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Everything posted by Xargon321

  1. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Like this ?? (excuse the poor rendition i cant draw it even worse with a mouse )
  2. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Doh No Picture
  3. Xargon321 posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    ok my car running a it rich and i wasn to recheck the setup to make sure my setup it right, how is the needle setup exactly? with pics mabey? the haynes manual i have show what looks like a groove on the bottom of the piston should the needle be flush with that groove or the surface? or am i just plain wrong?(cant remember what the bottom of mine look like :stupid: ) the needles and nozzles are ztherapy.. also the float adjust ment should be 1/2 inch from the inside top of the float chamber or the lip where the gasket seats?
  4. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    well ive made at relay harness to use with my lights. its not installed yet but will be tommorw will see if that helps at all. i looked at the turnsignal flasher and it only plugs in one way, i checked the caseing for any signs that it might be heavy duty but didnt see any, it looks just like the one thats on my 65 stang
  5. Xargon321 replied to 2ManyZs's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    if its a complete car it would be worth restoring if you can do metal work everything else can be cleaned up and fixed right hand drives are very rare here. can most body panels from our cars fix on the one?
  6. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    what about my turn signals they make my lights dim a bit even when im going down the road? are the wattages on halegens standardized? if so what are they? i have my idle about 900 so the problem isent to annoying at the moment, my radio isent cutting out anymore. any chance of building a harness to run the lights off of the battery directly and useing a relay to turn them on when the switch it hit? im very handy with a soldering iron so doing it myself is not a problem also they dim at idle with just the lights on and nothing else.
  7. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    but would that cause everything else to slow down at idle with them on? when i turn them on it brings my idle down a little cause of the load on the alt
  8. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    the headlights are halogen if that makes any diffence
  9. check your rotor cap on your distrib if the ignition box was going out it would not spark at the coil, the ignition is what tells the coil to spark when you checked you spark plugs did you hold them aginst the block? make sure they are touching or very close. once the coil fires it should go to the spark plug unless the rotor in there is fubar but then is shouldnet run at all. try pulling the injectors and holding them in a jar to see if they are working, i still think that the computer might be cutting out when it gets warmyou don thave to pull it out just tap it when its warm and running and see if it stops the car also make sure the connector is tight
  10. sounds like a prob that some cars have with the computer once it warms up it dies, start it up and give the computer a nice tap see if it cuts off, after it warms up a bit of course
  11. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    The battery was fully charged by my local autoparts store, its a optima gelcell putting out around 1000+ cranking amps, i need to get the lightbulbs out and check those as i think they are the problem as it show up only when the lights are on. Neg. battery cable grounds on the body before going to the engine?? it doesnt on mine but i have a 260, dont know if its any differnt tho. i check my hayes manual and it doesent show the 260 grounding on the body like the 240. i installed the radio i used the stock wireing except the speakers i had to repaire the console harness and the po butcherd it. the only other wire its the memory wire but its ran right to the battery
  12. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    ok changed out all the fuses, Guess i didnt look at them hard enough :stupid: had a 15a in the left light and a almost rotten fuse in the right, and varies others where to high of fues, i cleaned the fuse holders and replaced the fues and it seems to be a little bit better but its still very noticable
  13. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    Ya im going to have to check the resistance, the alt should be new i bought a new one and a vr cause they where both bad, i get the amp meter to move up when i give it gas, but at idle with the lights on it show that it cant keep up. The alt it rated to spin 1000-13,500 rev/min i dont think going to a slightly smaller pully will bring it out side that range. hmm i just thought of somthing else im going to thave to check the part # off the alt they might have given me the 37.5 one insted of the 45 amp one :stupid:
  14. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    well just a few things i noted while driving tonight. at idle with the lights on and my radio on i turned my wipers on and it killed my radio once the wipers completed thier pass my radio came back on, this also happens when i turn my heater fan on as well. once i got home and shut the engine off i left my radio and lights on and when my wiper turned on it killed my radio till the wipers where done. are there anyother ideas? anyone know the formula to figure the alt revs to crank rev so i can figure what pulley size id would need if it is that?
  15. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    well i checked the ground and it only read about .007-.008 volts thats with the engine at idle with no accesorys running. should i have the head lights on when i do this? also i though going to a smaller pully would increase the alts rpm at idle? causeing it to produce voltage at a lower engine rpm?
  16. Xargon321 replied to Xargon321's post in a topic in Electrical
    well sorry i havent gotten back to you but found things that needed to be fixed right away(oil leak), Just how do i check the volt difference between engine and the body? the red should be on the engine and black on the body? any specific place to check it from?? i have a digital Multi meteri can use, also id the alt spining enough at idle to charge the batterey with a load on it? my idles about 800, is this a common thing in z's? i thought of getting a smaller pully to run the alt faster would this hurt anything??
  17. so does anyone want to do a get together this weekend or so? i wont beable to go to the keizer meeting, and they probably dont want a lot of non members over at the dyno day thing. I do believe i met bruce when i went to ztherapy to pickup a set of needles and nozzles for my z.
  18. just wanted to know how many people are in the portland/vancouver area, and mabey have a impromtu get together mabey this weekend or next? i just want to meet members in this area,
  19. naw some minor revamping of the engine and you would be on your way there are some alternate fuel cars running around on reguler engines with minor alterations, i do believe Hydrogen is one of them. i saw a hydro powererd 427 cobra(donated by carrel shelby) and its all the same power with just water for emissions
  20. Xargon321 replied to shyfty's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Resoldered what the wires in the turn signal switch? its self or some where else? the turn signals power runs threw that hazard switch which has power all the times, mine turn signals didnt work cause this was way corrouded and once i cleaned it they worked great, also your high beams switch runs with the turnsignal switch. is it possible you crossed a wire or mabey bridged a connection with some solder that caused the short?
  21. Xargon321 replied to ampsman's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    a good primer will hold off rust for a while, i was sujecting a quick fix to hold the rust at bay utill you can paint it. as for sandpaper probably 120 grit+ it shouldent take to long to get rid of the rust.
  22. Xargon321 replied to ampsman's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    for surface rust, just sand it off and then spray primer on it, if you want to keep the car one color you can spray it with matching color paint after the primer, that should get you to the real paint job
  23. Xargon321 replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    well like i said make a list of it happening from now on establish a pattern.. i would say dont call the police to but if you cant take are of it your self and she has threatend you gf i would really keep track of it.
  24. Xargon321 replied to Fun_in_my_z's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Tell her point blank that your not interested in going out with her? if that dont dont work start keeping track of when, how her bugs you and take it to the cops, its harrassment, whats she is doing to you. im not that old but ive ran into that kind of problem before.....
  25. it should just drop in but you can do a search on it to be sure

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