Everything posted by 1975yellowBSPZ
Is this unsafe to drive?
try posting them to your gallery
Broken head bolt
did you heat the block, bolt,, or both?
Wheel Stud Pattern Adapters
280Z and 280ZX head gaskets
I have a 76 L28e N42, and it looks like I got the wrong head gasket. The gasket says 81-83 280ZX on it, for a F54 casting I'm guessing. Will this gasket work or do I need to return it and get the proper unit? thanks.
Broken head bolt
I'm dealing with the exact same problem, But I think I'm worse off. Heating didn't seem to help and I don't have enough salvagable threads above the deck to get a nut on. When I got the ease out to seat the bolt just refused to budge at all. I put penetrating oil in the ease out hole, which is now almost the length of the remaining bolt due to the repeated attempts to remove it. My motor is in the car and I really don't want to have to pull it out as it was a pretty big hassle getting it in there. I don't know what my options are if it won't come out tonight w/ the ease out.
It's time to choose...
I'm with Enrique, 350z "lemans sunset"
Need a new roof for my Z
What do you guys do to the tops of your cars over there!!!! Hint: the shiny side goes -UP- (opposite of sailboats)
a few extra horses....
IMO, best bet: decent turbo motor w/ adjustable boost controller, larger TB and mega squirt computer. Put an LSD, that will make more differce then most of the engine mods anyway. Simple easy swap that the car was designed for.
Help, Radiator question
I am assuming then that these do not need to be blocked?
Help, Radiator question
I just had to get a new radiator in a hurry. got it from radiators.com I have a 75 280z 4spd The radiator has 2 small nipples at the bottom towards the center on the side facing the engine. I don't recall my old radiator had these, (it is still at the shop that said they wouldn't bother fixing it,) Are these for lines for an auto tranny and need to be plugged or do I just need to fumble around a while longer to figure out where they go?
Help, WTB N42/N47 head/radiator in Dallas
picked up a low milage head and all the needed gaskets at zcarworld in houston, have a radiator on the way from radiators.com. Will try to get it put together this weekend. Haven't checked my funds to see if I have any left after buying tools fluids etc... hope so, sure could use some tires! thanks everyone that helped!
Colour Schemes
thats "Le Mans Sunset"
Colour Schemes
I think you should go for the 350z Le Mans Sunset. I think it'd look great on an early Z.
Help, WTB N42/N47 head/radiator in Dallas
whoops, n47 is round exhaust ports, I have square port headers I'm assuming this is a nono. Guess I need to narrow this down to an n42 head... :stupid:
Help, WTB N42/N47 head/radiator in Dallas
I don't think a 73 will work, anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think the 280 unit is taller and requires a similar for replacement
Help, WTB N42/N47 head/radiator in Dallas
HELP!!!!! ZCOT member in a bit of a jam. as many of you may know I had to pull the motor from my Z, found it had piston/valve interference and was shot. Put in a low milage 76 N42 casting L28 It has a broken exhaust manifold stud, with a broken easeout in it which needs to be ground out and retapped. It also could use a a valve job. Cold compression - 135 130 135 130 130 100 The quotes I've recieved to do this work have been really really high. Does anyone have a N42/N47 head which I could bolt on and go? I also recieved bad news from the radiator shop, they can't rebuild my radiator so that will come from my available engine funds -ack- So I'll need a decent one of those too. I have cash in hand (albeit not a lot of it) and will take any help I can get to get this this running prior to auto-x season!!!
Wadaya think?
I was looking at something similar from Diamond, No up charge for the 4 bolt pattern. I was looking in a 15X7 so I could run victoracers or azenis. Several scca Z guys run them. There is a weight penalty but a lot of aftermarket alloys weigh more. For the money they seem to be the ticket, as you can get basicly any size/ offset you need. Let me know how it works out for you as I'll be likely doing the same as budget allows. http://www.diamondracingwheels.com/ProSeries.htm
New Graphics on my Z
How about a stylized BRE type of a deal, maybe red/blue or yellow black I'll look at it and see if I can do something better..
RB26dett in the 350z
Huh?!? "IT will rape all you b***** if it was done " AND "didnt mean to start an agument" now I really am confused.
RB26dett in the 350z
I don't know about that, I have a lot of experience at being an idiot.
5spd better or 4spd
I have the 4 speed and 4.11? gears, and for autoX I think It'll be great, but I'd love to have that fifth gear so I don't redline when I hit the speed limit on the highway.... bw
RB26dett in the 350z
You lost me right after "350z" and "RB26", but I like 350z's and RB26's so tell your friend that he's A-ok in my book if he ever finishes his car. As long as he doesn't allow his car to rape anyone, that just doesn't seem very nice at all. Bryan "Just Say No to Modified Nissan Product Rape"
what about the new z's?
I like them, at least as much as I like any car built after 1979.. I think the look of the car - although a bit chubby, is clean and quite "Z" I am not sure I'd drop 30k on one. For 30k these days a WRX sTi looks awfully nice to me..Can carry the wife and kid, gets good millage, can drive it in the snow, maybe a wrc rally replica.....
Roll call for DFW members
I've been noticing that there are quite a few Dallas/Ft worth members on the board and thought it might be handy to just have everyone raise their hand. We could possibly do a cruise sometime or meet at one of ZCOT's. I have a yellow 75 280 (see my gallery) and live in n. dallas/ carrollton. Would like to put a name/face with some of the Z's I see driving around. Bryan
How wide is too wide?
You'll have to post pictures when your done, we are all waiting to see how it turns out. Bw