I would think that excessive valve spring pressure would overcome the lifter giving you a won't pump up effect as the spring pressure is greater than the hydralic pressure in the lifter forcing the oil out of the lifter and reducing your lift. Anyway my $.02, looking forward to what the builder has to say...
Z Car Jacket ?
Oh yeah I've thought of buying a nice jacket and taking it to a local embrodry (sp?) shop with my own design. Last time I checked the price was reasonable for what you could have done and it wasn't iron on crap that cracks and washes off. I have a club jacket that they did probably 15 years ago and with a good washing it looks like new.
What color primer 70 Z car?
That's a question I've wondered about myself. There are places where I have sanded through grey and hit red oxide with no apparent color paint in between... Makes me wonder, I figure red oxide was probably still the color of choice in the early 70's, expecially under the typical solid colors available then. I always thought that it was mid late 70's that gray came into major use and red fell to it's current almost not available status. Of course who shoots laquer primer anymore??
door removal
I've decided to remove the doors on my 240 for clean up and paint. Just thought I'd ask before I start if there is something I shouldn't do, such as don't remove the hinge from the door, or don't remove the hinge from the body.... any disaster prevention tips would be welcome, on door removal that is Thanks in advance!
Will ya miss me ????
Enrique is right, when I was in Korea there was a "Guest computer" on line in the lobby, had to get on it early in the morning or late at night, it seemed that most of the locals in the neighborhood considered themselves guests when using it also
A new z-less wonder
Hooter's on Jimmy Carter Blvd.... Just dosen't seem right, Hooter's on Bill Clinton Ave I could see :)