Thanks for the info, guys. THe rest of the car looks great, excellent paint job, mostly new interior, no exterior rust, etc. - The underbody was the only thing I wasn't too sure about. Thanks again!
I am looking to drop up to about 5000-5500 for the car. Actually, Korg, I was quite interested in your ad that I saw on another site - I will try to contact you later if you are still selling it WannaZ - Won't shipping costs be more than the travel costs? How much can you get a car shipped across the country for, nowadays? I'm located in Weymouth.
Year is unimportant to me. I want a 240 that has little to no rust, in good running condition. I would prefer a car that does not require much body work/reconditioning. Must be a manual transmission. Other than that, I am not very picky - I am willing to travel anywhere in the Continental U.S. if it looks worth my while. Of course, this requires that the car be in good neough running condition that I can drive it back to Mass. (Having a very difficult time finding a 240 worth buying here in Massachusetts) Thanks!